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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

I finally decided to start reading this and omfg it is amaaazing <3
I still have quite a bit of catching up to do, though. I just finished reading through Act 4.
So, interesting factoid type dealy:

The last page of Jailbreak is not listed with the rest of the pages. You know, in the bit where you can see all of the pages in whatever adventure? It isn't there.
50% yayz. ::::D

Although the progress bar has sent me straight back into my old habit of checking the site at least three times a day. :/

In the meantime, anyone got any cool homestuck related tumblrs they'd like to share? (not including askblogs)
So am I the only one who finds the Horrorterrors sort of cute, in an abstract and tentacle-y way? Well, only except Feferi I suppose.

On a semi-related note, I recently discovered that due to my stutter I physically cannot say "Gl'bgolyb". It results in an amusingly garbled mass of sounds.
In my head it's just a phonetic reading of the letters, something like "GUL--buh-GO-līb", but I have no idea if there's an "official" one.

As it happens, Joanna pronounces it exactly as I think it, haha.
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