from up here the sky is my thoughts
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The Greek Pokémon Return!
It's back.
Now, most of you will know, but for those who don't, the backstory is that I discovered to my displeasure that there are no official Greek Pokémon names!!
So, using my knowledge of the language and a translator every now and then I set out to make my own.
Provléphoun (Prov-LEFF-oin) - Castform = Provlépheis (Forecast) + Metatréphoun (Transform)
Sphaírgída [SFAIR-yee-da] - Spheal = Sphaira (Sphere) + Sphagída (Seal) Σφαίργίδα
Kelagonikó [Kel-AY-oh-nee-ko] - Smeargle = Kelída (Smear) + Lagonikó (Beagle) Κηλαγωνικό
Kochúgio [Koch-EE-yo] - Shellder = Kochúli (Shell) + Kataphúgio (Shelter) κοχύγιο
Bolbósaura [Voll-VOH-saf-rah] - Bulbasaur = Bolbós (Bulb) + Saúra (Lizard)/Deinósauros (Dinosaur) Βολβόςαυρα
Archtúpema [Arkh-TEE-peh-mah] - Machop = Arsenikós (Masculine, Male) + Chtúpema (Hit, Blow) Αρχτύπημα
Armphraxe [Arm-FRAX-eh] - Machoke = Arsenikós (Masculine, Male) + Émphraxe (Choke) Αρμφραξη
Arotopóros [Art-oh-POH-ross] - Machamp = Arsenikós (Masculine, Male) + Protopóros (Champion) Αρωτοπόρος
Gurínas [Yee-REE-nass] - Poliwag = Corruption of Gurinos (Tadpole) Γυρίνας
Gurístrofé [Yee-REE-stroff-eiy] - Poliwhirl = Gurinos(Tadpole) + Shortening of Peristrophé (Whirl) Γυριστροφή
Gurgé [Yeer-YAY] - Poliwrath = Gurinos(Tadpole) + Orgé (Wrath, Rage) Γυργή
Gurúnos [Yeer-EE-noss] - Politoed = Gurinos(Tadpole) + Phrúnos (Toad) Γυρύνος
Skiálixe [Skee-ah-LEEK-seh] - Umbreon = Skía (Shadow) + Exélixe (Evolution) Σκιάλιξη
Mágmoró [MAHY-more-oh] - Magby = Mágma (Magma) + Moró (Baby) Μάγμωρό
Mágmar [MAHY-mar] - Magmar = Corruption of Mágma (Magma) Μάγμαρ
Mágniama [MAHY-nee-ah-mah]- Magmortar = Mágma (Magma) + Koníama (Mortar) Μάγνίαμα
Skoteinrai [Skoh-TAIN-ray] - Darkrai = Skoteinós (Dark) + Kurai (Japanese for Dark) Σκοτεινραι
Arouthese [Are-WEE-thees-eh] - Rattata = Arouraíos (Rat) + Epíthese (Attack) Αρουθεση
Spinthimo [Speen-THEE-mo] - Pikachu = Spinthérisma (Sparkle) + Tríximo (Squeak) [Pikachu comes from the Japanese for those words.] Σπινθιμο
Omorfoúda [Oh-mor-FWEE-dah] - Beautifly = Omorfiá (Beauty) + Petaloúda (Butterfly) Ομορφύδα
Kutsodelos [KEET-so-deel-os] - Totodile = Shortening of Koutsoúbelo (Tot) + Shortening of Krokódeilos (Crocodile) Κυτσοδελος
Krokaníste [Krok-ah-NEE-steh] - Croconaw = Krokódeilos (Crocodile) + Pokaníste (Gnaw) Κροκανίστε
Hagrigátrs [Hahy-ree-YAT-ohr-Ass] - Feraligatr = Hagrios (Feral) + Shortening of Alligátoras (Alligator) Άγριγάτρς
Krumménas [Kree-MEH-nass] - Latias = Corruption of Krumménos (Hidden) Κρυμμένας
Krotáposma [Krot-AH-poz-mah] - Pacirisu = Krotálisma (Crackle) + Okíoupos (Squirrel) Κροτάροςμα
Fegaseméno [Fay-as-ee-MEH-no]- Lugia = Feggári (Moon) + Aseménio (Silver) + Koimisnénos (Dormant) Φεγάσημένο [Lugia is formed from a mixture of a silverish element called Lutetium, Lugeo (dormant) and Luna (Latin for moon)]
Grégotéfra [Y’REH-oh-teff-rah] - Rapidash = Grégopo (Rapid) + Téfra (Ash) Γρήγοτέφρα
