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Closed Team Star**DONE**

Re: Team Star

((My bro is quitting :( He have lost interest in Pokémon now :( ))

Ryan floated above all the other morphs. "Are you coming? We're nearly there!"
Re: Team Star

Atemu flies up after the rest, keeping Yuuka-chan in sight. Once he made it to the Articuno, he heard her say that they were almost to the top of the moutain. He sighs, looking over at her.

"...How long...is almost...?"
Re: Team Star

"Thirty... Ah. I see Palkia now. Ouch, just hit with roar of time... Better hurry."she said, gathering energy in her hand. After this, it's over, Arceus will probroly take me away... I won't make it either way.
Re: Team Star

Furyclaw followed the others up the mountain. "Do we fight now?"

((Do I play Palkia now? If so:))

*Palkia was felled on the ground, in pain. Groaning, she slowly stood up and roared. "You shall not be the victor, Dialga!" She limped slightly and then used Spacial Rend, tearing Dialga and the space around him.*
Re: Team Star

"What are you doing?" Ryan flew in front of Neptune, "Why are you preparing to attack?" He, of course, didn't know what the Articuno morph was up to, but he sensed it was no good... for him.

((Remember, Giratina, Dialga and Palkia are siblings))
Re: Team Star

(Yes, you do, you may keep Furyclaw or, we can say she fainted from lack of oxyger because Mt.Cornet is very tall.)
"I'm not preparing to attack. After this, I probroly won't make it."
Re: Team Star

((Arceus will take you away? What do you mean? Does he kill you?))

Atemu flinches as he spots the two fighting. He sighs, shaking his head.

"This...this might be...difficult.."
Re: Team Star

Flare was getting tired, like a few others. There was a battle ahead. "Come on," she panted. "We have to get there."
Re: Team Star

((Nah. If the characters in Diamond and Pearl didn't die from lack of oxygen at Spear Pillar, then there's no reason for Furyclaw to.))

"What do we do?" asked Furyclaw.

When the Spacial Rend was finished, Palkia leaped back. "Brother Dialga... are you going to fight?" she growled. Palkia pointed at Dialga forcefully, causing the ground underneath him to erupt with power.
Re: Team Star

"What...?" Ryan said, and turned up at the sky. "Why... why are they fighting?" He stared in awe, he wanted to get into the fight and fight for nothing. He struggled to not transform into his pokémon form and join in his siblings fighting, of course, he would just play fight, he didn't know why Dialga and Palkia was fighting..
Re: Team Star

Furyclaw, who had turned human quiet awhile ago, was looking up at the scene, her inside bubbling with anger. She struggled not to become a Groudon, but the hatred of violence became too strong. Within seconds, she was a fourteen-foot monster. "What now?!" she roared.

Palkia skidded back when she heard a faint roar. "What was that........ Never mind that now," she said, glaring at Dialga.
Re: Team Star

Ryan struggled not to transform... but to no use. Where he had levitated, there now was the Dimension Ruler, Giratina. "GROOOO!!" He roared to his siblings, as if he was saying "What are you doing? Why are you fighting?"
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