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The GPX+ Fan Club

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The light brown with dark stripes? That's Seedot.. no wait Seedot has eyes. I have no idea which one it is.
Simply because I'm hooked on getting some pokemon I really want from there, I suppose I might join. *is hoping for a legendary* o.O
Evolution Pokémon Egg
Rarity: Rare
Maturity needed: 8,960
Times obtained: 18

moaaaaaar Eevee!

..oh and that one bagon there

...I like Eevee too much. I am questing for a shiny one!
Alriiight, got a Rotom~ Charmander evolved, Larvitar hatched female, GPX+ is sexist, and fwaaa~
It was today? Darn, I need to clear a space for tommorrow.
EDIT: Missed a ROTOM egg from the SHELTER.
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Huh, odd, I saw that one, oh, and, I've been seeing some rotom eggs in the shelter.

*Clicks the riolu egg*
Lickitung hatched, didn't get a Raikou, so I'll wait for the mystery event.
Anyways, got a Sneasel and a Treecko. I hope they're both male...
Aw, lucky~

I didn't get a Raikou, maybe more luck tomorrow. I also got a Illumise egg while I was at it, to match my Volbeat.
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