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Closed Team Star**DONE**

Re: Team Star

Atemu sees that everyone else has started to fly and decides to do the same. He gets a better hold on Yuuka and takes off after the rest of the group.

Wonder if we'll get there in time....
Re: Team Star

Furyclaw continues up the mountain. With the others catching up, she doesn't have to wait. I hope we'll be able to save the world, she thinks.
Re: Team Star

He looks at her for a few moments, then chuckles a bit.

"Then why haven't you for the past while?"
Re: Team Star

"Yuuka-Chan likes Atemu-san holding her!" The little girl announced, a split second before shifting into the puffy, grass hedgehog that was her Pokemon form.

She wiggled around in Atemu's arms for a moment, finally ending up on his head, cheeping at him.
Re: Team Star

Atemu would sigh at this moment if he wasn't busy trying not to laugh at the little girl. He continues to fly after the others, now having a hedgehog on his head.

"Be careful up there....you might fall."
Re: Team Star

Yuuka balanced on his head carefully, then her little body started to glow a little. After the glow went away, she was a bit bigger, her legs were longer, and she was more canine. A pair of ear-wings extended from the sides of her head.

>Yuuka-Chan can fly too!<
Re: Team Star

"Then fly and get off my head!"

He closes one of his eyes and tries to strighten out in the air. He sighs, finding it difficult.

"Mind warning me before you do that?"
Re: Team Star

Yuuka took off into the air, laughing and flying around Atemu cheerfully, her still-small body bobbing in the wind.

>Yuuka-Chan thinks Atemu-San is fun! Fun fun!<
Re: Team Star

Atemu watches the girl, trying to figure out how she can fly with her ears. He then sighs and focuses on keeping up with the rest of the group.

I don't want to lose them quite yet...
Re: Team Star

Silvia flew faster, "This is delightful." the Celebi pokemorth said, then flew at normal speed.
Re: Team Star

"So, what exactly are we gonna do when we get there? Did you have some special Giratina-related plan, Ryan?" Talon said as he flew along with the group in his Zapdos form, emitting sparks along the way.
Re: Team Star

The girl giggled and looked around, high above the mountain. Her pink tail whipped around, and she quickly floated lower to get a better look. There was a Zapdos and what seemed to be a half Celebi, half human. That was all she could see. Too far away. Zooming over to them, Kira nearly flew into a tree before regaining her balance and trying to get closer.
Re: Team Star

Before Ryan was able to answer the Zapdos Morph, he saw a Mew... or a girl. No. A morph between them.
"Hello. I see your a morph too." The Giratina Morph said. "Welcome."
Re: Team Star

"And I'm Furyclaw!" The Groudon morph said. She continued up the mountain in her full Groudon form.
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