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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Got the Pal Pad! And I'm adding anyone in this club who have happens to have a Pal Pad, too.
That means you, FMC! Mwhuhahaha!
Erhem...in other news, my Sneasel egg hatched, I figured out what the 'mystery' egg is (an Ilumise) and I got another in the hopes that I won't figure it out. And that means I'd appreciate if you all don't tell me what it is.
Grovyle finally evolved! Grr, I'm tempted to box them all and grab the other ones I want now...

Er, actually, I think I will. I can raise them to level 100 later ^^

Edit: Got Piplup and Happiny, got Bagon instead of gible, and grabbed a Bronzor and a Togepi. YAY TOGEPIS! 83
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I'll add people if they add me, I guess?

^I added both of you =]

And I think I added someone else from this club or at least these forums, but I can't remember and I can't be bothered to check.

Yeah, thanks a lot, Tailsy -_-
You killed my lazy mood by prompting me to click your Giratina Egg! D=
What does Heatran have to do with ground?

*click spams Tailsy's Giratina*

Lol, just as I figured, Groudon, X3.
I don't know, but maybe one of the mystery eggs is Heatran.

Right then..*clicks on all of Tailsy's eggs*

From the looks of it, I believe I got a Chingling egg. :3

Ooohhh, I got the palpad. *adds everyone*
Now GPX+ is down for me! D=

I want my Larvitar hatched when I get GPX+ back...

I only just recently realized that Pokémon in the Daycare gain levels. So in other words, I took my Houndour and Teddiursa out and they were at level 100. So I evolved them and they're in the PC now~
I did this all last night, but I was too lazy to put another pair in. So I'm wasting time by not having GPX+! =/
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