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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

It does say that Feferi's blood color is unique in her introduction (or somewhere near there), but all the same I thought there was some other reference to the blood color "she shared with the Condesce", or vice versa.

Ugh. It would make no sense for them to be different.
I really really enjoyed that update. SO INTENSE (link leads to spoilers, turn your volume down)

Favourite pages were this to this. Nearly died laughing at that... I guess Gamzee doesn't like anyone honking his nose. Anyway, looks like Karkat is starting to follow in his ancestor's footsteps. Also, I was wondering why Karkat's shooshing wasn't in grey or red, then I realised it was all in the colour of his sickle.

I have to admit, I was really on edge while I was watching the showdown. It's been a really long time since I've gotten so immersed in a story like this, and it is awesome.
I was a little disappointed, because when I saw "Insert Disc 2" followed by "5x Showdown Combo" I was like "omg, end of act! This is going to be so epic!" And then it totally wasn't the end of the act. However, it was still a great update; nice to have something ridiculous and funny after all the depressing Doc Scratch stuff.

Favourite pages were this to this. Nearly died laughing at that... I guess Gamzee doesn't like anyone honking his nose.
Yessss best panels! I laughed so hard.

Of course now I'm worried that the d'aww moment will be cut short by Terezi going all JU5T1C3! on Gamzee while he's distracted or something.

Also liking the new album.
Where is all the nak and doof >|

Can't think of anything else to say because my feelings are largely the same as everyone else's so here, have some relevant stuff courtesy of my tumblr dash:

best karkat

more best karkat

best sollux

guys guys it's almost like SiCk actually happened except... shooshpappier
Hussie said Those are the last updates you'll see until the end of act 5 animation.

Yeah, kind of figured that. He *did* just close the tome, after all.

But he's probably not even starting on it for another two weeks?? What will I do with my life until then?

guys guys it's almost like SiCk actually happened except... shooshpappier
Future chapters are now required to include more shoosh and pap.

Is this what Karkat didn't like having to do to Gamzee?
It seems unlikely, which is why these updates have left me with a certain sense of foreboding. I'm sure Hussie would love to mood whiplash everybody with a happy silly moment and then wham! more troll murder.
I come back from AFK to see that flash animation along with other things

Pants crapped
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