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The GPX+ Fan Club

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I stalked the shelter all day today in the hopes that some idiot would abandon it

Instead all I got was a Tyrogue
It appears I jumped onto the bandwagon XD

I got some pretty cool eggs, especially the Pichu one I found at the shelter.
Just updated my signature with a link to my profile. Why waste time continuously updating it when that has the same effect and is much less time wasting?

Oh yeah, and click to find out if it works or not.
The link? It sure does work. I've fed your Pokémon/warmed your eggs while I was there =]
Congrats on the Eevee egg! :D

I repayed the favour to most people who have interacted with my eggs. My Pichu egg is just over half way before hatching (I think)!

Although you people probably aren't experiencing this because my browser is shitcrap and annoyingly gives me a THIS LINK IS BROKEN page when I usually F5 half a second later to find the page is perfectly fine even though it took a freaking ten minute period to load the broken link page.

Except it won't load anything at all now and all the little images are just those stupid annoying boxes with red X's in them, so I don't know :P
^I've experienced this earlier today as well. Seems fine now, though.

Anyway, my Eggs are all over halfway to hatching =]
...Where did I get a Shiny Stone? 0_o
:( ever since I put the GPX+ button in my sig in replacement for my eggs, I've been getting barely any clicks. I don't want to have to go back to putting eggs in my signature after I've made my new banner. What should I do?
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Make a link to each Egg as part of your banner? I mean, the way you have the links now, just make it six for your party instead of one GPX+ link. But make the text or whatever a little smaller so it won't crowd your banner too much =D

As for me, my Eggs seem to be growing just fine so far. I find going through the online list and clicking three of several random people's Eggs/Pokémon helps, because they hate having a bold name on the interactions list >=D

EDIT: Managed to nab an Eevee Egg and a Spheal Egg from the shelter :3
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I'm happy.

And why? Well, I recently grabbed a shitload of rare eggs from the shelter.

Here are my eggs in my party right now (one space left open in case of legendaries! :D):

Tyrogue (Uncommon but ehh :P)

I got two Eevee eggs yesterday C: both from the same clutch. I hope one is a girl so I can name her 'Baby' and evolve her to Vaporeon~
...I accidentally evolved my male Wurmple into a Silcoon. And male Beautifly disturb me. Ugh...he's going in the box =/

So I put Oddish back in my party =]
Here's what I've got now:

A Spheal, a Trapinch, and two Eevee all from the shelter =D
Can I join? I just got the eggs myself (I didn't even have to make an account because I'm on GTS too :D)
Does anyone know what the purple egg with yellow spots is, by the way? :/
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