Leiométría [Lay-oh-MEH-tree-ah] - Moltres = Leioméno (Molten) + Tría (Three) Λειωμέτρία
Drepánitos [Dreep-AH-nee-tos] - Scyther =Drepáni (Scythe) Δρεπάνιτος
Pithikas [PEE-thee-kass] - Aipom = Pithekos (Ape) + Foínikas (Palm) Πίθικας
Amfinikas [Am-fee-NEE-kass] - Ambipom = Amfidéxio (Ambidextrous) + Foínikas (Palm) Αμφινικας
Kaúsepoulo [KAF-see-pwee-loh] - Combusken = Kaúse (Combustion) + Kotópoulo (Chicken) Καύσηπουλο
Stómeáo [Sto-MYAHW] - Meowth = Stóma (Mouth) + Meáo (Greek spelling of Meow) Στόμεάο
Kameleukó [Kah-mee-lwee-KOH] - Giratina = Kamelopárale (Giraffe) + Leukóchrusos (Platinum) Καμηλευκό
Stomáchilos [Sto-MACK-ee-loss] - Mawile = Stomáchi (Maw) + Krokódeilos (Crocodile) Στομάχιλος
Chtúraslee [Ch’TEE-rass-lee] - Hitmonlee = Chtupema (Hit) + Téras (Monster) + Lee (As in Bruce Lee) Χτύραςλεε
Chtúraschan [Ch’TEE-rass-kan] - Hitmonchan = Chtupema (Hit) + Téras (Monster) + Chan (As in Jackie Chan) Χτύραςχαν
Aneilítsa [An-ail--EET-sah] - Sneasel = Aneilikrinís (Snatch) + Nufítsa (Weasel) Ανειλίτσα
Grasbós [Y’rahss-VOSS] - Linoone = Grammé (Line) + Asbós (Racoon, Badger) Γρασβός
Psuchilixe [SEE-chee-leek-seh] - Espeon = Psuchikós (Psychic) + Exélixe (Evolution) Ψυχιλιξη
Hammthetos [HAMM-thee-toss] - Sandslash = Hammos (Sand) + Káthetos (Slash) Άμμθετος
Drosigkóng [Dross-ee-KONG] - Dewgong = Drosiá (Dew) + Ntigkóngk () Δροσικόνγ
Brukemptos [Vree-KEEMP-toss] - Growlithe = Bruchethmós (Growl) + Eúkamptos (Lithe) Βρυκημπτος
Skúló [SKEE-lo] - Poochyena = Skúlos (Dog) + Geló (Laugh – Couldn’t find a word for hyena!) Σκύλώ
Zófórakas [ZOE-for-ah-kass] - Murkrow = Zófos (Murk) + Kórakas (Crow) Ζόφόρακας
Idíf [Ee-DEEF] - Ekans = Reversal of Fídi (Snake) Ιδίφ
Kunmoíra [Keen-MOY-rah] - Houndoom = Kunmgóskulo (Hound) + Moíra (Doom) Κυνηοίρα
Rochamelés [Roch-ah-mell-EHZ] - Snorlax = Rochaletó (Snore) + Amelés (Lax) Ροχαμελής
Leptógáti [Lep-TOE-yah-tee] - Delcatty = Leptó (Delicate) + Gáta (Cat) Λεπτόγάτι
Akbázar [Ahk-VAHZ-arr] - Rayquaza = Aktína (Ray, Beam) + Kbázar (Quazar) Ακβάζαρ
Pronúmtos [Pro-NEEM-toss] - Larvitar = Pronúmfes (Larva) Προνύμτος
Doláritos [Dholl-AH-ree-toss] - Pupitar = Dolária (Pupa) Δολάριτος
Túrantos [TEE-ran-toss] - Tyranitar = Túrannos (Tyrant) Τύραντος
Makrílios [Mack-REE-lee-oss] - Absol = Makriá (Away) + Ílios (Sun) Μακρήλιος
Spimo [SPEE-mo] - Pichu = Shortening or Spinthimo (Pikachu) Σπιμο
Keraunimo [Ker-AFF-nee-mo] - Raichu = Keraunós (Thunder) + Tríximo (Squeak) Κεραυνιμο
Lameáo [La-meh-OW] - Glameow = Lamperó (Glamerous) + Meáo (Meow) Λαμεάο
Poraschimos [Por-as-CHEE-moss] - Purugly (Purr) + Áschimos (Ugly) Ποράσχημος
Okeázo [O-keh-AH-zo] - Kyogre = Okeanó (Ocean) + Bázo (Orca) Ωκεάζο
Skutáosso (Skee-TAH-oss-o) - Torchic = Skutáli (Torch) + Veossó (Chick) Σκυτάοσσο
You can request a Pokémon to be Greekofied if you want to.
By the way, for those who saw it on the old forums, I updated some of the pronunciations because I had a lot of them wrong (I recently found out that an 'au' makes an 'aff' sound, for example.)
