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The CoD Monotype Challenge

Finally found my Pearl version. Update!

budew golbat gastly
lv. 24 ----- lv. 24 ----- lv. 17
Badges: 2
Time: 5:05

Gardenia was easy thanks to my Golbat. I'd just caught the Gastly before I last turned the game off; for this game I can actually have a Gengar thanks to my old DS and my Diamond version. Evolving Budew is turning out to be pretty tricky, though. It's hard to play during the day with school. :[

I'm figuring what I want my final three Pokemon to be - Toxicroak has to go on there because it's me, and I'd like to have a Tentacruel. For the last one I'll probably go with Drapion, as it seems like the only real decent Poison-type I can get without trading, and it's a Dark type too which'll help with Lucian. I'm dreading Lucian already. Dear sweet god.
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Wow... I had totally forgotten about this. I haven't updated in ages.

Name: Gold
Type: Fire
Badges: 16


Lucy Lv.45

Ares Lv.45

Magnol Lv.45

Flare Lv.46

Lizzie Lv.49

Ty Lv.50

Everything has proceeded normally. The only Gym leader I remember having trouble with is Blue, but I beat him eventually. Now I just need to defeat Red. I feel like I have a lot of training to do.
I just erased almost all of my Pokemon on Pearl cause I was bored and I started a Ground monotype
Item: Quick Claw
Razor Leaf
Rock Smash
Rock Throw
Rock Polish
OnixOnix(Forgot to nickname waiting until Eterna)
Rock Throw
shellos-westShellos(Same as Onix)
Mud Sport
Mud Bomb
Water Pulse
I completed my Fire Mono on Gold yesterday.
Lucy Lv.45
Magnol Lv.46
Ares Lv.46
Flare Lv.47
Lizzie Lv.51
Ty Lv.53

I've started a Grass mono on Emerald since, but I'm not very far.
i decided to do another normal mono, but on platinum this time. i only started it about an hour ago, so i'm not very far..
i'm in jubilife atm, and haven't made a lot of progess. just about to fight my rival for the second time

starly-f (f) lv12
bidoof-f (f) lv12
roselia crobat haunter skorupi croagunk
lv. 29 ----- lv. 30 ----- lv. 27 ----- lv. 25 ----- lv. 24
Badges: 4
Time: 9:55

Made a lot of progess since my last update. I'd just got Wake's badge when last saved. I don't like having my Pokemon's levels all over the place like this; I'm probably gonna work on getting them all around level 30 before I go any farther. I've never really raised a Skorupi before, and mine is turning out to be one of those difficult Pokemon who doesn't learn any good attacks until after he evolves. I had to teach mine some random TM's I had just so he'd have an attack with an attack power of more than 20. :|
Okay, I need help with Gardenia. It doesn't help that 3 of my Pokemon are weak to here, and Grotle isn't quite strong enough.
Suggestions please
Lv. 19
Item - Quick Claw
Razor Leaf
Lv. 16
Rock Smash
Rock Throw
Lv. 17
Rock Throw
Rock Tomb
Lv. 16
Hidden Power (Not good against Grass)
Mud Bomb
Water Pulse

By the way, my other 2 Pokemon will be HippopotasGible
@Quake: Really, I would suggest leveling up your team-get everyone to level 20-21. At least get the rest of your team to Lv. 19. For the battle, I'd just have Grotle Curse six times on Cherubi, then heal and smash through her team, hoping that Roserade uses something like Poison Sting or Stun Spore.

Also, thanks to the people that have kept this topic alive while I've stopped posting.
Thanks, it worked. Roserade missed with Stun Spore and Quake's Cut got a critical hit.
Edit: By the way, can I catch Unown to make it easier to catch a Hippopotas?
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Roxanne Shamefaced!
This is just to signify that I exist and have started. Hai, guyz!

Badges: 1
Play Time: 2:01

Bikljadii (I really like the letter j) Lv. 16 @ Nothing
Nature: Sassy
-Mud Shot
-Water Gun
A Whole Lot of Win!
Beat Brawly and Wattson, caught some Pokemon. I swear, Nincada is a god in ground monotypes. Ground type, Cut, and Flash. Halelujah.

Badges: 3
Play Time: 7:43

Bikljadii Lv. 28 @ Soft Sand
-Mud Shot
-Water Gun

Graveler Lv. 25 @ Oran Berry (just in case!)
-Rock Smash
-Rock Throw

Hotcake Lv. 19 @ Nothing (it's pronounced oat-ca-KAY)

CUTTA 1 Lv. 8 @ Nothing (aka godsend)
-Leech Life
^ I know that, but I can actually fight with him. Caught two of these for the battle against May in Rustboro.

Now, he's just an HM slave. ^_^
Pulling out a win from the skin of my teeth vs. Roxanne in a bug mono, woot!
Proof of doom

Anyway, yeah. Bug mono. Team is in the vid, so eh. ._.
your names are win, PichuK <3

Also how do you get game vids to upload to Youtube? Mine don't work and I was gunna track my Crystal Water Mono on it.
Assonantal's Water Monotype Run

Trainer: Loki (#60480)
Badges: none
Time: 0:25

Lv. 06​

Welcome back, me! Been a long time. Who'd have thought school could keep someone so busy? So...yeah...definitely abandoned my old monotype run, and I figure I might as well try to restart it on Pearl, since I haven't played that in half of forever anyway. So, here goes. Piplup (Gloria) ftw!
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