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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Well you got the right Xhan he was named after, so here's your cookie C:


I kinda bit it though.
I just evolved Meradia into a gengar. ^^

Meanwhile, Khl has just a little under seven and a half levels before it can evolve, and as for Eileen... she has just a little over thirty-two levels. X3
Much thanks to you too, IP.

Does anyone know if my purple egg with turqoise bits is a Shuppet or a Skorupi?
I know Its definatly not a shuppet. The Shuppets are purple with any markings at all.

Also, Unown |D

Also, (I know I'm just saying this now D:)
In the next event I want either the Raikou or the Mystery egg (I think the mystery would be Ho-oh, imo).
I wanted the Regis (Thats what I voted) But apparently no one else did ._.

I wanted one of these so bad o.o
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Three of my eggs hatched just this morning: Ponyta, Spheal, and Buneary. So I got two new eggs, an Eevee and a Dratini I beleive.

EDIT: I got a couple more:
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are any of you guys gonna buy some of the expensive items from the shop? i have enough for one but i don't know whether to get the itemfinder or the amulet coin...
I join~

I really want either Suicune or Ho-Oh. Those are the only Johto legends I really care for XD

Today my Absol finally hatched. I was so happy <3
And my Feebas is going to hatch soon too. I'm going to get one of my favorite Pokemon of all time :Dv
I also got Aron, Seel and Zubat eggs today which is pretty rad. I like Aron. I just won't evolve it though.
Khl evolved, so now I have a claydol. Fwee. ^^

Oh, and the dusk stone in my inventory compelled me to pick up something to use it on, so I grabbed a murkrow egg. :3
That reminds me, I need a Sunkern so I can use my Sun stone...

Grabbed it out of curiosity, and it miraculously ended up being a Koffing, which I'd been wanting anyways xD
I sorta got back into this thing due to the fact that there is a shop now.
But I still can't get a stupid thunderstone >>; or a female Buneary, so I'm sticking with Tony, who needs clicks because I want him to be a Lopunny. He only has 59 happiness points though D:
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