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The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE]


we can try to get the cop out of it, then use cop+doc for one round. when the fist doc dies, if the second is still alive, it can safely heal the cop without exposing its identity. if not, well, we have some small amount of information anyway?
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE]

So who do we lynch then? Or do we allow a free mafia kill?
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE]

Well, if we're all giving up...

Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE]

Thing is, if we abstain, the Mafia will just get another free kill. Even at this point, the first day, the ratio of Mafia and innocents isn't exactly balanced - in fact, it's leaning towards the Mafia's favour (compared to the other games I've seen here, at least). Abstaining will cause us to lose precious time, quite possibly with little to no more information than the day before.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE]

Whoever the cop is, feel free to inspect me. And, hey, the whole thing about the revealing, y'all said to say who's the doctor and cop, and I did. Thank you for deciding not to lynch me. Of course, I'm dead tonight...eh. Newbie's loss. For the record, I'm abstaining. If the cop wants to contact me for healings, please do so, as I don't know who you are.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE]

The day dragged on slowly, but surely. However, by the end of the day, despite all sorts of wild and crazy sounding claims by people on all fronts, the people chose not to execute anyone. The leads were few and thin, and to kill another would be too big of a risk. They slowly disappeared to their homes. What horrors would the next morning bring them?

A majority has been reached, and no one has been executed. You have 24 hours to get your night actions in.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE]

Whoever the cop is, feel free to inspect me. And, hey, the whole thing about the revealing, y'all said to say who's the doctor and cop, and I did. Thank you for deciding not to lynch me. Of course, I'm dead tonight...eh. Newbie's loss. For the record, I'm abstaining. If the cop wants to contact me for healings, please do so, as I don't know who you are.

Forgive me for posting during the night phase if it isn't allowed, but I wanted to clarify something. This post indicates the detective to pm ole_schooler. Is out of thread communication allowed? Besides the mafia that is...
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE]

Forgive me for posting during the night phase if it isn't allowed, but I wanted to clarify something. This post indicates the detective to pm ole_schooler. Is out of thread communication allowed? Besides the mafia that is...
I'm going to say no outside thread communication unless I said it was allowed in the PM I sent with your roles.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [NIGHT TWO]

Technically, this is about 20 minutes earlier, but something tells me that people who haven't sent in night actions yet will not change that in 20 minutes :/

D A Y - T W O
The day was unusually dark and cold as people rose out of their beds in the morning. The sun is clouded out by the gray...um...clouds. There are evidence of a light frost on the ground too. As people exit their homes, they notice something strange on their doorsteps. Some people find a human organ. Others find a blood soaked bone. They hesitantly wander towards the town square, and find a disfigured body gutted like a fish. Their limbs are mangled and torn, yet their main body seems to be cut into like in an autopsy. After a few horrific moments, a man goes forward to look at the face of the now deceased Barubu.

A scream emerges from another part of the town square, next to the fountain. The group of people run toward the fountain to see the cause of alarm. A young woman is looking, horrified, into the fountain. Floating in the water is the corpse of one Dragonair.

After a few silent moments, someone shouts out, "Where the hell is Flora and Ashes? We were going to have a tea party today!" The townspeople look around. Indeed, Flora and Ashes is missing from this little assembly.

Barubu is dead. He was not mafia

dragonair is dead. He was not mafia.

Flora and Ashes is missing and as such cannot participate in today's discussion.

The judge failed to turn in his/her night action, and as such no one is granted immunity.

You have 48 hours to discuss, until a majority is reached or Mrs Henderson goes crazy.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

D: Two people? One is probably mafia, but the second... Jenny and Ginny revenge kill? Maybe lovers, I guess, if dragonair drowned himself... The only other possibility is healer clash. And today Flora is missing too. =/

We don't know if dragonair was telling the truth, still. He could have been the Corrupt Politician. I kind of want to believe that the Not Corrupt Politician is alive. D:

So...leads. Gotta lynch today. ole_schooler, if you are healer, who did you heal both nights?
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Well, I was opposed to abstaining, but I was unsure on who to lynch exactly... Well, that day's over now.

If the claims are to be believed, we only have one healer left, and thus neither Barubu nor dragonair could've died by healer clash. dragonair couldn't have been a lover as well, though, if once again the claims are to be believed, so I think it's safe to say Barubu was either Jenny or Ginny.

Also, since the Judge hasn't sent in his/her night action for two nights now, I think either they're inactive or realize the anti-town-ness of their role. Since everyone's viewed the thread, I think it's safe to say it's the latter.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

our chance of getting a maf, then, is 4/11, and chances of getting dead weight is 7/11.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

So then who do we pick to lynch? Dragonair and ole_schooler were our only leads, and now dragonair is dead. so ole_schooler is our only lead.

But yet... I feel like ole_schooler was telling us the truth. I don't know why... but I feel like I trust them. After all, he/she is (possibly)) our only healer I don't know if they would lie like that. And if they did, the real healer would have come forward.
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