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The IM Thread

That Heiderich Boy: *huggle*
Zora Smith: ...*ish huggled*
That Heiderich Boy: C:
Zora Smith: 8|
That Heiderich Boy: ...:c
Zora Smith: 8|
That Heiderich Boy: 8{|


Zora Smith: holy crap
Zora Smith: this rubber band... it fits around my head
Zora Smith: *bored*
That Heiderich Boy: ...why did you try and put it around your head
Zora Smith: i was bored
Zora Smith: veeeeery bored
Zora Smith: admit it
Zora Smith: you'd do it too if you were this bored
That Heiderich Boy: probably
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What happens when I'm tired:

Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:48 PM):
*First word that came to my head.
Markky says (10:48 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:48 PM):
*That sounds... like a band of screaming women.
Markky says (10:48 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:49 PM):
*All dressed in black. Ah, I dunno.
Markky says (10:50 PM):
*What does the band name Civil Disobediance sound like?
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:50 PM):
*Sounds like a bunch of pansies dressed in old outfits from the 1800's.
Markky says (10:50 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:52 PM):
*You're welcome. Why do you ask?
Markky says (10:52 PM):
*That's my band's name xD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:52 PM):
Markky says (10:53 PM):
*Yeah. xDDD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:53 PM):
*Well! Do you dress up as George Washington then?
Markky says (10:53 PM):
*No xD I hope not
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:53 PM):
*Are you guys pansies? I like pansies, they make me think of muffins.
Markky says (10:54 PM):
*...xD Not really
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:54 PM):
*Aww, no muffins?
Markky says (10:54 PM):
**gives muffin*
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:54 PM):
*But you're not a pansy! So it's not as good.
Markky says (10:55 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:57 PM):
*Aaah, are you going to tell your band members I said that?
Markky says (10:58 PM):
*Nah. There's only one other guy in the band xD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:59 PM):
*What'd you think he'd say to this description of your band name?
Markky says (10:59 PM):
*He'd blink at me
Arylett Dawnsborough says (10:59 PM):
Markky says (11:00 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:01 PM):
*I didn't actually really giggle. It was more like a mental giggle.
*But it wasn't really a giggle at all so much as a I felt like typing this in the box because that's what my brain told me was right 'cause I feel like giggling but I don't really want to giggle.
*...See? Tired.
Markky says (11:02 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:03 PM):
*What makes you say that? My strange over description?
Markky says (11:03 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:04 PM):
*Aha, yes, the first time, I did get that.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:05 PM):
*I feel like talking about how much I like to jump out windows with razors in my armpits.
*Even though I do not do that.
Markky says (11:05 PM):
*No I don't xD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:05 PM):
*I was about to say!
*I was going to say, oh hey, do you have any spare razors?
*All mine fell when I jumped out those windows.
Markky says (11:06 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:06 PM):
*But you don't.
*Because you are in a Muffin Band.
*And instead, you dance around in a big ridiculous George Washington outfit whilst your friend is a French peasant lady from the 1800's and hand out muffins to the common good and fight the power.
Markky says (11:07 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:07 PM):
*...Good God.
*Now I'm making myself want Historical Muffins.
Markky says (11:07 PM):
*xDDDDD My god Lett
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:08 PM):
Markky says (11:09 PM):
*You're so eccentric XD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:09 PM):
*Only when I'm tired, dear.
*When I'm not tired, I'm more of a strawberry flavoured eccentric.
*Right now, I'm kind of like this outrageous combination of cherries and grapes.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:10 PM):
*Because nobody ever combines those too.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:13 PM):
*I mean, we see all sorts of stuff like strawberry bannana and strawberry peach flavours.
*But do you ever see cherry grape?
*I don't think so.
Markky says (11:13 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:13 PM):
*So next time you go on a Muffin Raid for your band, please bring me a cherry grape one.
*At least, when I'm tired.
*When I'm not, I'm just plain boring strawberries eccentric.
Markky says (11:15 PM):
*xD I dunno I'm so tired right now
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:16 PM):
*So you think that I'm "hawt"?
*Or the cherry grapes?
