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Open The City of Dreams

Starr was too absorbed in her own mind to note that she was being watched, and continued to walk, stroking Jack's fluffy head. The little Eevee chirruped loudly, waving his tail.

"Shh, Jack. We don't want to draw too much attention; we're just out on a walk, not a parade." Starr soothed, tapping his tiny nose.
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Malum noted that Starr hadn't noticed him yet, despite the fact that he was almost literally right behind her.

Then again, is this really who I want to trust with a mission as vital as this?

I may have no choice. Tuma is most likely anticipating the results soon. I cannot disappoint... yet.

The Bronzong grunted. It was quiet, but unless Starr had some sort of hearing problem, she would notice him.
At the sound, Starr whipped around and extended her arm to allow Jack to leap upon it in one astonishingly quick motion. The little fox responded almost as quickly as his trainer, and was ready to attack. When Starr noted who her 'attacker' was, she relaxed and pulled Jack back into her arms.

"Oh... Hello." She said, looking slightly disheveled.
"Greetings," Malum said, "I have orders from Tuma. You are to head into the City's Eastern Sector, where rumors of Vanguard activity have sprung up. You are to capture a Vanguard member and bring him, her or it back alive. You are to remain out of sight at all costs. Do not speak with anyone, even if they are on our side. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I understand." Starr said, pressing Jack slightly to her bosom. Her eyes light up with a determined fire, and she vowed to get this right. She wanted to do her grandfather proud.

"Vee!" Jack added, holding up a paw in a v-symbol.
"Psymoon.", Radovan repeated, committing the name to memory, "Got it. As far as us going down there, well, you can go if you want. Like I said, I'm about to get off work, and head back home in Sigma."
Radovan then gestured to Ursula, and the two started towards the door.
Ursula waved to Psymoon, "Maybe we'll see each other again," she smiled.
At the door, they were met with a uniformed man and a handful of his fellow guards.
"Inspector.", the guard greeted.
"Next to that box.", Radovan said, indicating the box next to the trap door, "Might be a tight fit, though."
"Thanks, we'll handle it from here.", the guard said, and they all entered and started entering the passageway.
Radovan and Ursula headed outside and started walking towards one of the tram stops of the lower city, reserved for upper city residents, and used primarily by Internal Security workers.
'There are people following.'

Ming looks over her shoulder Halan, still making her way down the passage. She swears under her breath and looks at the Glaceon on her shoulders. With a simple nods, Fang leaps from her shoulder and lands behind the rest. He opens his mouth and begins to freeze the ground behind him in a sheet of black ice.

'This should trip up the ones after us~'

Ming nods and holds out her arm, allowing Fang to leap back into her arms again before resting on her shoulder once more. Ming then picks up the pace and starts to push the others ahead of her to go faster.

"We are being followed down here. Get the lead out and move."

Halan then dashes ahead of them, searching for the end of the single tunnel. Ming lets out a sigh and decides to take the lead at the moment.

She grabs the others and drags them down the tunnel faster.

"Halan...did you find the door?"

'Yes...it is a 5 minute walk from here. 2 minute run.'

"Then lets get a move on. The ice Fang made should slow them down."
Malum floated back to Tuma's chamber, planning all the while.

My next move is dependent on whether or not my two separate missions are completed. I truly do hope they are; it would be a shame if Tuma had to execute these members.

Should they succeed, I will draw all I can from this information conduit; I could theoretically have total knowledge of their movements.

That is, of course, until they pick up shop and flee from that particular sector. Then I'll begin the process anew.
Dimlight turned to Shellby. "Maybe we should form a plan for this. Since you're so easy to spot, with your coloration contrast and all, we should devise a strategy that prevents you from being noticed. People probably won't believe me if I say you're my tatooed slave."
Seeing that his conversation with Karae was over, Eruzione went out of the ally and walked away, humming a little tune. "I really want something to happen right now" He thought, walking down the street.

((Dammit Link, you're the DM, make something happen!))

"I don't really know," Shellby admitted, sighing. "I think I would do best if... do you know Haze?" She asked hopefully, dimming her stripes in demonstration.
Dimlight shook his head in regret. "I'm afraid my species can't learn that move. We may be able to figure something out... Like freezing your stripes temporarily with Icy Wind?"
Tuma had been dreaming.

He'd been dreaming of a time before this happened. Before this war.

The Distortion World...

