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Open The City of Dreams

The one Malum had noticed was an odd Blastoise with fiery-red stripes. Shellby looked over to the red Bronzong and greeted him by lowering her head slightly. "Is there something you need, Malum?" Her tone was serious, with the faintest hit of excitement. Although normally she wasn't like this; she merely had nothing to do at the moment. Her lava stripes glowed slightly.
((That's what I was thinking, except slightly different.))

Maris noticed that a teammate was nearby. It was Shellby, the fiery Blastoise in terms of types. She released her Dusknoir and not her other Pokemon for two reasons: One, Dusknoir was probably the most malicious Pokemon she had, and two: Thief would look kind of pathetic.

Dimlight knew what to do. He faded from view and appeared not far from Shellby, looking at the red Bronzong that led Galactic.

"If it is a mission too difficult for one Pokemon," he began, "My trainer Maris would like to accompany Shellby so that there is a team of five Pokemon, plus one human to protect us." He tried not to sound too bossy and never used the words "must" or "have to" in his sentence.
"I have orders from Tuma," Malum said, "You and one other member-your choice- are to head to the city's eastern sector. Rumors of Vanguard activity have sprung up, and Tuma wishes to know if those rumors are true or not. Once you have found anything, report back."

((Your cue, Cryptica.))
((I can't be damned to even make up directions. =P))

"Very well.", Hermes replied to Moonlight. It looked up her location, and then computed the directions. Then, Hermes vocally gave the directions.
At the same time, it called Radovan, "I have sent assistance to the warehouse in question. Please wait when you arrive."

"Alright.", Radovan said.
They continued down the streets, past the poor masses and decrepit housing. Entering a tenement district, Radovan's PDA indicated he was about to get there, so he stopped, parked his bike, and found the warehouse on foot. He and Ursula found an abandoned shop next to it, and hid inside.
"Feel anyone in there?", he asked Ursula.
"Yes,", she replied, "Faintly. I need to get closer."
"I have a feeling that wouldn't be smart.", Radovan explained, "We'll have to wait until this other empath Hermes mentioned arrives."
They sat and relaxed as bit.
((Okay, ignore that last post. Most of it, anyway.))

The Dusknoir noticed that Malum was talking to a Blastoise. Shellby, his teammate, to be exact; the fiery stripes made it clear. He began hovering towards the two Pokemon.

((NOW Shellby notices me.))
Shellby noticed a Ghost-type Pokémon that had appeared next to her out of nowhere. Her red patterns started glowing slightly; the Dusknoir's spooky air made her slightly cold, and the stripes on her head, arms and legs radiated heat this way. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and then nodded to Malum. "If you don't mind, I'd like to take this Dusknoir along with me; he could be of valuable help."
Hearing the mention of a Dusknoir, Dimlight went closer to Shellby. "If it's easy enough for two Pokemon, that is... if not, Maris can come too." He tried not to sound too childish or demanding... he wasn't the best Pokemon when it came to socializing. Just spooking people.
"Very well then," Malum said, "Fill Dimlight in on the mission, then. And make sure you bring some results. You know how Tuma deals with failure."

Or rather, you don't know, and don't want to know.

The Bronzong floated away, with business of his own to attend to.
((I'm afraid you won't get much of a fight since we're on the same side... But finding it is! ^^))

Karae had been floating in the air above the city's streets, not too far from her home. If there was a meeting, or she was recalled for a mission, it wouldn't take her long to get back. As it was, the Dragonair badly needed to fly - the graceful arcs and loops she could perform, all perfectly executed, enhanced her flexibility, and training was always needed. However, a Dragonair wih such distinctive wings was... conspicuous, so she was sticking to the shadows. No fancy flying for now, but she had an excellent opportunity to watch the hooded figure with the sack of eggs... Familiar, that.

Karae drifted closer to the ground, and out from the shadow of the building, hoping to catch his attention. The few people around would definitely notice if she talked, so she nodded once and then slipped into an alley. There. If Zone wanted to follow, he culd, but she didn't want to be recognized by anyone else.
Zone noticed something, and walked into an alley, finding a familiar Dragonair there. He put his free hand over his eye, doing a sort of salute. "What's up Karae? Having a good time now?" He talked in the same way his eyes looked, relaxed and lazy.
(Click here to see a diagram of Tanya's room)

Tanya was residing in a basement of the Corporation Executive building, in a specially-designed room. Her room was about 40' long, 30' wide, and 10' tall, without windows but with florescent lighting covering the ceiling. Much of the room floor was made to be a large non-chlorinated pool, styled in a fat, curved 'L' shape, and reaching about 10 feet maximum depth. The offshoot of the pool was shallow enough for humans to wade in, with stairs leading out of the water. The rest was elegantly tiled in white marble, with a small jacuzzi near the pool, about 5 feet of walking space between the walls and the pool. The walls were covered in a bright, pink and white, flowery wallpaper, and on one of the sides of the room, a large, 10' wide LCD screen was situated, allowing Tanya computer and television access. The console was voice-activated, as the Milotic had no trouble speaking in english, but pressing buttons or moving a mouse was significantly more difficult. There were two ways into the room. A main elevator for the building extended down to an offshoot from the room. Most of her visitors entered through this way. The offshoot was surrounded by glass and a pair of glass-paned doors, allowing her to see who was coming before they could actually enter. The Jacuzzi was near this entrance, as were a few poolside chairs for humans to sit and recline on, and a small poolside table. On the far other side was a larger service elevator. However, only a few people actually had access to this elevator: Tanya herself, Shallo, and a few personal maintenance employees. The doors to this elevator required pupil scans to open. While Tanya could remain out of water for hours, perhaps up to a day, she preferred remaining in fresh water, as it kept her body from dehydrating, and gave her skin an elegant sheen. Next to this elevator was a storage room, where Tanya kept many of her supplies.