Markky says (11:17 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:17 PM):
*Oh yeah, I'm so hawt.
*Dancing around dressed as a giant banana?
*It really accentuates my sexiness.
*You would like, not be able to control your pants if you saw that.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:18 PM):
*Especially when I start eating cherry grape muffins too and getting them all over my costume.
*Devouring them like a starving dog and all.
Markky says (11:19 PM):
*Oh yessss~
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:19 PM):
*You'd want to jump all over me. I think I'll never show you.
*Your reaction might disturb the nonexistant children.
Markky says (11:19 PM):
*Depriving me of my dreams xD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:20 PM):
*It must be done, Sir Streetcar Gaskell!
*I cannot allow you to make a fool of yourself in front of invisible children.
Markky says (11:20 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:22 PM):
*I'm sure your friend will enjoy as you regale him in your cherry grape muffin pansy 1800's adventures.
*There will also be rapists named Fred.
*...I need to stop saying the first thing that pops up in my head.
Markky says (11:22 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:23 PM):
*Poor Markus must deal with a cherry grape Arylett.
Markky says (11:23 PM):
*Ah well~
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:24 PM):
*I will toss puppies at you if you don't put down that shovel, MISTER!
Markky says (11:24 PM):
*I'M SORRY *throws shovel down
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:24 PM):
*Oh, wrong IM.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:25 PM):
Markky says (11:25 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:26 PM):
*Nah, actually, it wasn't.
*I lied.
*I just wanted to type in something crazy and that made no sense and say it was from the wrong IM to make you wonder what the hell me and some other person were talking about.
Markky says (11:28 PM):
*...It worked xD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:28 PM):
*I wasn't really talking to anyone else until now. I just IMed Zora with that to see her reaction.
Markky says (11:30 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:31 PM):
*Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:27 PM):
*I will toss puppies at you if you don't put that shovel down, MISTER!
Zora says (11:27 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:27 PM):
*Oh Batzor, hello.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:28 PM):
*I was just yelling at a very naughty boy.
Zora says (11:28 PM):
*Oh, I see.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:30 PM):
*Would you like to join in on my muffinings?
Markky says (11:31 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:32 PM):
*Zora says (11:31 PM):
*Yes! :0
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:31 PM):
*...But how can you say yes if you don't even know what that is?
*I could be asking you to rape kittens for all you know.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:32 PM):
*Or stick muffins on your boobs and dance around singing "I'm A Little Teapot (But I'm Sexier Than That Teacup)".
Markky says (11:32 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:33 PM):
*Zora says (11:32 PM):
*I would probably do the latter anyway.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:32 PM):
*Oh? Do you become a teacup often in your spare time?
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:33 PM):
*I used to do that a lot. It was the thing back in the day, y'know. But I sort of got bored. They say becoming a kettle's now the new thing, but eh, it's not the same.
*They certainly aren't sexier than teapots.
Markky says (11:34 PM):
*Totally. Teapots are the sexiest.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:34 PM):
*I know, right?
*I mean, what the hell, a kettle?
*Ah, today's youth is so misguided.
Markky says (11:34 PM):
*Agreed. Teapots are the better of the two~
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:35 PM):
*'Course now I just sort of like being a spatula.
*The feel of hot sizzling meat on my face...
*(That's what she said)
Markky says (11:35 PM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (11:36 PM):
*Oh yeah, I so went there.
...Arylett. You and Markky sound like my friends Lexi and Chris. Right down to the Banana suit.
Hyper Icestorm: what the heck mom i said dratini not zucchini
Hyper Icestorm: *sighs*
oOMelody MarieOo: lmfao
Hyper Icestorm: this kinda stuff happens all the time
oOMelody MarieOo: thats the best statement ive ever read
Hyper Icestorm: i know right?
oOMelody MarieOo: what the heck mom i said dratini not zucchini
oOMelody MarieOo: i love that
oOMelody MarieOo: im still laughing
oOMelody MarieOo: omg best rhyme ever

Hyper Icestorm: will said formidable and i somehow read it as adorable
Hyper Icestorm: i'm confused
oOMelody MarieOo: haha
Hyper Icestorm: i'm turning into my mom
Hyper Icestorm: this is not good
oOMelody MarieOo: haha
More sleep deprived shenanigans with Markus:

