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The Average TCoDer

People who who 'indifferent' about LGBT rights (because you aren't a part of LGBT in most cases, I assume), are you indifferent about racism and sexism too because you're not a minority race or oppressed gender? :/
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.

He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
Yeah, pretty much. Near a big city, which is near a larger city, but i'm really pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
Honestly, they creep me out. That is all.

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
I stay as far away from polotics as i can. I don't even have a polotical view except for 'get out of my face you freak, i don't care.'

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
I failed math twice this year, and two electives, and i barely passed the classes i liked. What does this tell you?

He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
No. People can do what they want, just don't ask me to take sides, because i won't, and i'll hide under a log until your done looking for my opinion.

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
No. I just don't like to talk about religion here. It's one of those things that can be saved for the debating hall. (LCMS)

His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
Right, umm... okay?
I don't like metal, some pop is okay... mostly i just listen to random stuff. Actually, what i listen to consists of movie soundtracks, 80s music, and nature stuff.

He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
I prefer that profanity isn't used. I have used it, but i make an effort not to.

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
You know, i don't know what that is. Maybe you could explain it.

He wants Mafia back.
Uh? Mafia? Sorry, not really sure what your talkin bout ere.

He hates 4chan with a passion.
I don't know much about that anyway. I ignore other places for the most part.

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
Yeah. I don't watch anime or read manga. I used to watch some, but we don't have cabel anymore, and i don't have the patience to look everything up on youtube.

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
Pokemon and Drawn to Life. That's it. I know about the other games limitedly, after that, nothing.

His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
HEY! I LIKE ZUBAT! And Tentacool is okay.

He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
I don't even have Wi-Fi.

He EV trains his team.
No. I don't even know what it is, let alone how. One of my friends keeps trying to tell me, but i just don't get it.

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
Yeah, well, it's the only one where you get to explore two regions. Not to mention that ream rocket was the best evil team ever. ^_^ <3 team rocket.
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.

He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
Yea thats me

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
Naw...But i might get a facebook soon

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
Not going to comment on this one

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
Just B+ average and an A or 2

He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
Whats LGBT?

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)

His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
I LOVE Dragonforce

He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
I care about those words, I care

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
Got to get my 1st battle reffed =)

He wants Mafia back.
Sure why not?

He hates 4chan with a passion.

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.

Naruto and 1st season of pkmon

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
Loves wii and the games and Fire emblem

His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.

He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
No, and yes

He EV trains his team.
Whats EV? lol

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
People who who 'indifferent' about LGBT rights (because you aren't a part of LGBT in most cases, I assume), are you indifferent about racism and sexism too because you're not a minority race or oppressed gender? :/

Racism and sexism are (or at least were) about every right.

LGBT is mainly about gay marriage.
...and the right to go out in public without getting mocked/lynched, and the right to adopt children, and IVF for lesbians, and the right to serve in the military, and the right to donate blood, and the right to an equal age of consent, and the right to not be fired or denied housing or products for being gay, and
hey everyone who's against gay rights

hi there

quoting so that they can't escape it by just clicking to the next page
He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.

17, from largest city in my state (which isn't saying much), English-speaking country?

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.

Facebook really pissed me off, but I am on a lot of other networking sites including MySpace...?

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
My parents wouldn't listen if I told them, but I am quite left-leaning, especially on social issues.

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
A's, B's, and a C or two, yeah. Mostly B's.

He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
Right again!

His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
I'm not really a metal person, but the other stuff sounds about right. Although I can tolerate rap, surprisingly, even though most of it I just listen to for the lulz.

He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.

Right here!

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
I hardly even know what ASB is. Isn't it like some kind of battle-roleplay thing?

He wants Mafia back.
Never played Mafia.

He hates 4chan with a passion.
/b/ sucks, but I do hang out on some parts of 4Chan from time to time.

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.

Shounen, yes. Naruto and Bleach no. D:

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
I do like those series; I'm not in on this Guitar Hero/Rock Band thing; I don't own an XBox 360.

His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
Eh, they're okay.

He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.

LOL yes.

He EV trains his team.
I dabble in EV training; I'm probably not any good at it, but it passes the time.

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.

