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The "Fwee" Thread

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So the first person I run into is my friend Tia (the graduate herself) who thought I looked adorable (as always).

Second person I run into?

My crush.

He thought I looked pretty. He even said so.

abhduhjgd words can't describe how happy I feeeeeeeel

EDIT: Also I gave him a stuffed banana (I SWEAR TO GOD THERE' A REASON) and he told me when I got home that he named it after me :3
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So, I went to Cerulean Cave, mainly to hunt for that Rare Candy. Decided to catch Mewtwo while I was at it.

It was Modest.

With a near-perfect speed IV and a special attack IV of 28 or 29.

I am happy.
Tomorrow is Monday... and I get to sleep in for the first time in a long time thanks to our nonexistent spring break and the parade I had to be in on Memorial Day. AAAAAHHHH it feels good :D
@Flora: Awwww! I'm happy for you too. wheres the pics you promised ...a stuffed banana? Explain.

(I have one pic, but it's just my head and my mom hasn't put it on facebook yet ^^;)

The stuffed banana...I can't even properly explain that.
Also, Flora, I am doing a crush confront today hopefully. See, both me and my crush were in track during school (however I was mid-distance and he was long-distance, I was hurdles and he was long jump) so I'm hoping he'll be in something our community holds called the Run Club. I'm hoping he'll be there! (and that the weather doesn't ruin it bwaaaah)

Also, so this is not a spam (or is it not anyways?) *sigh* i wish you would explain the stuffed banana XD
And now for something completely unrelated to the stuffed banana:

I checked my email this morning (as I always do) and noticed I had an email from NYCDA.

The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts.

An incredibly exclusive (it only takes 180 people per year) acting school.

That transfers your credits to another nearby acting college so you can pursue a degree in theater.







Now the only thing thing between me and the last Potential trophy is... 50 flags. Oh crap.
I got off work early tonight because it was slow. I also got my first pay check yesterday, and I'm going to cash it Monday, and possibly get a paid website host and do a cool project with my dad too.
Congrats on getting a contest prize! :D May I ask what the prize was for?

You had to draw something related to A Very Potter Musical (Harry Potter based musical on YouTube); I drew a Quirrel/Voldemort (makes sense if you've seen the musical, honest) comic strip thing. And thanks~ c:
Background: For two years I was in a really bad Baptist school. It caused problems. Especially since they had a teacher who verbally abused students. Now, four years later, I find out that what she did to me caused every family with a kid in the class I was in and the class behind mine to pull out of the school completely. And now I'm hooking up with all of the students in my class from way back when.

And my crush from that year sent me a message. .////. Heehee.
Talked to a friend from grade school at church today.

Miiiiiiiiiight have set a stalker on my crush.
Patriotism Power makes me able to rub a fact in the face of a friend of mine. If you're keen on the World Cup you'll understand (check location).
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