(11:38 PM) Markky: Damn girl~
(11:38 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: I know!
I am super fly.
(11:38 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Except that I'm not a small black flying insect that has more powers than its ordinary peers.
(11:39 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: I'm more like Super Doorknob.
Although that's a bit of a misnomer.
(11:40 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Because I'm not really a giantic bit of metal attached to a door to open it.
(11:40 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Hmm, what a mystery this life is.
(11:40 PM) Markky: YOU ARE SUPERLETT
(11:41 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Awww man! I have to be her AGAIN?
(11:41 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Can't you be her once in a while? I want to be Super Gaskell!
(11:41 PM) Markky: ...Alright. xD
(11:41 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: WHEEE I AM GEORGE WASHINGTON ;;Gives muffin;;
(11:42 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: There.
I am done being Super Gaskell.
I am done being Super Lett.
(11:43 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Pfft.
Your imitation was faulty at best! You didn't wave your hands enough.
(11:43 PM) Markky: *handflail*
(11:43 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: No, no, NO!
Not like THAT.
Like THIS.
You sort of have to wave at them like you're being attacked by a rabid shoe.
(11:44 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: And at the same time trying to flirt with somebody.
But failing horribly.
(11:44 PM) Markky: ...>>
*follows directions, flailing hands*
(11:44 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: ...Hmm, not bad.
Could use some work though.
(11:45 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: You need to put more scrimgin in your motions, but other than that, I think you got it doon spiffingly.
Yes, doon, because I can.
(11:45 PM) Markky: xDDDD
(11:46 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: If this was a TV show, it'd be called My Firehose.
(11:46 PM) Markky: Why is that?
(11:46 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Because I am not in a fireman porn film.
(11:46 PM) Markky: Now you are.
(11:47 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: And you're the little dalmation they have, right?
(11:47 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: And I'm the strappingly attractive sexy chick who calls them over to put out my "fire".
(11:47 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: And then they drive over and I open the door. They "save" me and get all hot and steamy and stuff from the fire with their "firehoses."
(11:48 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: And you uh...
(11:48 PM) Markky: Totally.
(11:48 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Bark.
Like once.
(11:48 PM) Markky: And chase my tail.
(11:48 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh no.
They cut that out.
That's only in the Director's Cut.
(11:49 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: And by firehoses, I mean hats.
And by my fire, I mean a hat rack.
(11:49 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: And by saving, I mean, they give me a new hat to add to my hat collection.
So they saved me from being without a new hat.
(11:50 PM) Markky: This story is so deep.
(11:50 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: It is symbolic of the inner torment of man.
The hat represents the people we just put on our minds briefly and then throw away.
(11:51 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: The hat rack represents where we throw those people away, in something useless and ornamental.
The firehoses and fire and saving are just metaphors for a metaphor.
(11:55 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: This material is cutting edge, Markus.
Most people don't even understand how true it is.
It was banned in five countries.
(11:56 PM) Markky: The heretic nature of those fools.
(11:57 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Heretic? Why, don't be insane! This isn't a religion, it's a way of life.
(11:57 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: I call it... Firehose.
(11:57 PM) Arylett Dawnsborough: And we are the Hydrants.
(12:01 AM) Markky: Amazing.
(12:02 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Nah, I don't think it's that amazing. I mean, now it's just starting to get oddly shaped and nonsensical.
(12:04 AM) Markky: xD
(12:05 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: I really do like that word crotchstrank. It sounds epically badass.
(12:05 AM) Markky: xDDDD
It sounds like a horrible fighting move
(12:07 AM) Markky: Exactly xDDD
(12:07 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: ;;Crotchstranks you;;
(12:08 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: HOW DO YA LIKE ME NOW, PICKSTAIN?!
(12:09 AM) Markky: x_x
(12:09 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: OH YEAH
(12:10 AM) Markky: x_x
(12:10 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: I think I shall sing a song.
(12:10 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: N*
(12:12 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: TO THE CIVIL WAAAAAAAAARRRRR!
(12:12 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: ;;Gets down from stage, waves hair out of eyes sexily;;
Thank you, everyone.
(12:13 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough has changed his/her personal message to "The Gawds pissed in the eyes of your fate."
(12:19 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: :;Revives Markus;;
(12:19 AM) Markky: *awake* :0
(12:19 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Did you hear my song?
It was devoted to you.
(12:20 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Like a love song in which I professed my love.
(12:38 AM) Markky: ...Charming,
(12:39 AM) Arylett Dawnsborough: Except I talked more about how I crotchstranked the shit out of your life.
(12:39 AM) Markky: xD
On Steam chat, not IM, but Steam chat is very similar to an IM service. (We were talking about the Sevii Islands prior to the start of what I'm posting here.)

