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The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

I've defeated Red with pokémon in the mid to high fifties (level 56 feraligatr strikes again! Thanks for the encouragement, btw, Leafpool :D), at least once or twice in the original GSC and once in HG. It is hard, because his pikachu is evil and his blastoise does not fucking miss EVER despite having a bunch of attacks with bad accuracy, but it is doable. Of course, having a tyranitar with earthquake and that lovely special defense boost from sandstorm probably didn't hurt, but... yeah.

Just beat Jasmine, doing some more training/dex-filling before taking on Pryce.

Badges: 6
Pokédex: 125

[Vulcan Rex] Quilava (M) Lv31
[Bossa Nova] Miltank (F) Lv29
[Keleth] Xatu (F) Lv29
[Cain] Politoed (M) Lv29
[Shisa] Raikou (X) Lv40
[Al'xious] Cubone (M) Lv18

I caught a marowak in the SZ (finally), but it was modest and that made me sad so I'm just going to level up the nice jolly cubone instead.
I've defeated Red with pokémon in the mid to high fifties (level 56 feraligatr strikes again! Thanks for the encouragement, btw, Leafpool :D), at least once or twice in the original GSC and once in HG.

... Mkay, now that I know it ~is~ possible I'm gonna see how far I can get with a team of level 60s. Even though I don't have a Tyranitar and pretty much my entire team's mediocre. :<
Defeated every Kanto Gym Leader in order up to Sabrina last night. Well, I beat Brock two nights ago but...

Today I'm going to face Blaine and then former Champion Blue.

So anyways, I found a much easier and quicker way to grind. Basically, once you have every gym leader's phone numbers, set your DS clock and calendar to the time that the leader you want to rematch is available (So if I wanted to use Falkner to grind on, I'd switch my DS clock to Monday Morning). Then, just battle them. After that, call them up again and they'll go back to the Dojo for rematches. They will fight you as many times as you want in the given time that they are available for rematches (So for the example of Falkner, as long as it is Monday Morning, I can call him up for rematches as much as I want).

That's what I've decided to do for my grinding for Red. From each Pokemon on the gym leaders, you get about 2000 Exp, average. Plus you can get their numbers to rematch them right after you beat the Kanto gym leaders.

The list of where to get phone numbers and when to call the gym leaders for rematches
i started collection phone numbers already, but i didn't know you could constantly keep calling the gym leaders for rematches...
this is awesome, my golem's grown about 7 levels in 20 minutes P: poor blaine.
I have a Rocket uniform on! Why can't I just continue the game as-is? D:< I can't even fly away to wreak havoc on other cities!
Grinding right now on the gym leaders. I'm currently training Typhlosion and Kenya on Erika. Kenya actually gained 4 levels in only 2 battles, mainly because she counts as a trade Pokemon. Seriously though, at this rate I should be done grinding by sometime tonight/tomorrow afternoon. As soon as I beat Red, though, I'm starting a new game 'cause I'm cool like that.
Dude, isn't Kenya like that Spearow the guy gives you to take to his buddy?

Anyways, beat Blaine just now, guess I'll go ahead and defeat Blue so that I can get my GB Player and capture the Legendary Birds.
I'm currently grinding for the Olivine gym battle while collecting apricorns, Kurt Balls, and Oran Berries for the sick Miltank. Poor Moomoo, I have to help her. I don't care how sucky the reward is. :(
Exploring the Cerulean Cave now. Probably will sf for a Shiny Mewtwo. But I won't tell my brother if I catch it and save for when we eventually battle. Boy will he be surprised.
Training to face the E4 now! Gunna try for the mid-forties before I go. I have Lugia, and have Raikou and Entei weakened to the red and paralysed for easy capture later. My Team:

[Caesar] Meganium (M) @ Miracle Seed
Lv40 / Serious / Overgrow
-Synthesis, Reflect, Magical Leaf, Petal Dance

[Pancake] Dunsparce (F) @ King's Rock
Lv39 / Naive / Serene Grace
-Pursuit, Headbutt, Roost, Glare

[Dumpling] Espeon (F) @ Soothe Bell
Lv40 / Hasty / Synchronize
-Shadow Ball, Psybeam, Swift, Quick Attack

[Cid] Nidoking (M) @ Shell Bell
Lv40 / Timid / Poison Point
-Surf, Strength, Double Kick, Shadow Claw

[Gobstopper] Ampharos (F) @ Zap Plate
Lv40 / Quirky / Static
-Tackle (er...), Discharge, Thunderpunch, Thunderwave

[Pudding] Raticate (F) @ Muscle Band
Lv38 / Bashful / Guts
-Crunch, Hyper Fang, Quick Attack, Super Fang

Also also 8D when I was Raikou hunting today, I was on Route 38, and I found a SHINY MEOWTH. Now I have a shiny Meowth and a shiny Persian. Weee.
Well, my team is pretty well leveled right now, I must say. I'm debating whether or not to level them up any more before the battle with Red, or if I should just go face him now.

My team:
Lv. 72 Victreebel
Lv. 70 Kenya (Fearow)
Lv. 70 Typhlosion
Lv. 70 Mismagius
Lv. 69 Slowbro
why does this fisher have a level 65 Magikarp.

Because Magikarp's Japanese name is コイキング (koikingu)

Incidentally, Nidoking is ニドキング (nidokingu) and Slowking is ヤドキング (yadokingu). In the original GSC localisations, they dropped the Magikarp for Seaking.
^ I'm relatively certain it does, as does everything here. I evolved my Eevee by having him on the Pokewalker for like two days and giving him the haircuts. He had a soothe bell on too, but I'm not sure if that affects Pokewalker steps (or really how the Pokewalker adds happiness at all; just that it does.)
Just arrived in Azaela Town. Egg also just hatched, so I'd have to go all the way back to Elm's house. CONFLICTION D8

Lagan/Lv 12/Male




Acid Trip/Lv7/Male


I plan to leave Acid Trip, and eventually, Tintri in the PC, level up Keet via Pokéwalker, and once my cousin comes over, sneak his DSi and trade over Shawn the Girafarig. Who is lv 23. And won't listen to me for a long, long time. But yeah.
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