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Closed Team Star**DONE**

Re: Team Star

What do you mean by still wanting a sprite? Do you mean a pokemorph of Shadow Lugia?¨

And someone be Arceus!
Re: Team Star

So now I have the Origin forme too :D


Yay for Giratina! I did'nt C+P anything ;D the Giratina parts are all scratch!
Re: Team Star

*applaudes* Melikes.

I'm just going to add Lugia wings growing out of the shoulder blades to fly, but you don't have to sprite that. We should all know what that would look like.
Re: Team Star

Warning: Scratch Sprite Approaching!


Well, the sprite of Tyson or Pearl or whatever his name is isn't scratch, but his color changes, jacket, tail, and wings are all scratch.

Also, I changed my profile so now he knows Light Screen instead of Fly, but he can still fly-- he just can't use the 2-turn diving attack called Fly.
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Re: Team Star

Good, we can FINNALLY start.

Note: I made a minor edit to the plot. Please look through it.
Neptune looked up at the rest of the group, not sure weather to let them in on her secret.
Re: Team Star

Flare also turned to Neptune and asked, "What are we supposed to be doing?" She didn't want to reveal her secret right now.
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Re: Team Star

((You'd think it'd be obvious you were a Pokemorph if there were wings coming out of your shoulders and a huge tail sticking out of your butt :P))
Re: Team Star

Furyclaw awoke, stretching and yawning. She knew she was a Pokemorph, but she wouldn't let these strangers know that. She walked around, tired from the little sleep she got last night.
Re: Team Star

Atemu leans against a tree, hands in his pockets as he watches the others silently. He appears not to be pokemorph but human in shape. He's not quite sure if he should transform or not...though he does see two other morphs.

~I wonder...if there are traitors amoung us..~
Re: Team Star

((Wait, so it just so happens that our entire group consists of Pokemorphs but not a single one of us knows it? And why would humans be our enemies if we all look like humans and we don't know we're pokemorphs and therefore we each think everyone else is human? Wouldn't that result in us all being eachother's enemies?))
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