He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.

More than an hour. But yeah. It's largish, I suppose.

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.

Aversion to Myspace. Facebook seems okay.

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.

I'm not really that liberal... though definitely more liberal than people at school.

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.

I had four As, three Bs, and one C last year.

He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.

Absolutely. Fags are great.

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)

I am an atheist now. I kind of want to discover a religion that isn't bullshit but I don't know if that'll ever happen. But right now, gods are fantasy, yes.

His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.

Mostly obscure metal bands from Europe, and some less obscure metal bands from Europe and the States. Video game music is alright. Fuck J-pop and classic rock.

He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.

ahahahahaha fuck you

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.

I never used it. But I have one.

He wants Mafia back.


He hates 4chan with a passion.

I hate most of 4chan. I enjoy /x/ and /ck/.

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.

Fuck Naruto and (mostly) fuck Bleach. I like Death Note and that's pretty much it, I think.

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.

I don't hate the PS3. But you pretty much hit the nail on that one.

His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.

two of my favorite pokemon

He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.

never joined the wi-fi league

He EV trains his team.

fuck that

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.

no, RBY was the best generation, but I am thrilled for HG/SS.
I think I may have gone "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" about seven times out loud whilst reading the last page

also I honestly don't understand the indifference to LGBT rights
sorry if that makes me a wanker but how can you be?
This is not an insult in any way - it's just a light-hearted satire of the forum.


I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.

He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
You really should have made this gender neutral. So anyway, No (She), No (19), No (Small town), Yes (England As soon as I move there by the end of the year fuck America fuuuuuuuuck), and No (Middle of flippin' nowhere?)

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
I wouldn't say I hate them, more that I hate the general crowd that uses them. I use Myspace Music occasionally to find local bands I like or otherwise are obscure. Albeit I have no account.

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
...Meh, politics. I don't really pay attention to any particular "Stance". I guess I would be considered highly liberal, but some say I'm moderate. And my parents are already liberal and either way I'd be staying out of it to be honest.

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
No grades. Huzzah. Haven't been to a graded school in years upon years. When I DID, like, elementary - I had pretty fail grades because I couldn't be arsed to pay attention to the drivel they spewed.

He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.
Anyone who says no is rather silly don't you think?

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
I'm a devout pastafarian, don'tcha know.

Really, I lean on Agnostic. I'll never be a part of a major religion no, but I look at views from all ends and don't discount anything.

His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
Lesse.. Obscure bands yes, Metal not so much. Rock yes, J-Pop BIG no. And maybe if it's Capcom then yes.
I like -some- hip-hop (With this style is depends on what's being said, poetry to a beat and all. That bitches hoes money and cars crap is why most people hate it, but the really cerebral, deep and meaningful stuff is brilliant. See: Aesop Rock, my personal favourite.) Otherwise about right. Dragonforce is terribad, nu-metal is terribadder, teen-pop is terribaddest.

He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
I fuckin' grew up in motherfuckin' New York fuck is a fuckin' comma in my fuckin' vernacular.

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
I'd use it more frequently if it were more active, but I wouldn't say infrequent as I take all the chances I can get to be active, including reffing.

He wants Mafia back.
Was never around for Mafia, but the game is bloody brilliant, yes bring it back~ <3

He hates 4chan with a passion.
Meh, it's 4chan. No comment, never been there. But it's kind of like the Myspace issue. I don't hate the site, I hate the idiots who ruin it.

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
FUCK NARUTO FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK. Seriously it's the most terrible thing ever dear gods.
Bleach is pretty bad too and I don't even know what shonen is but if it corresponds with those two and especially Narutard then NONONONONO.
However the first two seasons the Pokemon anime WERE ace.

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
Final Fantasy sucks, Legend of Zelda is pretty overrated in a lot of places - but Majora's Mask and Wind Waker were brilliant. (Yes note the lack of OoT) I've never played Rock Band but as far as I can see I would prefer it. I did used to like Guitar Hero kind of, rhythm games are coo'. The Ecks Bawks is stupid and full of bad FPS games and Halolz, the Wii is the only one I own and would be completely boring if not for Brawl and lots of Homebrew apps, and the PS3 is crap.

