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TCoD WSC: Week 5


New member

Theme: Alternate Evolution

Medium: Scratch Sprite

Ok, since last week was a somewhat easier week this week will be a little more difficult. Take a first stage Pokemon or second stage Pokemon (EX: Geodude or Kadabra) and create an alternate evolution. Each entry must be 100% scratch.

Hopefully the first scratch week will be a success. Have fun!
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Re: TCoD Week 5

Does this count? Female combee has an evolution, but the male one doesn't.

Re: TCoD Week 5

@Zulo: Yea that would count, but didn't you make that sprite a long time ago? All entries must be created specifically for the WSC and not done beforehand.

@Kam: Yes, you can use colors from other Pokemon but nothing else.
Re: TCoD Week 5

My entry:

It's a Spearow evolution; it looked best with Spearow colors.
Not my best, but not terrible I suppose.
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Re: TCoD Week 5


Had to resize it because it was too tall. Ugh.

Anyway, have a Bassot, a Chatot evolution. The wing-feathers were supposed to look like piano keys, but it was hard to make it look right, so I just left it as regular-looking wings. Speaking of wings, I'm not going to scratch another wing in my life. Ever. :/ It took waaaayyy too long...
Re: TCoD Week 5

I'm working on my scratch sprite now. I'll post it when I'm done.



The reason I waited till today was because I was trying to think of the perfect candidate. This is what an evolution of Clamperl would look like if it's evolution had any sense.
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Re: TCoD Week 5


Had to resize it because it was too tall. Ugh.

Anyway, have a Bassot, a Chatot evolution. The wing-feathers were supposed to look like piano keys, but it was hard to make it look right, so I just left it as regular-looking wings. Speaking of wings, I'm not going to scratch another wing in my life. Ever. :/ It took waaaayyy too long...

Weren't you supposed to make an alternate evolution to something that already evolves, though?

Anyway, I'll probably join if my entry doesn't crash and burn like my entry for last week did.
Re: TCoD Week 5

If Crazy Linoone's is disqualified, superyoshi888's will still pwn mine anyway :( It's so freakish and warped but in a natural sort of way

much disapoint
Re: TCoD Week 5

had a go.. my scratch spriting skills aren't exactly up to par but tried to keep it in the game style.. and hey, may as well try :v


yanma evo.. started off by being the bug/dragon evo that yanmega should have been, and then it turned into some sort of.. thing :c
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