Wearing a custom-built, waterproof headset, containing earphones and a microphone, wirelessly connected to her personal computer, and floating in the pool in front of the LCD screen, Tanya was busy coordinating the day's activities. There was a board meeting that morning, for her partner to participate in.
"Make sure you keep me informed on what's going on at the meeting," Tanya was telling Shallo, who was visible on her screen. "Take good notes, and we'll talk about it together at noon. Tanya out." The call disconnected, and the screen returned to the main GUI screen, showing her desktop image and icons of her programs. Tanya then spoke to her computer. "Connect me to Radovan Masaryk." A 'connecting' sign appeared on her screen, and a signal was sent to Radovan's PDA to start his dial tone.
Karae dipped her head gracefully, as a sort of answer to his salute. "Hello. Yes, I am doing well. And you?" And then, because he had been carrying the eggs with him, after all, she asked, "How are the eggs?" Though, there was the more serious question of why he was walking openly on the streets whilst carrying such precious cargo. She kept one eye on him, and the other on the entrance of the alley. There could be intruders, people just walking in by accident, and she didn't want to be surprised. Not really waiting for his answer, she said in a sterner tone, "You shouldn't be walking with the eggs out in the open like this. It courts danger." Ah yes - being perfect demanded a fancy vocabulary as well. At least she somewhat blended into shadow, being darker than usual and such. If only her wings hadn't made such a contrast... She would have felt safer, here.
Dimlight nodded. He didn't quite know how Tuma dealt with failure, and the way Malum said it it sounded like he didn't want to know.

He turned to the female Blastoise. His voice was soft and quiet as if he was whispering in a crowd. "Can you fill me in on the mission?" His voice was steady, but inside he shivered.

Failure was not an option.
((Got my signup all done! Also I'd like to know where I should start (if accepted), if someone would please be telling me? C: ))
"You didn't hear what he said?" Shellby quietly snapped. "There are rumors about a rise in activity in Vanguard, and Tuma wants us to check it out." She turned again to ask Malum, "Which way is it again?"
((You were accepted a page ago))

Ming nods and slides off a crate, slipping her hands in her pockets.

"More better show up...I don't know how long we can stay here before we're noticed."

Fang, laying on the floor, lets out a yawn but stopped when one of the others said they sensed someone near. He slowly gets to his feet and trots over to Ming, tuging on her pant leg. Ming looks down at him.

"What is it Fang?"

'Halan. Send him out...we might need his aura sense.'

Ming nods, snagging the Lucario's ball from her belt and tosses it, releasing the blue and black dog in the room. The Lucario turns and looks at his surroundings, his eyes an odd color compared to others of his kind. Instead of the usual red eyes, his were a pale blue color.

'This is a dump. Why we here Ming'

Ming smiles, loving that Halan's "Voice" sounded foreign and thick. She the shrugs, looking back toward the others.

"It's all I could find at the moment."

The Lucario sighs, looking at the others. He looks at their auras and commits them to memory for the future. His ear then twitches when he sense the aura of another outside the building.

'There are two aura next to the warehouse. They seem to be hiding and waiting'

Ming swears under her breath, moving toward the others and grabbing one's arm.

"We've been found. We need to leave through the back exit. Don't ask how i know, I checked this place out for all routes in case of this. We need to leave now before anyone else comes to stop us."

Fang trots over to a crate and yips at Halan. The Luacrio hops over and nods when the Glaceon asks him to move the crate. Halan pushes the crate to reveal a trapdoor. Fang then looks back at the humans and yips.

"Good work you guys. We can take the trapdoor...but we have to hurry"

Ming lets go of the arm and moves toward the door, lifting it open. She looks back at the others.

"Go now."

((Sorry if I confused everyone about the Warehouse...I just did what I thought what would get us starting. Others of the Vanguard, you might want to hop down this Trap door soon~))
"I'm doing just fine" Zone answered Karae, closing his left eye while having the right half-open, as some sort of lazy wink. "The eggs too, although very few of of them have cracks on them what so ever. And for the record, no one knows there's eggs in this bag. And I guess you could I am looking for a fight, the bag here is designed to create no impact what so ever on the things in it. meaning I could swing it around and nothing would happen" He opened the bag and took out a black one with a white skull mark on it. "This one is little more open then the other ones, though"
((You're fully accepted now. Ask Raikou...))

Radovan's PDA went off. He looked, and saw a 'Tanya'. He let it ring for a moment, until he realized who this 'Tanya' was, an empath employed as a bodyguard for a member of the board of directors. Seeing as the empath sent to help him hadn't arrived yet, he answered the call.
"What do you want?", Radovan asked, "I'm in the middle of an investigation."
Tanya grinned, scolding the human in a playful-sounding voice. "Now now, where are your manners, young man..." She chuckled a little, her tail splashing against the pool water behind her. "I know you're a busy man, Radovan, but I only wanted to discuss an opportunity for you. Come, stop by my place when you get the chance. You know where I live and work. Oh..." The Milotic winked, her long 'eyelash' waving to him. "... And I would suggest you bring your bathing suit, though I don't really care myself whether a human chooses not to..." She giggled, rolling around on top of the water, doing a 360 in front of her webcam.
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