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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Same here, Dragon. ;_;

But I like Raikou the best.

Not only that, it's been bumped up to my birthday, so! I am particularly happy about this.
My Seel hatched female, but I don't know what to name it.
Now to get another egg...

Horsea egg with some clicks on it already.
Was the Raikou Entei Suicune event today? If so, I didn't get one.

Dratini hatched. :)

Anyone ever noticed Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald have the same initials as Raikou, Suicune, and Entei?
Still no water stone for my lombre in the shop. However, it did have metal coat available, so I picked up one of those with which to ultimately evolve my onix.
:I My Eevee better reach max happy before I have to go to bed tonight... I'm gunna go click a ton of people in hopes they'll click me back so I can make Rinna happy.

Me too.

Yay, all my eggs are close to hatching! :D Especially my Volbeat egg.

I'm pretty much a new user, so I don't have enough points to buy anything yet. :\
My Surskit and Zizagoon are kinda close to hatching~
(Espeonrules, I got your Volbeat full maturity)
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