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The Birthday Center

@.@ THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUUUU And anyone who was going to get me something, check my ASB profile later on to see if I already got it. Thanks~
So my birthday's in a week. Gifts of any kind are appreciated, but here's my 'official' wishlist:
Rare Candies
Anything of R5, 6, 7 or 8, the higher the better
Anything from the 'Dex Registry

Though again, whatever you get me is appreciated.
Mewtini, Arylett and LotF can have one anything; Squorn can have either a rasqueon, a spraylet or a wyrmal (unless she would desperately prefer something else) because I don't have an agenda at all.
Oh, thank you so much, Kratos! So much to choose... since it's from you, I think I'll take one of your fakes. I would like a Spraylet, male, nicknamed Vivastos.
Mewtini can either have my Lickitung or a free berry.
I'll take the berry, but how do vouchers work...?
[For Mewtini] Scyther (M)
Thanks Superbird!!
Mewtini, Arylett and LotF can have one anything
I'd like any fakemon, please.

Thanks everyone, I feel special now :3
I don't particularly mind...

Coin flip says Male.


Oh, thank you so much, Kratos! So much to choose... since it's from you, I think I'll take one of your fakes. I would like a Spraylet, male, nicknamed Vivastos.


I'll take the berry, but how do vouchers work...?

Thanks Superbird!!

I'd like any fakemon, please.

Thanks everyone, I feel special now :3


:0 how great!

Just a Simple Male Numel would be awesome. Thank you!

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