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Closed Team Star**DONE**

Re: Team Star

Palkia turned her head. She couldn't remember the answer that question. "For a very good reason," she growled, and her gaze flicked back to her brother.
Re: Team Star

Ryan would raise his eyebrow if he had had one. "GROOOO! you don't remember, right?" He didn't care if his siblings called him Giratina, he likes it much more anyways. "Can I join in?" He said, but it came out as another "GROOO!!! GRR!!" "Even though I don't know why, it seems fun!" Another "Groo!"

((Shadowstar, you have too little detail in your plots! No one know why Dialga and Palkia are fighting :/))
Re: Team Star

((Yay, stoop. But I know what you mean.))

Palkia looked down the mountain, hearing the word "stop." I shall not, she thought. "Make a move, brother Dialga. Or are you too cowardly?"
Re: Team Star

"Stop? But I've just began!" Ryan roared, and the glow between one of the gold plates on his sides stopped. "GROOOO!" He transformed to hi´s Origin form and started to fly in circles above the Time and Space rulers.
Re: Team Star

Atemu slaps his forehead, a low growl escaping him.


Atemu glares at the fool, his promise he made to himself about staying quiet broken. He looks that the Articuno.

"Shall you do your duty now? or wait until they kill each other?"
Re: Team Star

"..." Ryan stared at the Mewtwo morph. "Not like I have anything else to do, and note that I never said that I was with you and your cause." He was eager to fight now.
Re: Team Star

The energy Neptune had gathered turned into the Azure Flute. She began to play.

(Nobody knows why they're fighting in The Rise of Darkrai, either.)
Re: Team Star

((I guess you're right... anyways. They must be stopped.))

"Groo... huh?" Ryan noticed Neptune and the Azure flute. "Oh great, no one can have any fun now either." He sighed then turned to his pokemorph form again.
Re: Team Star

At the sound of the Azure Flute, Furyclaw could relax. She shrank back down into her Pokemorph form. "What a lovely sound. I like it!"

Palkia payed no attention. I must defeat brother Dialga.
Re: Team Star

Flare calmed down too; however, since she was flying, she lost her wings and fell. She recovered them just in time to keep her from dying by hitting the ground, and landed safely.
Re: Team Star

Atemu couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Ah..that was your plan..good work

The clouds start to part, a single ray of light hitting the center of where the battle was happening. A roar could be heard, shaking heaven and earth. A single begin then decends from the clouds and lands in the center of the battle.

"That is enough."
Re: Team Star

((I think Time Psyduck is gone, maybe I can control Dialga for that time :?))

"Almighty Arceus! What is happening?" Ryan roared when the clouds started to part. "Arceus?! Dear lord!" The Giratina Morph bowed to the god Pokémon.
Re: Team Star

((Okay, here goes))

Dialga stopped fighting his sister and stared up at the sky. "Arceus! What brings you here?" He roared, and bowed his head polite. "Long time no see!" He joked.
Re: Team Star

Palkia looked up. "Arceus?" She bowed her head. "Nice to see you again. I am wondering why you are here."
Re: Team Star

Flare turned full Ho-Oh and bowed her head to Arceus in respect. "Greetings, dear lord."
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