1:22 PM - ShinyDrowz: And Berry Forest, which was basically put in for the lack of berry planting in that game.
1:23 PM - ShinyDrowz: Which makes the Sevii Islands the only region with more than one forest.
1:23 PM - Sky [LH]: And there was the Hypno in there.
1:24 PM - ShinyDrowz: Yeah, it was like raping the little girl or something
1:24 PM - ShinyDrowz: >3 Can you guess which Hypno in particular that was?
1:24 PM - Sky [LH]: D:
1:25 PM - ShinyDrowz: It was my Hypno's daughter, who fell into an alternate reality, evolved into a Hypno, and moved to Berry Forest.
1:26 PM - Sky [LH]: Did she go through Pal Park in reverse?
1:26 PM - ShinyDrowz: Which reminds me, I'm getting myself a baby form of each member of my main team for the lulz, just to see how it will turn out. In some cases I'm adding breeding moves, too.
1:26 PM - Sky [LH]: :D
1:27 PM - ShinyDrowz: Nah, I just left her Pokeball on the Fast Ship, and its next destination after I got off was the Sevii Islands. The burgular on that ship found her Pokeball and took her in. He taught her is evil ways, and eventually Hypno's daughter became so evil that she killed her new master and went on to rape young girls.
1:28 PM - ShinyDrowz: True story, bro.

Man, I love my ability to make crazy shit up on a whim.

Also, from another chat:
12:55 AM - House[LH]: do I look like some kinda queer to you?
12:56 AM - ShinyDrowz: Actually, no. Unless you're one of those well-hidden INTJs :O
12:57 AM - House[LH]: WOOT!
12:57 AM - House[LH]: brb need to spit

Things are funny taken out of context.
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»» [ N i c o l e ~ ] ♫♫ says:
I eat cup noodles with a fork.

Fro hoe the Mighty Asian says:
I eat cup noodles with a pitchfork.

[c=#50E7DF]ღღღ-(-ℓєσиα-)-ღღღ(*)[/c] says:
i eat cup noodles with a chainsaw.

Fro hoe the Mighty Asian says:
I eat cup noodles with a tree.

[c=#50E7DF]ღღღ-(-ℓєσиα-)-ღღღ(*)[/c] says:
I eat cup noodles with a library.

Fro hoe the Mighty Asian says:
I eat cup noodles with my friends.

»» [ N i c o l e ~ ] ♫♫ says:
Cuz only asians eat their cup noodles with these.

Fro hoe the Mighty Asian says:
I eat cup noodles with...WATERMELON

[c=20]×wăŤƏŘмëĻοñ× <3!!![/c=32] says:

umm yeah we were bored
Mike says:
Your display pic is traumatising.

Your Local Mechanical Dragon says:
Caps lock

Mike says:
I ws going to randomly spoonerise that until I realised the result would be "laps cock" OTL

Your Local Mechanical Dragon says:
Oh God.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Party in the pants!

Markky says:
...oh wow

Arylett Dawnsborough says:
I just wanted to see that.

