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I now have two level 100's :D A Froslass and Manaphy! Now I have a new breeding pair, too. My Glaceon Jack, and Absol Jessica.
I've picked up a Cranidos because I love their Platinum sprite (They look so cute x3)

I'm gonna try leveling my current mons a bit more before getting more eggs...

Edit: One of my bred eggs belongs to one of the mods. |D (Its a Misdreavus)
This one.
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I wonder if I should breed my Shinx and my Poochyena...Does it matter who's the mother? Like, will the baby be the same as the mother or will it be just random?
Oh yay! My Chimchar egg hatched, and most of my other eggs are going to hatch soon.
Sent female vibes, and clicked all your other eggs.
I'm thinking of grabbing another egg, considering most of mine are practically ready to hatch.
Oh, my Cindaquil just hatched!
Thanks. I'm going against the odds on this one, but I have good luck with bad gender ratios, even when I don't want too (Trying to breed a male Treecko in Diamond, got at least 3 females o.o)

Yay, Cyndaquils are awesome. :D
I named it Implosion, for some obsene reason. O.o
EDIT: And now my Spheal egg hatched, and my Buneary egg should hatch soon. Then I'll get some more eggs.
Do you have to take your Pokemon back to get a egg from the Daycare? Or will it show up there?
EDIT: I got two eggs: a Seel and a Spinarak:
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You shouldn't have to take it back, you just have to wait a bit.
You won't be able to tell what it is when you get it though.
Noooo, my Sneasel hatched male DDDDD:

But I can get new eggs :DDDD

EDIT: omg Tropius egg :DD
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Fwaaa, bred another Sneasel, send it vibes for femaleness~

Or actually, don't. That didn't work last time.. >_>

My Dratini egg's almost hatched :DD

And still looking for that Bagon >_<
Oh, can I join?

Just got some eggs today, though I don't know what the "gray one with red band across it" is.

EDIT 5/7/09: Never mind. I found out what it was :)
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