It's back.
Now, most of you will know, but for those who don't, the backstory is that I discovered to my displeasure that there are no official Greek Pokémon names!!
So, using my knowledge of the language and a translator every now and then I set out to make my own.
Provléphoun (Prov-LEFF-oin) - Castform = Provlépheis (Forecast) + Metatréphoun (Transform)
Sphaírgída [SFAIR-yee-da] - Spheal = Sphaira (Sphere) + Sphagída (Seal) Σφαίργίδα
Kelagonikó [Kel-AY-oh-nee-ko] - Smeargle = Kelída (Smear) + Lagonikó (Beagle) Κηλαγωνικό
Kochúgio [Koch-EE-yo] - Shellder = Kochúli (Shell) + Kataphúgio (Shelter) κοχύγιο
Bolbósaura [Voll-VOH-saf-rah] - Bulbasaur = Bolbós (Bulb) + Saúra (Lizard)/Deinósauros (Dinosaur) Βολβόςαυρα
Archtúpema [Arkh-TEE-peh-mah] - Machop = Arsenikós (Masculine, Male) + Chtúpema (Hit, Blow) Αρχτύπημα
Armphraxe [Arm-FRAX-eh] - Machoke = Arsenikós (Masculine, Male) + Émphraxe (Choke) Αρμφραξη
Arotopóros [Art-oh-POH-ross] - Machamp = Arsenikós (Masculine, Male) + Protopóros (Champion) Αρωτοπόρος
Gurínas [Yee-REE-nass] - Poliwag = Corruption of Gurinos (Tadpole) Γυρίνας
Gurístrofé [Yee-REE-stroff-eiy] - Poliwhirl = Gurinos(Tadpole) + Shortening of Peristrophé (Whirl) Γυριστροφή
Gurgé [Yeer-YAY] - Poliwrath = Gurinos(Tadpole) + Orgé (Wrath, Rage) Γυργή
Gurúnos [Yeer-EE-noss] - Politoed = Gurinos(Tadpole) + Phrúnos (Toad) Γυρύνος
Skiálixe [Skee-ah-LEEK-seh] - Umbreon = Skía (Shadow) + Exélixe (Evolution) Σκιάλιξη
Mágmoró [MAHY-more-oh] - Magby = Mágma (Magma) + Moró (Baby) Μάγμωρό
Mágmar [MAHY-mar] - Magmar = Corruption of Mágma (Magma) Μάγμαρ
Mágniama [MAHY-nee-ah-mah]- Magmortar = Mágma (Magma) + Koníama (Mortar) Μάγνίαμα
Skoteinrai [Skoh-TAIN-ray] - Darkrai = Skoteinós (Dark) + Kurai (Japanese for Dark) Σκοτεινραι
Arouthese [Are-WEE-thees-eh] - Rattata = Arouraíos (Rat) + Epíthese (Attack) Αρουθεση
Spinthimo [Speen-THEE-mo] - Pikachu = Spinthérisma (Sparkle) + Tríximo (Squeak) [Pikachu comes from the Japanese for those words.] Σπινθιμο
Omorfoúda [Oh-mor-FWEE-dah] - Beautifly = Omorfiá (Beauty) + Petaloúda (Butterfly) Ομορφύδα
Kutsodelos [KEET-so-deel-os] - Totodile = Shortening of Koutsoúbelo (Tot) + Shortening of Krokódeilos (Crocodile) Κυτσοδελος
Krokaníste [Krok-ah-NEE-steh] - Croconaw = Krokódeilos (Crocodile) + Pokaníste (Gnaw) Κροκανίστε
Hagrigátrs [Hahy-ree-YAT-ohr-Ass] - Feraligatr = Hagrios (Feral) + Shortening of Alligátoras (Alligator) Άγριγάτρς
Krumménas [Kree-MEH-nass] - Latias = Corruption of Krumménos (Hidden) Κρυμμένας
Krotáposma [Krot-AH-poz-mah] - Pacirisu = Krotálisma (Crackle) + Okíoupos (Squirrel) Κροτάροςμα
Fegaseméno [Fay-as-ee-MEH-no]- Lugia = Feggári (Moon) + Aseménio (Silver) + Koimisnénos (Dormant) Φεγάσημένο [Lugia is formed from a mixture of a silverish element called Lutetium, Lugeo (dormant) and Luna (Latin for moon)]
Grégotéfra [Y’REH-oh-teff-rah] - Rapidash = Grégopo (Rapid) + Téfra (Ash) Γρήγοτέφρα
Leiométría [Lay-oh-MEH-tree-ah] - Moltres = Leioméno (Molten) + Tría (Three) Λειωμέτρία
