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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

Don't knock Prospitian royal erotic fanfiction. It is a beautiful but woefully underappreciated genre that I would gladly petition to see come to our bookshelves one day. The world must know what a demanding yet surprisingly gentle lover the White Queen is.
Don't knock Prospitian royal erotic fanfiction. It is a beautiful but woefully underappreciated genre that I would gladly petition to see come to our bookshelves one day. The world must know what a demanding yet surprisingly gentle lover the White Queen is.
Pffft. How low can your standards be? It has been clear to me from the start, pirate porn is the superior genre by far. Alien porn has absolutely nothing on it. You cannot possibly hope to beat pirate porn on a superiorgenre-off. It's just the best there is.
The latest flash has got to be one of the best games yet, and the whole John and Rose exchange about marriage was fantastic.

Here is my summary: John is the most clueless fuck. Ever.
I'm rather happy we got a SBAHJ-style here on the forums! It shows that even our forums' founder shows respect for the great comic.
regarding the most recent homestuck flash, it was awesome, but I hate how it had such a cliffhanging ending with no update in sight.
I vote that the SBaHJ style be kept as an option later along with the Dave one, as "FUCKIN NANCHO PARTY Style" and "(Beatdown) Strider Style" respectively.
I feel a bit late to the R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTY going on here, but I'd like to join, especially in light of the thematic changes going on here at TCoD. On a side note: Legendaryseeker99, get that utter FILTH out of your signature! There are children on here! Have you no shame?!
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