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Closed Team Star**DONE**

Re: Team Star

((Well, it would be kinda fun playing the Pokemon version of Lord of the Flies ;D))

Thorn had gotten bored and decided to make everyone laugh, so she stood up, walked to the middle, and started doing the Chicken Dance.
Re: Team Star

Furyclaw looked to the center ofthe group and watched another member do a silly dance. "Okay...." the Groudon morph said and backed up a little.

((Forgot to say that if Furyclaw's emotions get too extreme, she goes Pokemorph))
Re: Team Star

~...but, traitors have to be smart...so the Chinken dancer is safe...~

He looks over at Neptune and stares at her for a moment.

~...I wonder...what was her purpose again?~
Re: Team Star

Neptune dicided it was safe to say, these nice people could know her secret. "Everyone," she started after she stopped laughing, "I'm a pokemorph. An Articono one." She transformed into her true form
Re: Team Star

Atemu nods in approval, pushing off the tree.

"Very nice for sharing...geuss it's my turn"

He transform, gaining a tail and turning completely purple.

"..I'm a Mewtwo morph...and this is the last time I'll be talking "

He stands there with his arms crossed.
Re: Team Star

Thorn said, "Cool. I'm a Lugia. I would transform here, but my wings and tail are huge, so the spikes might accidently impale you."
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Re: Team Star

Yuuka just stared at everyone, her huge blue eyes bright and sparkly. She watched quietly as a few others turned into part-Pokemon...

She ran towards Atemu and grabbed a hold of his tail, giggling.

"You're like a kitty!" She announced, laughing cutely.
Re: Team Star

Atemu looks behind him at the girl holding his tail. He lifts his tail, but to his surprise the girl went with it.

~...dear lord, help me now...~
Re: Team Star

"Yay! You're fun!" Yuuka chirped, dangling from the feline creature's tail.

"I like kitties."

(( Insert ':3' expression on her face here. xD))
Re: Team Star

He shakes his tail to tet her off, but fails when he sees she's hugging the tail.

~GET OFF!!!!!!~
Re: Team Star

Furyclaw looked at the morphs. "I'm a morph too, but I might be roaring and growling from now." She gave herself Groudon hands, legs and tail. She hadn't been like this for awhile, so she was still getting used to it and started cuddling her tail, avoiding the spikes.
Re: Team Star

Sean watched this mass confessional from the sidelines, considering the possibility of joining in or just continuing to observe these youngsters and how they responded
Re: Team Star

"ehehehe! You're wiggly!" She cooed, gripping the fur on his tail tightly.

She was slipping off a little, however, but didn't seem to be noticing.
Re: Team Star

Atemu finally gives up on his 'no more talking' and looks down at her. He raises his tail so that she is dangling infront of his face.

".....why are you clinging to my tail......?"
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