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Closed Team Star**DONE**

Re: Team Star

Furyclaw chuckled when Flare lit herself on fire for a bit, and then turned toward Neptune. The Groudon morph trudged through the snow until she was next to the Articuno morph, and Furyclaw spied a cave ahead.
Re: Team Star

Atemu hears someone say that there was a cave. He walks through the snow, holding the girl in his arm.
Re: Team Star

(( >A> Hi guys been a while))

Yuuka yawned. She'd fallen asleep...? It seemed so. But, Atemu-san was holding her! hehe, She liked him lots. The girl looked around, big blue eyes taking everything in.


She clung to Atemu and whimpered. It was too cold...
Re: Team Star

Ryan followed Blizzard to the cave. "Why are we entering this cave?" He said to the Articuno Morph.

It's freezing cold here.
Re: Team Star

Furyclaw followed the group into the cave. "I'd be a lot more sturdy if I were a Groudon," she said.

((How big is this cave, anyway?))
Re: Team Star

Sean shoted to the nearest person, "I'm going above the clouds to see what this snow is doing." Hoping someone heared him, he shot off skyward.
Re: Team Star

Atemu enters the cave, finding it warm inside. He continues to hold the small girl as we looks around in the cave.

"......warm....for you....?"
Re: Team Star

Furyclaw nods. "Definitely. If this isn't Mount Coronet then my name is Bob." She laughs.
Re: Team Star

((Now is the time that an overwhelming stentch enters the cave. Use your imagination on how truely disguisting it is))
Re: Team Star

Atemu looks around a bit more, then he steps back when something hits him.

That smell....it's Horrible!

He coughs, covering his nose. He eyes start to water as he makes his way through the cave.

"Neturne....how much longer?"
Re: Team Star

Up above, sean saw the cave they had enterd was at the base of mount coronet.

The cave should take them higher up the mountain. Providing there's nothig dangerous in there, that is.

He dropped back down and entered the cave after the group.
Re: Team Star

Ryan covered his nose.
"Gahh! Who did that!" He roared. "That's it! I'm going to my dimension!" He said and opened a dimensional port. "Call me if you need me!" He said, and closed it.

Ahhhh... Sooo fresh air here... He was in his reversal world now.
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