Markky says:

Arylett Dawnsborough says:
;;Nervous chuckle;;

aren't typos amazing
aren't typos amazing

Zora Smith: *goes back to writing down pairings*
Markky: *can't remember other lyrics*
Markky: >>
Zora Smith: xD
Markky: i have a feeling
Markky: that whatever they are
Markky: just because of that starting line
Markky: it fists raith and starlight
Markky: FITS*
Markky: ><

Zora Smith: but i'll work with that
Zora Smith: now post so i have something to do
Markky: okay
Markky: hold on
Markky: i'm thinkinh
Markky: thinkinh*
Markky: ARRGH
Markky: ...
Zora Smith: xDDDD
Markky: t
Markky: h
Markky: i
Markky: n
Markky: k
Markky: i
Markky: n
Markky: h
Markky: FUCK
Markky: thinking
Zora Smith: xD
Markky: THERE
Markky: JESUS
Zora Smith: xDDDDDDD

Zora Smith: ahaha what
Zora Smith: http://image3.examiner.com/images/blog/EXID34244/images/hobolink.jpg
Markky: ahaha hawt
Markky: ...
Markky: what*
Markky: that is simply THE worst typo to make

Markky: ...
Markky: twat
Markky: wat*
Zora Smith: ...?
Markky: that was the worst typo
Zora Smith: it was xD

Yes, yes they are. :]
Russ says (12:32 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (12:33 AM):
*Don't what?
*...That scared me a bit because I was about to post something.
Russ says (12:33 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (12:33 AM):
*Call who?
Russ says (12:33 AM):
*my name
Russ says (12:34 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (12:34 AM):
Russ says (12:34 AM):
*bitch you just got GAGA'D
Arylett Dawnsborough says (12:34 AM):
*You bastard.

God bless him.
Jody says:
Little Red Engine says:
Jody says:
Little Red Engine says:
i am somehow being micspammed via text and it is amazing
Jody says:
Little Red Engine says:
i am so very tempted to put this in the IM thread
Jody says:
Little Red Engine says:
soooo tempted
Jody says:
Little Red Engine says:

and so i did.
oOMelody MarieOo: fjalksdjaklfje
oOMelody MarieOo: i read all this adorable jessie buzz fluff and now i NEED it

