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The "Fwee" Thread

I’ve been reading a very good fic for a ship that I love dearly but is very underappreciated and I left a couple comments on it and the author messaged me on tumblr thanking me for the comments because it’s not very commonly written for and they were glad they have an audience ;_;

they’re a VERY good author like my fave in that fandom so I’m very VERY happy
I’ve been reading a very good fic for a ship that I love dearly but is very underappreciated and I left a couple comments on it and the author messaged me on tumblr thanking me for the comments because it’s not very commonly written for and they were glad they have an audience ;_;

they’re a VERY good author like my fave in that fandom so I’m very VERY happy

oh lmao I forgot I wrote this. They later said I was cool but like, ten seconds after they liked a joke ask from my friend calling me a kinnie, which led to the most strange combination of emotions and is accidentally the funniest possible way they could do that.

ANYWAY I’ve been in a shit writing slump lately but I had to buckle down and finish some fics for a rarepair thing and I did the math and I wrote FIVE THOUSAND WORDS IN THE PAST THREE DAYS which is AMAZING and I’m very proud of myself
I’ve been reading a very good fic for a ship that I love dearly but is very underappreciated and I left a couple comments on it and the author messaged me on tumblr thanking me for the comments because it’s not very commonly written for and they were glad they have an audience ;_;

they’re a VERY good author like my fave in that fandom so I’m very VERY happy

oh lmao I forgot I wrote this. They later said I was cool but like, ten seconds after they liked a joke ask from my friend calling me a kinnie, which led to the most strange combination of emotions and is accidentally the funniest possible way they could do that.

ANYWAY I’ve been in a shit writing slump lately but I had to buckle down and finish some fics for a rarepair thing and I did the math and I wrote FIVE THOUSAND WORDS IN THE PAST THREE DAYS which is AMAZING and I’m very proud of myself
Aw yeah, that’s a great accomplishment!! :D Nice work!!
Back at it again in the fwee thread *backflips and knocks the thread title onto the floor*

I always have such a hard time getting into character in dnd, idk what it is but it takes ages for me to really “get” a character and half the time the campaign never gets far enough for me to do it. And even if it does, it never reaches a point where my character starts their arc so I can never really make use of having figured them out. (And I have a really unfortunate history of having players who seem to get annoyed when someone else is in the spotlight, so Anxiety)

so my boyfriend (who’s DMing our irl-ish campaign) decided to make a point of trying to get me out of my shell by getting my paladin boye started on his arc, and I DID IT I finally got into character, I dropped in so hard that it apparently gave him chills. And then I wound up in a sweet one-on-one duel with a former champion of my character’s god to see if he was worthy of taking the title, with the rest of the party casting buffs, cheering me on, and in one case giving SUCH a killer motivational speech that my bf gave me advantage/crit damage without needing a persuasion roll.

apparently when he asked how I wanted to finish it off, two of the players were so excited they started jumping up and down. I’m so goddamn happy
I’ve been reading a very good fic for a ship that I love dearly but is very underappreciated and I left a couple comments on it and the author messaged me on tumblr thanking me for the comments because it’s not very commonly written for and they were glad they have an audience ;_;

they’re a VERY good author like my fave in that fandom so I’m very VERY happy

freaking out here so i don't act like a complete fool in my comment replies: i wrote something for that ship and they opened their comment by saying "i love this ship AND your writing" and i just????????? hello????????????????????
I have discovered the Infinite Notebook Technique (look up 'Niklas Luhmann's Zettelkasten' for the basis of the technique if you are curious. The relevant search-engine keywords are contained within apostrophes for your convenience). Now I can write down, collate and index all of the books I read and then come back to the notes I made while I fully understood something without searching through multiple volumes for the highlighted text that I leave behind me. It even has room for me to refine an idea, ask questions of my Future Self, think about things in different ways and generally make progress.

I do hope this pandemic continues. I need ample time to read and make notes without the Capitalist Swine's incessant demands that I return to making money for them.
It is five am and I am vibrating because I am meeting online friends!!!! In person!!!! We’re renting an Airbnb together and I am!!! So excited!!!!

edit from THE FUTURE: we are HERE and I am SO HAPPY
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Hi it’s me again I entered a “tell us what you like about this piece of media” Twitter giveaway thing and I’d assumed it was like random draw and I found out it wasn’t because the folks running it said some very sweet things about what I wrote while telling me that I fucking won?????????????
Hi it’s me again I entered a “tell us what you like about this piece of media” Twitter giveaway thing and I’d assumed it was like random draw and I found out it wasn’t because the folks running it said some very sweet things about what I wrote while telling me that I fucking won?????????????
That sounds neat! What did you win? :o I get tempted to enter in those things but always end up deleting my post at the last minute due to my ridiculous shyness...
i won a CD with music from the franchise!! it was REALLY exciting, i just entered because i wanted to prattle on about something i liked, i didn't expect to win at ALL hehehe
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