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The "Fwee" Thread

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I had an awesome (though quite often evil) dream last night involving magic and elves and shapeshifters and fun stuff like that, and now I have an idea for a novel (or probably a series).

I'm having fun with medieval names and might actually be able to publish it once it's done; my aunt's writing a book and it's almost done, so if hers gets published, then she'd probably be able to help me :)

What, you ask?


Originally posted by RespectTheBlade

I'm devestated by a turn of events.
I travel with my family alot, so see a lot of places. but, when my dad called me out to do something, i set my wallet, my DS, my phone and my soulsilver game down on the floor to go and help him. when i get back, everything is there except for soulsilver.I look all over the car thuroughly, but can't find it. I then get home at 2:00 A.M., and set all my stuff down in my room. the next day, I realize that someone must have knocked SoulSilver out of the car. Two years of Pokemon down the drain. so i think: "no big deal, I can buy Heartgold and Firered and start over. so i get home and My wallet is gone. this has to be one of the worst days I have ever excperienced. i finally scraped up enough money to buy heartgold, but it's going to take a long time to reassemble my pokemon.

I picked it up off the ground in the exact same spot I lost it in. it was UNHARMED! and still playable. I found it, and all my hard-trained and event pokemon with it. it was a miracle. THANK YOU ARCEUS!

I'm just having a grand old time tormenting my homophobic friend with some of my *cough* personal stories. ;) He knows I'm just telling him so I can have a laugh, but it's a genuine reaction. He's hilarious.
went to the counselor and everything actually went okay.

also me and my little sis bonded over clothes shopping.

alsoalso i got awesome new headphones :D

EDIT: Going to NYC on Friday with my best friend's family~
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At my school, websites are blocked.
The normal tcod is blocked, along with the normal forums.
But it's not blocked on the eeveeshq domain, so I can go on tcod when I have spare time in one of my classes!
I am fucking going to university


exam results were meh but I'm in holy shit
My crush has self-esteem issues (which is...quite surprising, since he seems so confident), so today I posted on his Formspring (anonymously since I don't have an account, and i like being mysterious :D) to let him know how awesome he is.

He replied to it, and now I have this wonderfully warm-and-fuzzy feeling :D

and plus NYC tomorrow.
Driving ftw

My family went up to Pennsylvania to visit family and of course, that meant a 12-hour drive up there and back. However, for approximately the last 20-30 minutes of the drive back, we were on some virtually deserted backroads and I actually got to drive! Aside from the utterly ridiculous six lane four-way stop, it was soo much fun.

And not to mention the family visiting while I was up there.

And the sweet new t-shirts I got whilst shopping at an outdoor mall.

And that my guitar's only disortion modulator that I thought was broken only needed to be reset to fix. Of course, that meant I had to remove my customized distortion preset tones, but it was worth it, because I think now it sounds even better than before.
Had a great day! Enjoyed my birthday party, and my friends are seriously awesome. I got a pikachu plush and 2 good books and other awesome gifts. Yay
Found a $20 Dreamcast that works! My first Sega system as well. It didn't come with a memory card though, so that'll be one of the things I buy when I look for games on eBay later.
I had an amazing afternoon with some of my friends. We went to an outdoor shooting range and fired multiple revolver and semi-automatic pistols of varying caliber, went to DQ whereas everyone else we were with went to McDonald's, and I had a very...interesting conversation with a guy and a girl whom I though was almost saintlike. Turns out I was wrong...and that ain't a bad thing at all. But today was a great day. Fwee~
IB appears to be nowhere near as scary as all of last year's Juniors kept saying it was. I'm no longer worried about this year of school. Yay~

Oh, and I actually managed to be social and talk to people like a normal human being today! Yaayaayayyyyyy!!!
I was like the first normal person in the world to get the album "Teenage Dream" from iTunes, I got it early at 10:32 CST! iTunes messed up and I could get to it from "Complete My Album!" ^_^ Hummingbird Heartbeat is epic.
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