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The "Fwee" Thread

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Homestuck's one-year anniversary flash was just completed, and is pretty darn awesome. It had to be rushed a bit due to the author going to a convention, but it about ties with the End of Act 3 flash as far as epicness goes. Plus in maybe a week or so, the End of Act 4 flash that this was originally meant to be will be posted, which will take the place of this and the EoA 3 as the most awesome thing I have ever seen. (It will be the most awesome thing you'll have ever seen too, even if you don't know it.)
Three hours of PE. Three long amazing hours of playing basketball and watching my BFF/crush play softball. We also got Kit Kat bars and lollipops and mysterious color-changing pencils in math. And lunch was nice, especially getting into a poke/tickle fight with Devin while his bitchy ex-girlfriend watched and glared.
Walked home with said Devin, got cookie from my friend DJ, and realized I'm going to McKayla's youth group tomorrow. And I've finally agreed to go to Wildside(Devin's youth group) with him and Ceacea on Thursday.

Life is grooooood~~
You last visited: 02-19-2009 at 06:55 PM

*hangs head in shame*

Anyway, I've returned. I honestly don't know why I stopped coming here in the first place, though life has been pretty stressful for too long for me to remember now. Though, I would think that would mean I'd be around here more rather than less, as a way to get away from the stress, so that makes little sense... I dunno, but anyways, hi again.
Going to my youth group tonight with McKayla. Going to ask my best friend out tomorrow at his youth group.
My schedule for next week:

Monday: normal
Tuesday: normal
Wednesday: recital

Thursday: We meet up with one of our friends (aka my crush <3) and we go to the mall for a couple hours and see if we can meet Honor Society. And then we go to a concert.

Friday: Possibly skipping school due to said concert.

...i can't wait.
Went to Heartbeat Ministries last night, had quite a lot of fun and took some notes about Jesus and my own self, though was a little put off at the end.

I also just hung out with Devin at lunch, so we joked around and what-not. And I'm going to his youth group tonight YESH.
Haven't shaved for 5 days, so now I'm at that 'constantly stroking my jaw because it's so furry and scratchy and nice' phase.
Steele drinks a three liter bottle of Pepsi Max along with two cans of diet Pepsi and some Mountain dew today. :D And I ain't done with the soda yet! (Strangely I hate mountain dew, but I drank some anyway)
went to see a play at one of the nearby high schools todaaaaaay

and afterwards we went out for ice cream and somehow we got onto a discussion on how our guy friends (one of whom, Matt, i happen to like) were hopefully goona go to the show tomorrow, and how there wasn't going to be enough room in my friend's car and how another friend was hopefully gonna sit on one guy, Ricky's, lap.

so i said "I have an idea, and i'm totally joking; Jess should sit on Ricky's lap and i should come and sit on Matt's lap." One friend (as usual) thought that this was absolutely adorable and that it should happen.

apparently my face turns red whenever she says that!
Just a few minutes ago, our friend Xena came to the door. Se said "Special delivery for Bean!" (Bean is my sister). It was Heart Gold! Now me and Bean can play together and Bean can see Johto :D
Went to my first concert yesterdaaaaaaaaaay~

it was awesommmmme~

andandand i got the band members to sign my ticket, and i thanked the lead singer (who is my favorite) for the best first concert ever, and he said "Aww, thank you! We really appreciate it." and then he patted me on the shoulder <3

and they were even nice enough to sign one for my sister, since she couldn't come!

this is why they're so awesome <33333
This is the greatest month of my life so far. No freaking joke.

My best friend broke up with his bratty girlfriend, he said "I don't know" when I asked him to go out with me(I try to think of that as a good thing), my father and brother talked to each other for the first time in two years after claiming they didn't ever want to see each other again, I saw said brother for the first time in two years(cried my eyes out), I'm no longer thinking I'm an ugly little ginger girl but instead a beautiful redheaded young woman, and I've finally been dancing and singing like a freak in my room to music in my happiness.

Life is GREAT.
I have a crush on one of the most awesome people in the world. Fortunately, he happens to be a friend of mine~

He was going to my school's prom with one of the seniors and, since I was there seeing my sister off, he saw me and gave me a hug <3
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