A battle for my forbidden liver Mai <3
3vs3 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, suicide moves, direct healing (3 Chills/Pokemon)
Arena: Silver "Cupcakes" Platter
A platter placed on a table in Sugarcube Corner's basement. It cannot be dug into and does not rust. The stage itself is nothing out of the ordinary.
However, each round Pinkie Pie will arrive and feed each Pokemon a cupcake specifically made from a certain pony. Specific afflictions and boosts are received based on what pony the cupcake was made out of. Each cupcake can only be served once, and the effects of them only last for that round. The list of the cupcakes and their effects are listed:
Twilight: Will inflict a STAB psychic attack on the person who eats it.
Applejack: Each pokemon will gain +1 attack and +1 defense because bulkiness.
Rarity: Will heal 5% health and energy with generosity.
Rainbow Dash: Each pokemon will gain +3 speed.
Fluttershy: Attack and special attack lowered -2 with status affects removed.
Celestia: Each pokemon will go God Tier and become their final stage.
Luna: It will become night. All weather will be removed and dark/ghost type moves will gain a STAB boost in addition to STAB.
Lyra: If Bon-Bon was eaten within two rounds then both pokemon will become attracted to each other.
DJ-PON3: Special attack and special defense will be raised by +1 because of coolness.
Bon-Bon: If Lyra was eaten within two rounds then both pokemon will become attracted to each other.
Derpy: Each pokemon becomes confused.
Baked bads: Each pokemon will lose 5% health and 5% energy.
Big Macintosh: Each pokemon will lose -3 speed because he's slow, but they wikl also gain +2 attack because of his bulk.
Trixie: Each pokemon will gain +3 in every stat, but be inflicted with confusion, burn, and paralysis.
If the battle lasts through every possible cupcake, Pinkie Pie will come in every round and inflict 10% damage on every Pokemon until there is a victor.
Other: Nothing.
... Liver? xD