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The Clue Game

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I've tried Grimer and Muk in a query string, but that didn't work. I also tried Gulpin and Swalot. How about Squirtle? I remember in the old Yellow game you get Squirtle in Vermillion, where they're worried about pollution from Grimer and Muk. Or perhaps I'm just reading into it too far.
darnit, now number 30 has me stumped... does it have something to do with game names, graphics, moves, or storylines?

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I know where to look for three, but... I've been to the marquee several times, whether it be patience training or this game, I still haven't figure it out D: I feel pretty stupid right now. I know it's at the beginning but..

EDIT: I got it!

( Hint for those stuck): It's commonly found in a household.

now for four... (DO NOT read if you haven't solved it) I think it's shuckle. I tried writing speed and 5, but neither works.
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For 3: Just keep looking! It's near the beginning, if that helps.

I'm sure it has to do with the new years thanks, BUT THANKS IS NOT THE ANSWER.
I went through it quite recently actually, but I guess I'll have to do it again because I have NO idea what you guys are talking about ^^;
Okay, for 26: You know Butterfree has a new year's tradition? Look in the old updates for the year it specifies and find the answer. Too specific?
Wow. I need help on number 6.

I've tried Arceus, space, spearpillar and a few others, but I can't seem to get it!


EDIT: I got it. Source code really helps.
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Okay. Deja vu is something you think you've seen before, right? What have you seen before? Now, what name fits with what you've seen before? Sorry if this is too big of a hint :P
I believe it's not too late for a bump. I started the clue game again, and I managed to get up to #9. I've looked through the listed Pokemon's stats and stuff, but I can't seem to find a similarity, even between half of them as the name suggests...
I believe it's not too late for a bump. I started the clue game again, and I managed to get up to #9. I've looked through the listed Pokemon's stats and stuff, but I can't seem to find a similarity, even between half of them as the name suggests...
What was no. 9 again? Is it the one with the different Pokémon's names?
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