His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
Zubat is awesome. >: Well moreso Crobat is awesome. Tentacool however can die in a fire. My REAL least favourite however is Geodude. GODAMN GEODUDES.

He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
Nah, never bothered. I'm part of an active competitive community.

He EV trains his team.
If you mean "Assign EV's by Pokesav" then yes. I play on a high competitive level though, and do indeed work out EV's down to the finest notch.

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
Yes. Yesyesyes. <3


So, what do you think? If anyone thinks this is inappropriate, I'll delete it right away.

Uh... okays~ I'm kinda abnormal I guess by this? Yay?
This is not an insult in any way - it's just a light-hearted satire of the forum.


I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.

Hi, Taylor! I'm Number 100. Let's see if we agree on at least something here!

He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.

Make that 18, hailing from Seventh Largest City in Largest English-Speaking Country, which is pretty damn close to Fourth Largest City in Largest English-Speaking Country.

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.

Facebook is like Myspace for cool people. Or something like that.

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.

I don't need to tell my parents to be liberal. They're more liberal than I am, which is saying a lot.

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.

More like A-, because I don't care enough to try.

He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.

Yes to LGBT rights, but they are far from the most pressing world issue. And, just to get this off my chest, homosexuality jokes are even less funny than yo momma jokes. I recall someone telling me a joke about her friend, who was black and gay, and therefore liked chicken dicks. Get it, he's black so he likes chicken; he's gay, so he likes dick! Ha ha very funny NOT

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)

I don't need some dead religious figure telling me what to think. That said, I know a very religious girl who is smarter than me in almost every possible way. But I would say she's an outlier.

His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.

Pink Floyd is anything but "obscure," man. Less than 2 of the people I went to school with have heard of Yes, though.

He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.

Hell yes I do.

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.

ASB is lame

He wants Mafia back.

Mafia is also lame

He hates 4chan with a passion.

4chan is lame - although most people who claim to hate 4chan still perpetuate their shitty memes.

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.

My favorite anime cartoon ever is Sheep in the Big City. Or maybe it's Cow and Chicken. Or maybe Dragon Ball Z! Wait, something from Japan? See, I'm not a Japanese cartoon hater.

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.

My favorite video game series is Doom (My favorite game of all time is Duke Nukem 3D, but I didn't care much for the rest of that series). Both Rock Band and Guitar Hero are a poor substitute for real musical talent, and consoles are lame. PC forever. (By the by, how could someone who is pretty much a die hard Nintentard prefer the 360 over the Wii?)

His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.

I forget what my least favorite Pokemon are, but those aren't.

He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.

I haven't played pokemon in over a year

He EV trains his team.

I don't care for EVs

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.

G/S/C was good, but I honestly couldn't care for HG/SS. Give me Generation 5 already.

Oh and as for gender neutrality, Taylor is a unisex name and last I checked using the masculine pronoun for a person of indeterminate gender was acceptable. I suppose the singular they would have worked there as well, though.
I dont have an aversion to facebook (just because most people who use it are douche bags doesnt mean all of them are!), and i prefer guitar hero. But other than that, most of those things are true.
Both Rock Band and Guitar Hero are a poor substitute for real musical talent


Sorry, that viewpoint has always bothered me. I like Trauma Center, does that mean I should go out and do real surgical work? I like Phoenix Wright, does that mean I want to be a lawyer? They're just games. Sure, some people who actually think they can become good at real instruments from RB and GH are dumb, but most people are just having fun.
This is not an insult in any way - it's just a light-hearted satire of the forum.


I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.
hiwo, taylor.

He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
i am seventeen and live in a small english-speaking town.

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
not really; facebook is alright, while myspace isn't for me. i hate twitter even though i have one, etc.

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
i'm.. fairly moderate. i'm sure if i followed the news more closely i'd be more liberal than my parents.

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
lower average, but no grades i've gotten are that low.

He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)
more agnostic than atheist. same difference.

His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
no; i listen to "pretentious" indie rock.

He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
i don't care about profanity, you're right; but i think it's unprofessional, so i generally avoid it. one can get a point across without using words like that.

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
i don't engage in this "anime-style battling" nonsense.