...three guesses what we were talking about.
Zora Smith: Also, apologies for my horrendous screechy laughter earlier.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Aah, it's fine, it's fine. I didn't even hear most of it. XD
Zora Smith: Oh, OK xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: I was laughing too, although silently.
Zora Smith: It is oimpossible for me to laugh silently.
Zora Smith: impoaaible*
Zora Smith: ...
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oimpossible.
Arylett Dawnsborough: The newest word.
Zora Smith: impissible*
Zora Smith: ...DAMN IT
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...........
Arylett Dawnsborough: You just caused me to burst into loud laughter with that.
Zora Smith: Just... why xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: It's IMPISSIBLE!
Zora Smith: xDDDDDDD
Arylett Dawnsborough: Impissible: Dictionary Def: Cannot be pissed upon.
Zora Smith: xDDDDD That was amazing
Arylett Dawnsborough: Your laughter is that.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Nobody can piss on it.
Zora Smith: ...Exacthly!
Zora Smith: ...ffff
Zora Smith: exactly*
Arylett Dawnsborough: .............
Arylett Dawnsborough: Just... wow.
Zora Smith: Fuckin' keyboard xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: Best typo is still impissible.
Zora Smith: It is, it is.
Zora Smith: Can't beat the mispelling "thinking" the same way four times that happened once though.
Zora Smith: Although impissable is up there in epic typodry.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh?
Zora Smith: I could've sworn I told you about thinkinh.
Arylett Dawnsborough: You didn't.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And I'm finally ready, aha.
Zora Smith: http://www.tcodforums.eeveeshq.com/showpost.php?p=394636&postcount=74
Zora Smith: It's the second one.
Zora Smith: And cool. I'm already in.
Arylett Dawnsborough: ... ;;Giggle;;
Arylett Dawnsborough: Aah, that is epic, but Impissible just... awesome.
Zora Smith: True.
Zora Smith: Also, I need to reconnect, hold on
Arylett Dawnsborough: Aah, okay. I thought it was on my end.
Arylett Dawnsborough: You can keep these by the way.
Zora Smith: ...Impissable.
Arylett Dawnsborough: That's why I took so long. I was nicknaming them. =D
Zora Smith: I love you xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: Say goodbye to Impissible, it says!
Zora Smith: xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: That Unown is just Da Sexy.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Bye-Bye, Sexybiatch!
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...Oh my God, I didn't notice it was female.
Zora Smith: We win xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: And I nicknamed it Voldemort.
Zora Smith: ...I just heard you laughing xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: Voldemort crossdressing.
Zora Smith: That's impissable!
Arylett Dawnsborough: Nobody can piss on that, gurl.
Zora Smith: Yeeeaaahdawg
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...XD
Arylett Dawnsborough: Namine will eat your CDs.
Zora Smith: Tehehehe
Zora Smith: ...We never did finish that.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oooh yeaaah.
Arylett Dawnsborough: The one with vampires in weird rooms.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And uh... other fucked up shit.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Also, is it bad that I thought SPARKLES when I saw Edward the Persian?
Arylett Dawnsborough: It'd be funny if he was shiny.
Zora Smith: I wish. xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: Whoa, it disconnected me.
Zora Smith: I was thinking more FMC's character at the time.
Zora Smith: Woah.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Ah, so was I. Then I thought sparkles.
Zora Smith: He's both!
Arylett Dawnsborough: Yeah, lemme reconnect.
Arylett Dawnsborough: He's...
Arylett Dawnsborough: A mantitted sparkly Persian?
Zora Smith: ...I'm sending this to FMC.
Arylett Dawnsborough: You go right ahead. METALLIC BLOOD SUCKING TITS OF DOOMIFICATIONS
Zora Smith: Sent xDE
Arylett Dawnsborough: What'd she say? Tell me when she says it.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Cherrygrap, 'cause grape wouldn't fit.
Zora Smith: Kay xD
Zora Smith: also
Arylett Dawnsborough: That actually sounds... funnier.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Yes?
Scooty Puff Jr: er
Scooty Puff Jr is typing a message.
Scooty Puff Jr: cat
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...Dog.
Zora Smith: Dog.
Arylett Dawnsborough: He... is a dog.
Arylett Dawnsborough: What.
Zora Smith: GHe is a catdog.
Zora Smith: he*
Arylett Dawnsborough: So he's on Nickelodeon?
Zora Smith: I guess.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh whoops.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Pressed the wrong button.
Zora Smith: Also we've got two more left top trade 'cause the other one didn't go through
Arylett Dawnsborough: Aah, 'cause of RANDOM INTERNET FAIL.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Probably because the system couldn't handle Edward's Vampiric Metal Tits.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Full Metal Tits.
Zora Smith: Hell yes
Arylett Dawnsborough: They blowed up my intenret.
Arylett Dawnsborough: internet*
Arylett Dawnsborough: Now it's contageous!
Zora Smith: onoz!
Arylett Dawnsborough: I bet I'll starting pissin' the impissible.
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...That sounds like an album name.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Pissin' the Impissible.
Zora Smith: It does.
Arylett Dawnsborough: It'd be like... by the Full Metal Tits.
Arylett Dawnsborough: That's a band now.

No more needs to be said about this one.
Uh. It's the sequel to our Zoralett nutso convo.

Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:51 AM):
Zora says (3:52 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:53 AM):
*I love it.
Zora says (3:53 AM):
*It is amazing.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:53 AM):
*Aha, you'll love the next batch of nicknames.
Zora says (3:53 AM):
*I'm sure xDDD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:54 AM):
*Impissible's just an epic Poochyena, he can't be pissed upon.
Zora says (3:54 AM):
*He pisses upon others.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:54 AM):
*I'm just... imagining a Poochyena pissing on others.
Zora says (3:54 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:54 AM):
*Liftin' his little leg.
Zora says (3:55 AM):
*Oh my god x3
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:55 AM):
*A movie trailer or something.
Zora says (3:55 AM):
*xDDDDDDD Love you 'Lett
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:55 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:56 AM):
Zora says (3:56 AM):
**epic score composed by John Williams*
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:56 AM):
*I'm imagining just...
*This ORCHESTRAL EPIC MUSIC that plays when a little Poochyena lifts his leg.
*And pisses.
Zora says (3:57 AM):
*...oh god yes
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:57 AM):
*Imagine Harry Potter music.
*Or that Star Wars Darth Vader song.
Zora says (3:57 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:58 AM):
*And then he's just... pissin'.
Zora says (3:58 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:59 AM):
*Okay, finally ready! Going in with Diamond now.
Zora says (3:59 AM):
*'Lett, this is amazing.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:59 AM):
*That's just the awesomeness of Impissible.
*Nobody can piss upon his spirit.
*That's the tagline.
Zora says (3:59 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (3:59 AM):
*The whole story is basically about this lil ol' Poochyena.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:00 AM):
*And he has a Pisspirit.
Zora says (4:00 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:00 AM):
*And it cannot be pissed upon.
*And there's like the most epic John Williams score throughout it all.
*All the movie is is him pissin' on random people.
Zora says (4:00 AM):
*(Also, that's an Event Pichu :v)
*Aww yeah, I'd go see that.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:00 AM):
*(Ah yes, I thought so.)
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:01 AM):
*...You'd watch him piss on like, somebody's grandma.
Zora says (4:01 AM):
*It'd be a box office hit.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:01 AM):
*Tear jerkers.
*I'd cry so hard.
*Like, just the beauty of...
*A yellow stream.
Zora says (4:01 AM):
*oh yes
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:01 AM):
*It's Impissible, it is.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:02 AM):
*Would win millions.
*And then there'd be a song.
*By Georgio the Chimchar.
*In his accent.
Zora says (4:02 AM):
*I would go see that about 98 times.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:02 AM):
*It'd be totally unrelated to the movie.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:03 AM):
Zora says (4:03 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:03 AM):
*That's Georgio.
*In his country, it's okay to sing about that.
*And kill Lettbeasts.
Zora says (4:04 AM):
*Indeed. If only he knew I was already with someone...~
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:04 AM):
*It's also okay to walk around with underpants on your head.
*Every Friday, they have an underpants ritual.
*Where they pray to the Great Pissgod.
*So I mean, pretty nutso country if you ask me.
Zora says (4:05 AM):
Zora says (4:06 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:08 AM):
Zora says (4:08 AM):
*That was amazing.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:08 AM):
*It so was. I bet my parents are wondering what the hell I'm doing.
Zora says (4:08 AM):
*You have the best voice ever.
Zora says (4:09 AM):
*Our Battle Series is gonna be so fun xD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:09 AM):
*Oh my God, yes. I will sing Georgio songs throughout.
Zora says (4:09 AM):
*Oh dear god xDDD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:09 AM):
*And alternate between that and my high pitched SPARKLEPIRES voice.
*And sing about Piss Rituals and whatever the hell else I can cherrygrape outta my ass.
Zora says (4:10 AM):
*...FMC says she's adding more to the picture-
*outta your ass
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:10 AM):
*And FMC is going to just explode us with Emo Rainbows.
Zora says (4:10 AM):
*And she's making Moony do it to Halan.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:10 AM):
*I'm looking in the IM thread to see what yo-
Zora says (4:11 AM):
*I've started something. I dunno what, but I like where it's going xD
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:11 AM):
*What have I done.
Zora says (4:11 AM):
*Also brb
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:11 AM):
Zora says (4:12 AM):
Zora says (4:13 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:13 AM):
*Sorry about that.
Zora says (4:13 AM):
*is fine
Zora says (4:18 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:20 AM):
*...My God.
Zora says (4:20 AM):
*I wish there were a way to record that.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:21 AM):
*Me too, man, me too.
*Waait a minute.
*We missed one!
*I think.
*No wait, nah. Just my cherrygrape mind...
Zora says (4:22 AM):
*Your amazing chrrygrape mind.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:22 AM):
*Too many Eddy Rainbows raped my eyes.
Zora says (4:22 AM):
*Well, a gay pride parade did throw up on him!
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:22 AM):
*It threw up on me too!
*Into my eyes.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:23 AM):
*And then it went like five times around my mind.
*And then I crossdressed as Georgio.
*And began to sing my latest hit single.
*And now I'm REAL cherrygrapes, crikey.
Zora says (4:23 AM):
*It's all because of me. :3
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:24 AM):
*Looks like my mind ain't impissible like your laughs.
Zora says (4:24 AM):
*...Would saying it's pisstastic be an accurate assessment?
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:24 AM):
*It certainly would, oh most certainly.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:25 AM):
*I must cross dress as Georgio one day.
Zora says (4:25 AM):
*You must.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:25 AM):
*And then I look behind me and think Arylett's there.
*But it's just, my hair going through the wig.
*I try to attack it anyways.
Zora says (4:25 AM):
*Put them up in the Pictures thread
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:26 AM):
*Bwahahar, I shall have to find a good wig and paint on a fake mustache and do it a day my parents aren't here 'cause then they will be all.
*Uh. Our daughter, yeah?
*She uh.
*Has epic problems.
Zora says (4:26 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:26 AM):
*Keeps shoutin' something about being impissible.
Zora says (4:26 AM):
*Hey, I've got epic problems too!
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:27 AM):
*Except when they say it, it'd be more like. ANHELA SHE HAS TO BE ZE GREAT PROBLEMASS
*'Cause. They don't speak English that good. And that's where I get my Georgio accent. :3
Zora says (4:27 AM):
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:27 AM):
*Tonight was an Rainbow Orgy.
*Of Beautiful Piss.
Zora says (4:28 AM):
*Awww yeah.
*We should do it again.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:28 AM):
*We so should. When we have that epic battle of weirdass.
Zora says (4:28 AM):
*Oh yes.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:28 AM):
*Mansex is nipping at your feet!
Zora says (4:29 AM):
*And just wait till you catch me sleep-deprived. I get my weirdest ideas th-
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:29 AM):
Zora says (4:29 AM):
*Just wait till he gets to max happiness.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:29 AM):
*...Oh God.
*Mansex's cheeks are turning rosy!
Zora says (4:30 AM):
*...Oh god.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:30 AM):
*I'm gonna have him in my party and make him get to max happiness.
*Mansex wants to play with Arylett!
Zora says (4:30 AM):
*...I think I've found the perfect background music for tonight.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:31 AM):
Zora says (4:31 AM):
*That right there.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:31 AM):
*...It's the theme song of our battle.
Zora says (4:31 AM):
*Saxophone music makes everything more epic.
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:32 AM):
*I can just imagine like, an epic Mansex chase or something.
*Mansex Mewtwo like chasing me around with that playing.
*Mansex wants to play with Arylett!
*Arylett is running away!
Zora says (4:32 AM):
*...I'm drawing it
Arylett Dawnsborough says (4:32 AM):
*My God, tonight just... turned into an epic cheese fest of rainbowpiss.

