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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Aww. I missed the Valentacool but refreshed and got another Dracowymsy egg ~~ :D
I just got TWO hatched Manaphy from the shelter, on consecutive pages.

Should have missed the fist one though, toook me a while to notice it.
I'm being stalked by Milotics,Tangrowths and Yanmegas. I got a hatched fossil Anorith in shelter.I already have one but I just grabbed it anyway.
I missed a Shellderboy, Valentacool and Bulbasaur Clone (D: I want a clone!) in the shelter, but managed to snag a Slime Slugma.

Let's see...

1) Got a Slime Slugma egg
2) Bought a Secret Key
3) Got another Slime Slugma egg
4) Sold my Corruption Orb D8
5) Bought a Claw Fossil but sold it so I could buy an Armor Fossil, which I missed D8
6) Got a Root Fossil

Once Darksong said she found a Shellderboy egg in the shelter, I scoured it, alternating between GPX+ and my math homework. And now I've snagged three Chatots to make almost absolutely sure that I'll have at least a male and a female when I hatch them so I can get a breeding pair. Those things are rare, you know. ._.

Also saving a spot in my party for a shellderboy. I also hatched my slime slugma, but I don't have a name for her yet.
What's with people and their awesome eggs? But I just snagged two Dracowymsy eggs today :D I got one then refreshed then another one showed up. But full party D: Then dumped my Pokemon in the PC, went back to the shelter again and a Easter Buneary showed. Missed that. Then refreshed for one final time and scored the second Dracowymsy. That's my... 4th Dracowysmy. :D Too bad I don't have a Ditto...
Had kind of an amusing experience with enigma stones lately. I've used three so far. The first one summoned a latias. The second one summoned... I don't know what; I missed that one. I do know that whatever it was, it wasn't anything I was lacking, though. Anyway, the third enigma stone--which, incidentally, I got as a reward from the achievement for missing a summon--actually got me something that I was lacking: a lugia, for which I had a nice corruption orb waiting. :3

So yeah, I'm glad to have missed that one summon, seeing as how doing so led me to get not only an achievement but also something that I was specifically looking for. X3

...And still am looking for, actually, because I still don't have a regular lugia. It seems like silver wings are the summoning items that I see the least of in the backroom, and from what I've experienced, they seem to go very fast, even for summoning items.
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