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Still no legendary gerbil beast. D:

But my Eevee egg hatched~ Since I want either Espeon or Umbreon this time (Can't decide), I've decided to take the quick route since going on the few interactions I get would take a while. I'm going to sell all those unneeded items I've been hoarding for happiness drinks~ Of course, the fact I can only use one a day sucks, but still.
I'm still not disapointed at the fact that I haven't recieved a legendary beast. There's still 2 days left, so If I don't get myself an Entei, I may get
what is likely to be Ho-oh
, so it's all good.
Clicked your Bidoof :)

No legendary yet either, but hoping for an Entei or the mystery Pokemon.
My Eevee hatched, by the way. Planning to evolve him into an Espeon/Umbreon.
Clicked your Bidoof :)

No legendary yet either, but hoping for an Entei or the mystery Pokemon.
My Eevee hatched, by the way. Planning to evolve him into an Espeon/Umbreon.
Yayz, eevee hatched...*points gun at market clerk* GIMME A THUNDERSTONE!

Also, I have a togekiss, :D.
Whats worse is that I had a space open... ARGH! ARGH I SAY!
Eh, Hopefully I'll get the mystery egg at the event tomorrow, so It's all good.
Ah, but there are TWO mystery eggs!

Yes. Take a lookie here:

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>:C Damn you FMC why do you get a shiny and I don't?

Actually, why do all of you guys get an event pogey and I don't?
Because you're a faggot, alright?! /Reservoir Dogs

Man, I'm gonna try and spamclick people today and get my Giratina to finally goddamn hatch dude. <3 The site's lagging for me though so sorry if I take ages to click you guys. ;w;
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Hey, I never get one either. D: In fact, you have a Palkia, so you're in no position to complain. So far I've failed to get an event egg 4 times (I still haven't given up on the "mystery" (in theory) eggs). Not counting the times I didn't have a space, like with Mewtwo.

AKA Quit whining, even though I am. :P
....You're not alone. Don't have one egg yet.
Lucky. That's not fair that you get a shiny...!

Well, on the plus side my Dratini finally hatched. I guess I'll evove it soon. The site's not loading very well for me either.
Don't forget me. I've missed every single event opportunity so far.

The only news I have, I think, is that three of my eggs hatched and I've finally got a Leaf Stone for Moonflower the Oddish when she evolves. I had to buy it, though >.<
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