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Team Fortress 2 Mafia (MAFIA WIN)

Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

...Seriously did the jarate fumes get to your head?

She's probably been Stumped or something and can still communicate in-thread. Or a class that revives itself and comes back Innocent. Those can happen you know. You should have waited to see what was going to happen, or at least let some other people weigh in on the situation.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

dangit, boy.

Also I have a feeling we have possibly lost our inspector (spycheckin' and all), but I may be wrong...? Anyone wanna speak up bout that?
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

(FYI, just cause yiran made a kill doesn't mean you can't still lynch. You've got 12 more hours 'til night.)
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

dangit, boy.

Also I have a feeling we have possibly lost our inspector (spycheckin' and all), but I may be wrong...? Anyone wanna speak up bout that?

....crap. Did not think of that. But we may be lucky. Maybe there is another Pyro or...who else spy checks?

...we lost our inspector didn't we. Dangit.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Dude, that was the stupidest thing you could've done, I was going to give info to help you.

Plus you just wasted an action, and if I guess right, your 'kill' just lost them a chance to lynch today. You just WASTED a chance at killing a mafia...

Cause the most dangerous ones, are the ones you don't know are there and don't know who they are.

Nope, it doesn't interfere with voting. Plus if we weren't going to vote you it would just be an abstained day anyway. And I don't mind your faction killing me either, because it really is a waste of a kill. But I guess that's a good thing for us? Lol.

So no, you are not right. No offense, but you telling us that you would have had something useful but not actually telling it leads me to highly suspect you of trying to frame me negatively. You're just trying to turn the village against me as a last resort before you die. (And either it's working or your mafia buddies are helping you.)

...Seriously did the jarate fumes get to your head?

She's probably been Stumped or something and can still communicate in-thread. Or a class that revives itself and comes back Innocent. Those can happen you know. You should have waited to see what was going to happen, or at least let some other people weigh in on the situation.

Sorry, haven't heard of "Stumped" in mafia. Please tell me? (Checked the sticky, wasn't there.)

If she is indeed a class that revives as innocent, I'd expect her to tell us to avoid suspicion rather than say "I'm back with a proposition" (the use of the word proposition indicates that she's not on the same side, but on a different side and trying to negotiate). Sure there's the chance that she's not informed but I don't think that would be very likely, because that would be just plain mean to her.

Also, please please please do not use this as a point against me (because I'm just trying to help my faction) but if Phantom is revealed to be mafia when she dies and you deem me trustworthy enough from my actions, you can PM me. I'm not a third party member, although if I were I'd say that as well, so it's not particularly convincing. It's just that in the narration the Sniper was present as a RED member so I hope you'd assume that I'm RED :x
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Ok, I'm not sure if I'm dead or not since I'm still on the playerlist.

So.... in response.

Who wouldn't want to lynch little old me? I came back as mafia! I am undead.

Thing is, I am still mafia, but I'm harmless. I have no role, I can never take over as don, and I'm pretty much nothing more than an irate vanilla townie at this point. I don't even get to vote.

You shouldn't have bothered to use your action against me. (Assuming you could only do it once, otherwise it's way too op) When there are others who are more... dangerous... out there. It's beating a dead horse. When it comes down to it, hunt down the others, not me.

BUT I highly, HIGHLY suggest you vote for Colours. Just sayin'. And pfft, so what if my 'mafia buddies' are helping me! You should not have made such a rash decision so quickly and without hearing the others out.

Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

...So you are a stump. A Dead Ringer stump.

We already know Colours was probably the one that killed you. Who cares? Tell us something useful, Spy, or we'll dig you up and burn you like the role you've become.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Ok, I'm not sure if I'm dead or not since I'm still on the playerlist.

So.... in response.

Who wouldn't want to lynch little old me? I came back as mafia! I am undead.

Thing is, I am still mafia, but I'm harmless. I have no role, I can never take over as don, and I'm pretty much nothing more than an irate vanilla townie at this point. I don't even get to vote.

You shouldn't have bothered to use your action against me. (Assuming you could only do it once, otherwise it's way too op) When there are others who are more... dangerous... out there. It's beating a dead horse. When it comes down to it, hunt down the others, not me.

BUT I highly, HIGHLY suggest you vote for Colours. Just sayin'. And pfft, so what if my 'mafia buddies' are helping me! You should not have made such a rash decision so quickly and without hearing the others out.


Whatever. I already used it on you. I'm pretty sure I can't change it.

What if Colours is an alien? Although I'm not sure if there's a chance to activate it yet...

I agree. My decision was quite rash. But I didn't want the mafias to cloud my judgement so I trusted my instinct. But then again this proves that you're trying to antagonise me. Which is a smart tactic, to be honest. And I have no problem with your mafia buddies helping you; the town will get them. >:D

So this time, I'm gonna ask people – vote colours or not? (If no one responds, I'll have to make my own decision again ;_; on the other hand if someone does there's no guarantee I'll listen to you but it's worth trying :3 not like I have the authority anyway, now that I'm just a vanilla)

Basically Phantom is dead anyway and I'm asking people whether trusting her to lynch Colours is a good idea.

I'm going to add a bit on Sunflower – she seems like a competent player and therefore should recognise that Phantom isn't a townie. Therefore she is likely a mafia or is just being mislead. I suspect the former, but I'm going to leave her alone, and I suggest you do to.

