Doctor Jimmy
I 4chan is a pretty cool guy he just offends people and doesn't afraid of anything

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I 4chan is a pretty cool guy he just offends people and doesn't afraid of anything
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.
He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
No, yes, yes, and yes.
He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
Not really.
His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
Straight A's, baby! :D
He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
I wouldn't say avid, but this fits too.
He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
Replace "atheist" with "Christian", and it's right.
His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
Mostly, yes.
He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
I never swear. Ever.
He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
He wants Mafia back.
Barely know what it is.
He hates 4chan with a passion.
Never been on it.
His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
All perfect, except I don't even own an XBox of any kind or a PS3.
His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
Bidoof, actually.
He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
He EV trains his team.
All the time.
And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
goodHmm.. not a lot of these actually are right about me. I'm slightly ashamed. xD
anyone against gay rights is scum and should be ashamed to live hth!
This is not an insult in any way - it's just a light-hearted satire of the forum.
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.
He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
1 year younger, but pretty right I suppose.
He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
Neither here nor there.
His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
I'm not that into politics.
He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
More like A~C average, no D's at the end.
He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
No, but I don't think I have the right to stop 'em.
He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
Nope, I'm pretty Christian.
His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
I actually really like rap and hip-hop, some rock is alright, I'm not really into J-pop either.
He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
I'm not a sailor, but I'm not a saint, either.
He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
He wants Mafia back.
I'm wondering what the hell that is.
He hates 4chan with a passion.
Neither here nor there.
His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
Right on the dot.
His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
Hell yeah, but I like Fire Emblem and NBA series.
His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
No sirrie.
He EV trains his team.
Psh, who needs EV training? I use Pokesav for that.
And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
I agree completely and utterly.
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.
He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
13. I'm in a small town that no one has really heard of, but it is less than an hour from Wellington, the capital city.
He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
I don't care for politics. I do not try to influence my parent's voting.
He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
Not avid, but yes.
He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
I've pretty much abandoned ASB, does it still count?
He wants Mafia back.
I don't really care, though I would play.
He hates 4chan with a passion.
His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
I've developed a seething hate for all kinds of manga/anime.
His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
No to both. Fav game series is the original Spyro games and favourite console is the PS2.
His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
Nope, Medicham/Meditite for me.
He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
He EV trains his team.
And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
I think it was the best generation, but I'm not exactly thrilled for remakes. It looks interesting, yes, but not *THRILLING*
He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
He wants Mafia back.
He hates 4chan with a passion.
His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
He EV trains his team.
And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
anyone against gay rights is scum and should be ashamed to live hth!
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.
He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
age isn't right, but the location is.
He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
hate myspace, but i fucking love facebook.
His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
absolutely. well they do anyway, but.
He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
yep, except for the d
He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
eh. idk what i am really. definitely don't believe any organized religion that there is, but. i may believe something, idk.
His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
not even close. i fucking LOVE hair metal.
He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
nope, and i never will
He wants Mafia back.
He hates 4chan with a passion.
not really.
His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
not into manga or anime.
His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
never bothered to get into ff or legend of zelda, but they look cool. i don't really like rock band or guitar hero, and i totally suck at both. the wii is my favorite, and i don't really care as far as ps3 or 360.
His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
actually no. they're annoying as hell sometimes but tentacool and zubat are two of my favorites.
He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
don't have wi-fi, and i probably wouldn't join if i did
He EV trains his team.
never have, and i never will. i may occasionally do it a little bit but not much at all. too damn lazy.
And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
i love sapphire too much to call any other generation the best, but gsc were definitely pretty kickass and i am extremely excited for hg/ss.
I'm 16, but I'm from a small city in Portugal...He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
Kind of, yeah.He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
My political viewpoint is highly liberal but I don't tell my parents which candidates to vote on, especially because I don't agree with any of them.His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
Something like that.He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
Not really, sexual orientations are indifferent to me.He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
I don't know if I'll always be an atheist, but unless religion starts making sense to me somewhere in my life, yeah...He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
I hate J-pop and video game music, the rest is all correct except for the hair metal part. But I also like reggae, ska, punk, psy/dark trance etc. LOLHis favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
Yes.He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
wtf is ASB?He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
Don't care.He wants Mafia back.
Couldn't care less about 4chan.He hates 4chan with a passion.
I don't watch anime nor read manga.His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
My favorite games are God of War and GTA but I don't play any console since PlayStation 3 came out. Never played neither of those games (Rock Band and Guitar Hero). Never played Wii nor XBox 360.His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
Not at all.His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
Never entered anything like that.He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
I don't play Pokémon since the Sapphire version.He EV trains his team.
I do think that but I'm not so much thrilled as I'm... curious about the remakes.And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
Fairly close, I suppose *Clap, clap, clap, jump!*He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
Umm, sort of. Not 16 yet, and I don't really live in a city.
He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
Umm, no.
His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
Umm. Yeah, I suppose so.
He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
Yep, well, closer to an "A" student, apart from French.. Grr.
He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
Of course.
He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
Nope, agnostic.
His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
No. DragonForce is awesome. No one fucks with DragonForce!
He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
Come again?
He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
He wants Mafia back.
I've never played it, so...
He hates 4chan with a passion.
I don't hate it as such, it's fairly fun to visit occasionally.
His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
Erm.. No, not really. I don't tend to watch anime.
His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
Not Final Fantasy, I've never played it. No, Guitar Hero is better than Rock Band, I think. And my favourite console is the Xbox 360, but I don't hate the PS3
His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
I did, once or twice. And I owned a Gym, so...
He EV trains his team.
Umm, no.
And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
Yeah, I suppose that's true.
He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
True...but a bit older than 16...
He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
Well, I am a lesbian, so that's a given.
He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
Um...Well...I have a scientific standpoint, and a religious one. So I guess I'm half-atheist...
His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
Thank you.
He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
ASB? Say What Now?
He wants Mafia back.
He hates 4chan with a passion.
His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
The exact opposite. I hate Naruto and Bleach, and I love all the Pokemon Anime.
His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
I'm not one for Final Fantasy, and XBox 360 comes second to Wii.
His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
Zubat, but not Tentacool. It was my second shiny. ^.^
He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
He EV trains his team.
Who doesn't?
And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.
He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
Yes, but I'm 2 years younger.
He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
I like Facebook.
His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
Ahahah, NO.
He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
I'm That Nerd Kid, so I get As in everything.
He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
Ahahah, NO.
He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
Ahahah, NO.
His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
The dislikes are right, but the likes are a little off.
He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
Okay, fine. I did it ONCE OR TWICE.
He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
Eh, I'd use it more if I were here more often.
He wants Mafia back.
Don't care.
He hates 4chan with a passion.
dont b dissin on the 4chan
His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
shonene, shojo? What ARE these words?
His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
Final Fantasy? And I don't like Rock Band or Guitar HEro, and the only reason I like the Xbox is for Halo.
His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
I like Tentacool, but Zubat can die in a fire.
He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
He EV trains his team.
Maybe someday.
And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.