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The Clue Game

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I'm stumped on clue 14. I've tried Shuckle's first location in the animé, the games, and everything else I can think of but it's not working.
Oh, never mind. Now I'm stuck on 14: "First appearance? Details, please." I know that it's talking about Shuckle's first appearance somewhere. I've tried the names of the Johto games, the places it appears, and the number of the episode in which it first appears in the anime...
OK. That explains it. xD

Now for 15. At first I thought the answer was the name of a Pokemon that did something to badly behaving kids, but it said the answer was a query string. I remember that the first one is "behaviour," but I can't remember the second one... would that be the name of the Pokemon or something else?

I'm pretty bad at this for my second time. :P
I still can't get 5. Is it a move? I can't think of any pokemon that would work. I also tried Butch.

It's not a move, but it does relate directly to the last question.

I can't really say anything else without being extremely obvious. Unless you want me to be extremely obvious. XD

On the other hand, my sister figured out clue 15, and I breezed through the next few and got to Clue 21. "-1/3... so much for Superpower." It sounds like a recoil move, so I tried Close Combat, Double-Edge and Brave Bird and none worked.
Stuck on no. 23... Spare a hint, anyone? This game is from hell great!
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Never mind my prior post, I'm now stuck on 27... I've tried typing Lapras=49, Lapras=fourtynine, lapras=49, but to no avail. any help would be dandy. I've gone through clues 1-26 today, but this one stumps me. I think I'm doing the math right.
Can somebody please help me with the final clue (30)? My friend and I have been trying to figure it out for ages. A reply is much appreciated!
Never mind my prior post, I'm now stuck on 27... I've tried typing Lapras=49, Lapras=fourtynine, lapras=49, but to no avail. any help would be dandy. I've gone through clues 1-26 today, but this one stumps me. I think I'm doing the math right.

Very close....if my memory serves me...
anything else would be a give-away.
@Jason-Kun: Well, it's somewhere on the Cave of Dragonflies main site, under the place you would probably not want to look because it's too boring, even though it's under the Fun section... Was that obvious or not?

I'm still stuck on 21 that says something about -1/3. I've tried Flare Blitz, and every move that has the same effect as Double-Edge including said attack itself. Also, I've tried Close Combat...
@ Darksong For clue 21 Pika Pika! yeah... that's the only clue I can think of...
@ Jason-Kun and Barubu for clue 3 The answer is on the CoD site. In a place where you'd be DOOMED if you looked.

well, I hope these help.

Also, I'm really really stumped on clue 30. can I please have some help? thanks!
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@ Darksong For clue 21 Pika Pika! yeah... that's the only clue I can think of...
@ Jason-Kun and Barubu for clue 3 The answer is on the CoD site. In a place where you'd be DOOMED if you looked.

well, I hope these help.

Also, I'm really really stumped on clue 30. can I please have some help? thanks!

For 30, what did fans love before for being different?
OK... now for Clue 22. I know it's probably in the Old Updates section of the site, on some Christmas section (or maybe Butterfree's birthday?) but it's too vague for me to know anything else. D: Does it happen to be a query string?
No, it's ...well, you know Butterfree's new year tradition? And the clue asks for the 'last mention' of 2006 (and the noun)? Try combining the two.
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