He wants Mafia back.
i never played mafia so i wouldn't know.

He hates 4chan with a passion.
actually, i enjoy 4chan a lot when i go there. i don't care if i get called a faggot or a newfag or an "anime expert" or hipster garbage or whatever.

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
none of the above. the only shonen i read a lot is probably tezuka.

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
no.. my favorite game series are xenosaga, pokemon and persona. i like ff and zelda, but i don't love those like i do persona.

His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
inb4 useless pokemon

He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
no, i can't say i did any of that.

He EV trains his team.
i try.. i lose track of the stats all the time.

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.

So, what do you think? If anyone thinks this is inappropriate, I'll delete it right away.
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.
Not my initials

He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.
Younger than that, and I'm in the Larger City. Yes to English speaking though.

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.
Facebook good. Myspace etc. bad

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.
I couldn't care less about anything even remotely involving politics.

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.
Straight A student

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)

His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.
OK, I LOVE video game music, but the rest of those can go jump in a record player. And no, I don't care for any of those last ones.

He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.
I only seem to swear when I'm frustrated.

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.
Yes, I have an ASB account, and I would be using it every 10 seconds if there were more active participants. But since battles take several months to complete, yes I suppose I am inactive. To put it briefly, I'm unwillingly inactive.

He wants Mafia back.
I wasn't there when it started, but I LOVE that game.

He hates 4chan with a passion.
What's that?

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.
I absolutely HATE Naruto, Bleach, and ALL shonen. I would rather watch the Pokemon anime over Naruto, but I don't really like it either.

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.
I've never owned a Final Fantasy game, I seldom play my legend of Zelda game, but yes, I do play Pokemon frequently. I would much rather play Guitar Hero over Rock Band. And the Wii is my top choice.

His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.
This is true.

He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.
My Wi-Fi router isn't compatible with the DS.

He EV trains his team.
I would, but I know absolutely nothing about competitive battling, EVs, IVs, or battle mechanics. Also I never play Wi-Fi, and none of my friends who play Pokemon do it competitively, so I really have no need to EV train.

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.
I barely completed GSC (I almost completely lost interest) but I'll probably get Heart Gold just for the 2nd gen trades I can get.

I used the word "yes" a lot.
I'd like you to meet Taylor Codd, or T. Codd for short.

He is 16 years old, and is from Largeish City, English-Speaking Country, which is less than an hour from Larger City, English-Speaking Country.

I am 16 years old, from smallish city, in an english-speaking country, which is just a little over an hour from a largeish city.

He has an aversion to Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.

I am a member of Facebook, Myspace, and similar sites.

His political viewpoint is highly liberal, and tells his parents to vote for the liberal (or more liberal) candidate in any election.

not *highly* liberal, but I kind of swing to the left.

He has a B+ average in school, except for a D in Elective Credit-Earning Subject.

nah man I rock at elective classes

He is an avid supporter of LGBT rights.

no LGBT rights are for fags and jews obv.

He is an atheist and will always be one. (thanks to ultraviolet for this one)


His favorite music consists of obscure metal bands from Europe, progressive metal, and some classic rock/metal, J-pop, and video game music. He dislikes rap, teen-pop, nu-metal, DragonForce, and most of all, he despises hair metal.


He doesn't care about profanity and has been known to drop F-bombs here and there.

fuck no I hate cursing

He owns an ASB account here, which he uses, but infrequently.

I haven't owned an ASB account here since like 2006 or something

He wants Mafia back.

never liked Mafia

He hates 4chan with a passion.

4chan is lame
(I am a /b/tard)

His favorite mangas/animes are Naruto, Bleach, and other shonen, with some shojo. However, he hates the Pokemon anime, with the notable exception of the first two seasons.

His favorite video game series are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. He prefers Rock Band to Guitar Hero, which he liked but finds lame now. His favorite gaming console is the XBox 360, followed by the Wii, as he hates the PS3.


His least favorite Pokemon are Tentacool and Zubat.


He entered the Wi-Fi League, but never joined any tournaments.


He EV trains his team.

I haven't played a pokemon game competitively in forever

And finally, he thinks GSC was the best generation and is thrilled for the remakes.

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