His defeat by the trainer had been painful in more than one way. His master had counted on him to win. He hadn't won. He had been utterly destroyed.

What did he see in me...

Tuma knew that staying in the World with Cyrus would not give him answers. He secretly left after the trainer departed.

He had then traveled for hours and hours... and then he found Malum. The Bronzong had seemed reluctant at first to ally with him, but after the two had entered Zilina, and Tuma had assumed command, the alliance was forged.

Tuma had began to operate from the shadows. He would wait, and he would ensure that both sides were either weakened or defeated before making his move.

And the first thing he would do is find the trainer who defeated him and he would show that trainer what the Weavile had been put through

Not now... Not today. But one day, after Zilina has fallen, Team Galactic will have their revenge...
((But.. but... your job is to walk around carrying sacks of eggs. That's boring. =P))

One of the security guards slipped. Three others then fell down behind him.
"What's wrong?", their leader asked.
"It's... slippery... and cold?", one of the men replied.
"Ice.", the guard leader said, "Of course. We don't have anything that can help?"
"Not at the moment.", one of the others replied.
"Fine.", the leader declared, "I suppose we're stuck here for a moment."
He sent a signal to headquarters.

Arriving at their condominium building, Radovan and Ursula stepped off the tram and took an elevator up to their condo.
"Don't forget.", Ursula reminded.
"I suppose we could go now.", Radovan answered.
He dug around his wardrobe for a pair of swimming trunks, and eventually found a pair.
"I really do have to wonder what she wants.", Radovan thought out loud, "Maybe something happened."
"Maybe...", Ursula quietly echoed.

Floating along the street on another surveillance patrol, Hermes sighted a hybrid, identifyable by the appearance of something sticking out of his back. This one, though, was carrying a container.
Hermes flew in front of the hybrid, "Halt. What is your name and your business with the container you are carrying?"
As Eruzione walked around, he was confronted by a Porygon2, and guessing by it's attitude, it was most likely some sort of guard. This was something Zone was rather happy about, seeing how he was more then happy to start a fight.
"My name is Eruzione, and for the record this container is called a SACK, mind adding that to your vocabulary?" He said, holding the sack in front of him this time. "And since you asked, it's filled with eggs, and it's my job to hatch them. And if you decide to confiscate them, I am most likely to fight back, seeing how it will be hard to explain to my boss how I lost this sack" Zone clenched him empty hand, causing a cracking sound to come from it.
"Hahaha.", Hermes laughed in a biting, mechanical way, "Unfortunately, you cannot get in trouble for smart talking a surveillance drone. And who might you be hatching these eggs for?"

Radovan and Ursula left the condo and shut the door behind them.
"Do you... remember the way there?", Ursula asked quietly.
"Sure I do.", Radovan answered.
"You don't seem sure.", Urusula shot back.
Radovan tried to assure Ursula, "Just trust me."
They took a tram up the city, towards the top tier, something Radovan didn't do often. They got off at the right station, and found their way towards the building Tanya lived under. Heading inside, they took a special elevator down to the pool room.
Knocking on the glass, Radovan called out, "I know you're there."
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Zone smiled, he had created some trouble before when he destroyed the security in that shop several years ago, so making himself a criminal was done a while ago.
"Since you're so interested, I work for Tuma, and you should know by now who that is" He said, apparently not worrying at all over how this Porygon2 in front of him would react.
"Ice, huh?" Psymoon asked. "Bet it's cold down there!" she called down jokingly. She thought about it for a moment, then got an idea. "Hey, guys, maybe I can use Psychic to levitate all of you across!" she called down, mentally crossing her fingers (as she had none in reality) that it would appeal as a good idea to them.
"I suppose so," the guard leader replied to the Umbreon, "We're going to have to hurry, though. They're probably gone by now."

Hermes had to quickly search for who Tuma was.
Upon figuring it out, it continued, "'Tuma' has been identified as a high level target believed to be leading Galactic remnants. Suspect has been confirmed."
Loading up combat thought processes, Hermes launched a triple beam attack of fire, ice, and electricity. A standard opening move that tended to cripple the target somehow.
Zone took the hit, and staggered a little, but he kept the grin on his face, after all, he wanted just this to happen. He held the sack in a tight grip and removed the cloak with his other hand, revealing two volcanoes sticking out of his back. He took a deep breath, and blew out a steady stream of fire from his mouth.

((Fire Blast. Also unless you want reckless destruction, not the face))
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