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Thanks, Kai. ♥ With the site running quickly for me I think I'll just clickclickclick until he hatches.
I don't know if anybody from here has, but I've seen others on GPX+ who have.

Also, I've recieved my second Missingno. Egg. I've been habing an excellent stroke of luck recently. :D
I got a MALE Snorunt =/
I'm putting him in my PC =P

I need to go pick up some new eggs...either that, or put my old Pokémon team back together~!
No event eggs, sadly enough =/

My problem is, when Larvitar hatches, do I keep it in my team or take Pricklethroat the Jolteon out of my PC?
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I always thought that MissingNo. only came in glitch-block form, but I've seen people with Kabutops and Aerodactyl fossil MissingNo. as well. Neat! I hope I get a Kabutops fossil.
Missingno. Eggs always come as the infamous 'M block to start with, but you can change it's form. So providing that you have/get one, you can have whatever form you want.
OMG female Kick Form Dracowymsy! She's...awesome!

I've nothing interesting to report myself...well, all of my eggs have hatched except for the Larvitar. I've decided to keep it in my party once it hatches, since I have a Vaporeon (Larkmist <3) already and I can wait to train Pricklethroat the Jolteon.

I go to the Shelter looking for an Absol egg and come out with a Smeargle's. Oh well. Send it female vibes.

@Kai: Lol.

I tried to join the site about forever ago but I didn't get the activation e-mail. But now it somehow works. o.o


I gots a Vulpix :D

Oh and Gible hatched. I named her Kamai.
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