Why do I sound like I have so much authority? :( Do what you want, you don't have to listen to me, dear townies. On the other hand mafias tell me PM your true identity because I am the mafia boss that isn't included in your team list! :P

EDIT: Scratch that, ninja'd by Sunflower and Colours. Judging by Sunflower's second response I don't suspect her much anymore.

Also if Colours is bad why would he help me... he might just being nice but still. Anyway I checked what the stump is – if he is the stump I will cry but eh at least he's dead.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

...So you are a stump. A Dead Ringer stump.

We already know Colours was probably the one that killed you. Who cares? Tell us something useful, Spy, or we'll dig you up and burn you like the role you've become.

Harsh. Ouch. I can feel the pain of your betrayl.

Like I care, I'm probably dead cause of the new guy anyways.

I didn't come across "the conclusion" I know it already. You're trying to defend yourself. Like I care, it was YOUR idea to kill that player Colours, and look, I DIED. TWICE! Fucking granny. (no offense Colours, all in the game)

How else would you know that I targeted Colours first?

I hate those roles, it's all a matter of luck. I hope the healer tries to heal them, it'd be funny as hell.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

It's really not wise to trust a stump, and especially one that admits ta bein' a spook. She's trying to confuse us, really, so it's best ta just ignore her. It even states on the wiki there that mafia stumps will often try ta confuse the town.

If our inspector is really dead (anyone able ta confirm or deny?), then, sadly, we may not have a lead right now, so abstainment may be a necessary as just about nobody else is talkin' and I'm aware that myself, Sunflower, and most likely you, yiran, are REDs.

It would be wise to start trustin' me, really, as y'all seem to have figured out I'm the reason th' spook is dead in the first place?
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

I done got ninja'd. Double post, AHOY!

Whatever. I already used it on you. I'm pretty sure I can't change it.

Probably, but I'll talk until I'm told I can't.

What if Colours is an alien? Although I'm not sure if there's a chance to activate it yet...

He's not an alien.

agree. My decision was quite rash. But I didn't want the mafias to cloud my judgement so I trusted my instinct. But then again this proves that you're trying to antagonise me. Which is a smart tactic, to be honest. And I have no problem with your mafia buddies helping you; the town will get them. >:D

Shakin' in my boots.

So this time, I'm gonna ask people – vote colours or not? (If no one responds, I'll have to make my own decision again ;_; on the other hand if someone does there's no guarantee I'll listen to you but it's worth trying :3 not like I have the authority anyway, now that I'm just a vanilla)

Wasted talent. Seriously.

Why do I sound like I have so much authority? :( Do what you want, you don't have to listen to me, dear townies. On the other hand mafias tell me PM your true identity because I am the mafia boss that isn't included in your team list! :P

lmao anyone that falls for that... just lol.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

*raises eyebrow*

Very funny, stump. I love your insistence that I am a grandmother, as well. I do not look that old.

Does anyone have a shovel? Since we can't kill this unpleasant little growth at least we can bury her.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

It's really not wise to trust a stump, and especially one that admits ta bein' a spook. She's trying to confuse us, really, so it's best ta just ignore her. It even states on the wiki there that mafia stumps will often try ta confuse the town.

Goood trying to cover with Wikipedia, cause you know that's solid. Totally legit.

If our inspector is really dead (anyone able ta confirm or deny?), then, sadly, we may not have a lead right now, so abstainment may be a necessary as just about nobody else is talkin' and I'm aware that myself, Sunflower, and most likely you, yiran, are REDs.

Nice way to secure your 'buddies'.

It would be wise to start trustin' me, really, as y'all seem to have figured out I'm the reason th' spook is dead in the first place?

Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

*raises eyebrow*

Very funny, stump. I love your insistence that I am a grandmother, as well. I do not look that old.

Does anyone have a shovel? Since we can't kill this unpleasant little growth at least we can bury her.

You're not the granny. Someone else is.

And a little harsh Sunflower, I thought we were friends.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

It's really not wise to trust a stump, and especially one that admits ta bein' a spook. She's trying to confuse us, really, so it's best ta just ignore her. It even states on the wiki there that mafia stumps will often try ta confuse the town.

If our inspector is really dead (anyone able ta confirm or deny?), then, sadly, we may not have a lead right now, so abstainment may be a necessary as just about nobody else is talkin' and I'm aware that myself, Sunflower, and most likely you, yiran, are REDs.

It would be wise to start trustin' me, really, as y'all seem to have figured out I'm the reason th' spook is dead in the first place?

I'm not entirely convinced but I trust you for the time being. At least, if one of you (Sunflower and you) is mafia, the other one is too. I know that much.

But remind me, how do you know that Sunflower is RED? Is it a deduction from her posts in-game or through out of thread communication?

Phantom, may you please elaborate why voting Colours would be a good idea?

EDIT: Nvm I be stupid

RE-EDIT: But still tell me why you think Sunflower is RED
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 2)

Phantom, may you please elaborate why voting Colours would be a good idea?

EDIT: Nvm I be stupid

RE-EDIT: But still tell me why you think Sunflower is RED

They're the lovers, two for one special. One mafia, one innocent. That's how they know.

RED lover, your sacrifice will be remembered for the rest of the round.
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