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The "Fwee" Thread

Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Finally, finally found a wireless adapter compatible with my DS and got it successfully set up. Loads of fun in store this weekend when I upgrade my Linux partition and try to get it installed there, too, but for now at least it plays nice with my Windows. Logged on to GTS to find that the pokémon I'd put there like a year ago had run away (didn't know that could happen oops). BS GTS trades! It's been too long! Did tirtouga for charmander, cherubi for sandshrew, Suicune for weedle, Mew for Dialga, Dialga for numel, numel for rattata--people who're actually invested in getting what they want and not sitting on a huge pile of legendary clones must really hate this system! Watched some battle videos, tucked in my zoroark so I can start doing DW again... awesome. :D

Of course, now that I'm shutting down this computer, I'll probably turn it on to find that the adapter no longer works and will never work again, but for now, so happy. And since I know there have been a couple of people on the forums trying to get that hell-adapter from Nintendo to work for them, I can at least confirm that this one does work with Nintendo systems as advertised (but is also as difficult to install as advertised) and is suuuper cheap, too!

Filed under "things I spend four hours on that are not stats homework."
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Got a brand new monitor for my computer and it's HUGE oh my god

Also went to a concert last night, saw Rise Against, A Day To Remember, and Title Fight :D

My ears are still ringing :D
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

I passed the PSSS test, and can go to college in the summer for a three week course with a friend of mine in a governmentally-run thing. So yay, I am still smart! My intelligence didn't fall out with puberty, I'm so glad.

Well, I passed the English with flying colours so I can go to the Humanities courses, which are all the ones that I want to go to, though I miserably failed that Maths by eight points. The maths required knowledge that I will acquire further down the line. I might try again next year.

But yeah I passed the test fweeee.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Randomly started playing Yggdra Union, addicted to it after a few hours. Why is anything associated with Atlus amazing?
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Castle Crashers. It makes me forget the bad things while I play it. :3 Thank you Tom Fulp and Dan Paladin.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

My media folder i've been working on for the last 3 months was graded A* material! It really paid off...
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV


(though how come everyone listens when she refuses and no one does when i do)
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Life is never complete until your own mother says there's something off about you.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

seeing a random delorean figurine in a teacher's classroom makes your day so much better
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Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

My five year old lil sister glomphug'd me and told me she loved me in that adorable little five year old voice.

It made my day. :3
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Just finished Wheller's All Good Things/Bonds of Eternity/Ashes to Ashes triple series of amazingness.

Feels good man.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Last two days were fun :D

On Thursday we had our Spring Dance, which was a nerds and jocks theme, so I could finally wear my Star Wars shirt I bought at Disneyland, as well as an accompanying Mona Lisa tie. The dance itself was really fun, though it would've been more entertaining if some of my friends (who really like each other) would've gotten together, but there's always next time.

Then yesterday we had a concert band festival. A lot of us were really tired from the dance the night before, but it was a three hour bus ride so a lot of us just slept. We played extremely well at the festival as well, and were rewarded. They mark you on a scale (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent, Superior) for different parts of musical quality and presentation, and then gave you an average mark, which for us was Excellent (We had 3 Superiors, 3 Goods, and the rest were Excellents)! Apparently the judges were marking very hard, meaning we were one of only three groups that day that had averaged Excellent, as well as one Superior, out of the fifteen total groups. It won't be good enough to get us to the national competitions, but we weren't expecting that, so yay us!

And nowwww, I'm really tired.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

oh hey prom

it was pretty cool. my date's such a sweetheart <3
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Went out today with some people I mostly didn't know at all.
Was surprisingly amazing. I need to do this more often.
The person who actually invited me never showed up, but hey.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

oh hey prom

it was pretty cool. my date's such a sweetheart <3

also he's totally precious

we were driving back to a friend's house afterwards and he just kinda plopped his head on my shoulder and all i could think was "ahdfodhaiod why are you so adorable. and not-straight"
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Friend and I spent five hours running through what would realistically happen if our primary school class was made to do a hunger games and we took into account food and friendships and emotional health and we used dice for the more complex things like fighting and gathering food and finding water and it was really realistic mostly and even though we ourselves died pretty early on despite the facts that the odds were almost overwhelmingly in our favour we had a really great and awesome time.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

prom dress shoppin' with mah bff tonight

will show pics later, don't want to take the risk of my boyfriend runnin' across them <3
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