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The Challenge Board

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Mendatt is maxed out, although he can take your challenge if he's willing to drop his current open challenge or anything else a ref hasn't already taken. (Or forfeit something that's in progress, but I don't imagine that's a very appealing option.)

Anyway. I freed up all them battle slots and now I intend to use 'em. First:

3 vs 3 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: None
Bans/Restrictions: No single-stage or fully-evolved pokémon, 1 direct healing move and 3 chills per trainer

Arena: Doctor Kaminko's Experimental Stadium, Arena #17

Any claims that Doctor Kaminko does not test his Pokémon-related inventions before revealing them to the public (a public that is obviously too simple to appreciate their sheer genius) are, of course, entirely false. In fact, the Doctor has a dedicated space beneath his secret laboratory for just this purpose—his experimental stadium. At first glance it appears to be a fairly plain arena, with the standard clay floor, small pool for Water-types and a weather generator that will respond to any weather-inducing commands. A few button presses and switch flips, however, and the Doctor can produce anything from a plethora of his newest battle-based creations to make things more... interesting. Kaminko regularly invites trainers down to his facility to help him test his new experiments, assuring them that of course their Pokémon will be perfectly safe and that of course there will be ample compensation for their time. Most of the Orrean trainers know better than to take his claims at face value, but there's no reason for a few gullible eager outsiders not to trust him, right?


Additionally, the Baldorfish are very sensitive to any external stimuli. A Baldorfish hit by an attack with a base power of 50 or more, or by any impact/stimulus the ref considers equally damaging, will explode on the spot and cause its effect immediately on whatever is in the blast radius. Exploding Baldorfish will set off any intact Baldorfish in their range.

Exploded Baldorfish are not replaced, so the battle continues as normal (a.k.a. boring) when all twenty-five have detonated.

Would I be allowed to? (Or is there some prerequisite I've yet to fill out before I can accept challenges?)
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The only prerequisite for accepting or making a challenge is having a team, so if you wanted to battle me, sure. :O

The only thing is that Metallica Fanboy VM'd me saying he was sort of interested but wouldn't be able to accept for a couple of days; he said he'd only bother if no one else was interested before then, though. I don't care which of you two I battle, so if it's okay with MF then okay! (And if not, I was going to put up a second challenge in a little while anyway, so you could take that one if you wanted!)
Fine by me. I have a large amount of arenas I've been meaning to try out anyway, so, I still have a lot I can do as soon as I'm free to challenge.
This looks fun to ref and so I shall take it.

I think this is the last battle I shall ref for a while, I have far too many
But you people are so slow I can easily keep on top of it
I'm a complete newb to ASB, so for my very first battle, I want to be the challenger :3 Prepare to...erm, probably epically crush me.

Format: 2v2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks, because it is my first battle and I know I'll procrastinate.
Damage Cap: 35%

Banned and Restricted Moves: Moves that you couldn't use in the arena (i.e. Surf, because there isn't enough water); OHKO moves; 1 direct healing move per Pokémon; 4 chills per Pokémon

Arena Description: The battling, for the most part, takes place on a 'stage', which is simply a rectangular patch of sand in the middle of an open, grassy field. The 'stage' is large enough for medium-large Pokémon to easily maneuver and aim their attacks. At each of the four corners of the 'stage' are three medium-sized rocks usable for attacks such as Rock Tomb. The sand is soft enough to easily Dig through, as is the soil on the field surrounding it. There is also a pool in the center of the 'stage' for water-type Pokémon who need it.

Pokémon are free to move away from the 'stage' as they please, although they won't find anything but and endless, flat expanse of grass. Flying-types also have unlimited space in the air, since it is outdoors.

(Oh geez, I hope I didn't make that look too complicated, 'cause it's like the most basic arena ever created)

Additional Rules: I'd prefer to battle someone on my skill level (which is quite low), but I'm also ready for a challenge.
I'm a complete newb to ASB, so for my very first battle, I want to be the challenger :3 Prepare to...erm, probably epically crush me.

Format: 2v2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks, because it is my first battle and I know I'll procrastinate.
Damage Cap: 35%

Banned and Restricted Moves: Moves that you couldn't use in the arena (i.e. Surf, because there isn't enough water); OHKO moves; 1 direct healing move per Pokémon; 4 chills per Pokémon

Arena Description: The battling, for the most part, takes place on a 'stage', which is simply a rectangular patch of sand in the middle of an open, grassy field. The 'stage' is large enough for medium-large Pokémon to easily maneuver and aim their attacks. At each of the four corners of the 'stage' are three medium-sized rocks usable for attacks such as Rock Tomb. The sand is soft enough to easily Dig through, as is the soil on the field surrounding it. There is also a pool in the center of the 'stage' for water-type Pokémon who need it.

Pokémon are free to move away from the 'stage' as they please, although they won't find anything but and endless, flat expanse of grass. Flying-types also have unlimited space in the air, since it is outdoors.

(Oh geez, I hope I didn't make that look too complicated, 'cause it's like the most basic arena ever created)

Additional Rules: I'd prefer to battle someone on my skill level (which is quite low), but I'm also ready for a challenge.

So it's been years since my last ASB battle, and I think at this point I probably suck at it a lot. If you're okay with it, I'd love to battle you.
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I'd like to drop the third challenge. The one in the reverse world, that is. I'd rather not hog the open challenge list.
Question: We are allowed to have more than one battle at a time, aren't we? I mean, I've seen some members who are in more than one at once, I just want to make sure it's not a special privilege or something. Also, is there a limit to how many battles we can be in at once?
I was bored. Really bored.

1. Battle Format: 1v1 single.

2. Battle Style: Set.

3. DQ Time: A week.

4. Damage Cap: 10% per action, 25% per round.

5. Banned and Restricted Moves: Weather effects only take effect on the top floor. OHKO's just do 10% damage.

6. Arena Description: Dragonspiral Tower

As featured in Black and White, Dragonspiral Tower is an ancient relic of a tower with eight floors and a lake on the bottom. There are several effects because of this. The lake can only be swam in by water-type pokemon, and has six pillars with 5% health that are treated as rock-type and can be hidden behind to absorb damage, similar to a substitute. The next seven are in the tower, and all of them have five pillars with 5% health. The last floor has eight pillars with 10% health, and a hole in the wall that weather effects can come through. Each time a pokemon makes an action, it has a 5% chance of falling down a level by accident, unless it's on the first level or lake. If it slips and falls, it only does it's action if it's a special attack or a self-targeting move. Only special attacks and self-targeting moves can be used when the user is on a different level than the user, and you can spend an action moving up or down a level. I think that's all.

7. Additional Rules: No evolved pokemon.

Then, assuming that this challenge is still open, I'd like to take it, 'cause it sounds fun, and not confusing enough to cause my brain to implode. Yay.

(by the way, that was a really quick reply there o.o;;)
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May I cancel my battle with Lord of the Fireflies? My arena needs some work before being taken to an actual battle.
Sounds fun. By the way, I made a typo on the challenge. It's supposed to be "10% per action, 25% per round." Makes more sense, doesn't it?
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