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Some of the descriptions are stooopid.

For Heatran- It's often hard to approach due to radiating an incredible amount of heat. This egg looks rather cold.. it cannot grow as fast unless it is kept warm.

Most Fire types are like that >_>
Or like with Raikou's egg where it says touching it is dangerous because it may give you a powerful shock.

Then it asks you to hold it.

Minkow's right - Wymsy has been smoking weed. XD
(but please don't just quote things and go 'qft' without adding anything else. It's borderline spam.)

My Entei already has a crack in it. :3 He's a lot easier to hatch than Hong Kong (Giratina) was.
Oh. Sorry.

In other news, I had been thinking (wow), since the first four eggs seem to go in order by generation (1st/Moltres>2nd/Entei>3rd/Groudon>4th/Heatran), and there isn't a 5th gen yet, perhaps the fifth is a novelty egg?
just a head's up
there are some new items in the game that can summon legendaries like latios and groudon in the lab, but the catch is anybody can get the legendary. you get the items like the missingno man.
just a head's up
there are some new items in the game that can summon legendaries like latios and groudon in the lab, but the catch is anybody can get the legendary. you get the items like the missingno man.
Wow, I didn't know that. I wonder how rare they are, or if they ever appear in the Shop.

...Um, I didn't realize how much I've been posting here. I'm thinking maybe I should take a break now before this becomes spam. Sorry.
I somehow managed to get a Metal Coat, though I'm not sure how. It just appeared in my inventory. O.o I wonder what the 5th egg will be, too.
Fifth egg in your party is Entei, Taliax :3

If you didn't mean that, then I have no idea what the hell you did mean.
^Yeah, that's what I meant. I probably should've made that clearer. :P And your're lucky, Kai. Lucky pants. :P
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