Drepánitos [Dreep-AH-nee-tos] - Scyther =Drepáni (Scythe) Δρεπάνιτος
Pithikas [PEE-thee-kass] - Aipom = Pithekos (Ape) + Foínikas (Palm) Πίθικας
Amfinikas [Am-fee-NEE-kass] - Ambipom = Amfidéxio (Ambidextrous) + Foínikas (Palm) Αμφινικας
Kaúsepoulo [KAF-see-pwee-loh] - Combusken = Kaúse (Combustion) + Kotópoulo (Chicken) Καύσηπουλο
Stómeáo [Sto-MYAHW] - Meowth = Stóma (Mouth) + Meáo (Greek spelling of Meow) Στόμεάο
Kameleukó [Kah-mee-lwee-KOH] - Giratina = Kamelopárale (Giraffe) + Leukóchrusos (Platinum) Καμηλευκό
Stomáchilos [Sto-MACK-ee-loss] - Mawile = Stomáchi (Maw) + Krokódeilos (Crocodile) Στομάχιλος
Chtúraslee [Ch’TEE-rass-lee] - Hitmonlee = Chtupema (Hit) + Téras (Monster) + Lee (As in Bruce Lee) Χτύραςλεε
Chtúraschan [Ch’TEE-rass-kan] - Hitmonchan = Chtupema (Hit) + Téras (Monster) + Chan (As in Jackie Chan) Χτύραςχαν
Aneilítsa [An-ail--EET-sah] - Sneasel = Aneilikrinís (Snatch) + Nufítsa (Weasel) Ανειλίτσα
Grasbós [Y’rahss-VOSS] - Linoone = Grammé (Line) + Asbós (Racoon, Badger) Γρασβός
Psuchilixe [SEE-chee-leek-seh] - Espeon = Psuchikós (Psychic) + Exélixe (Evolution) Ψυχιλιξη
Hammthetos [HAMM-thee-toss] - Sandslash = Hammos (Sand) + Káthetos (Slash) Άμμθετος
Drosigkóng [Dross-ee-KONG] - Dewgong = Drosiá (Dew) + Ntigkóngk () Δροσικόνγ
Brukemptos [Vree-KEEMP-toss] - Growlithe = Bruchethmós (Growl) + Eúkamptos (Lithe) Βρυκημπτος
Skúló [SKEE-lo] - Poochyena = Skúlos (Dog) + Geló (Laugh – Couldn’t find a word for hyena!) Σκύλώ
Zófórakas [ZOE-for-ah-kass] - Murkrow = Zófos (Murk) + Kórakas (Crow) Ζόφόρακας
Idíf [Ee-DEEF] - Ekans = Reversal of Fídi (Snake) Ιδίφ
Kunmoíra [Keen-MOY-rah] - Houndoom = Kunmgóskulo (Hound) + Moíra (Doom) Κυνηοίρα
Rochamelés [Roch-ah-mell-EHZ] - Snorlax = Rochaletó (Snore) + Amelés (Lax) Ροχαμελής
Leptógáti [Lep-TOE-yah-tee] - Delcatty = Leptó (Delicate) + Gáta (Cat) Λεπτόγάτι
Akbázar [Ahk-VAHZ-arr] - Rayquaza = Aktína (Ray, Beam) + Kbázar (Quazar) Ακβάζαρ
Pronúmtos [Pro-NEEM-toss] - Larvitar = Pronúmfes (Larva) Προνύμτος
Doláritos [Dholl-AH-ree-toss] - Pupitar = Dolária (Pupa) Δολάριτος
Túrantos [TEE-ran-toss] - Tyranitar = Túrannos (Tyrant) Τύραντος
Makrílios [Mack-REE-lee-oss] - Absol = Makriá (Away) + Ílios (Sun) Μακρήλιος
Spimo [SPEE-mo] - Pichu = Shortening or Spinthimo (Pikachu) Σπιμο
Keraunimo [Ker-AFF-nee-mo] - Raichu = Keraunós (Thunder) + Tríximo (Squeak) Κεραυνιμο
Lameáo [La-meh-OW] - Glameow = Lamperó (Glamerous) + Meáo (Meow) Λαμεάο
Poraschimos [Por-as-CHEE-moss] - Purugly (Purr) + Áschimos (Ugly) Ποράσχημος
Okeázo [O-keh-AH-zo] - Kyogre = Okeanó (Ocean) + Bázo (Orca) Ωκεάζο
Skutáosso (Skee-TAH-oss-o) - Torchic = Skutáli (Torch) + Veossó (Chick) Σκυτάοσσο
You can request a Pokémon to be Greekofied if you want to.
By the way, for those who saw it on the old forums, I updated some of the pronunciations because I had a lot of them wrong (I recently found out that an 'au' makes an 'aff' sound, for example.)
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