Zora Smith: Do it.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Done.
Zora Smith: 'Lett, I love you xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: IMPISSIBLE~ DAN DO DO DAAAAN~
Arylett Dawnsborough: I think my assessment at the end of it sums everything up.
Zora Smith: ...It's true. This music makes it all the more epic.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Makes it sound like a whacky fest of pissastic.
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...pisstastic*
Zora Smith: ...pissastic.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh God.
Arylett Dawnsborough: What have I done now.
Zora Smith: It is the compliment to impissable.
Zora Smith: When something is the opposite of impissable, it is pissastic
Arylett Dawnsborough: So you can totally piss all over that pitch.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Bitch*
Zora Smith: ....xDDDDD
Arylett Dawnsborough: Pissin' on pitches.
Zora Smith: Aww yeah.
Arylett Dawnsborough: A pitch is like a pissastic bitch.
Zora Smith: Oh yes.
Zora Smith: My god.
Zora Smith: Tonight was bloody fantastic xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...What?
Arylett Dawnsborough: ;;Giggle;; Oh yes. I must make preparations to get Manrose. I'm going it riiight now. Ahaha.
Zora Smith: You're going it?
Arylett Dawnsborough: I'ma breedin' a Manrose.
Zora Smith: :0!
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...I'm going it apparently, yes.
Zora Smith: I feel like just... juggling sharp weapons on a unicycle right now.
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...I love you.
Zora Smith: I've caught the cherrygrapes.
Arylett Dawnsborough: In the most epic way possible.
Zora Smith: Aww yeah.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Juggle all those sharp weapons! Shick 'em, shack 'em, jiggle those pitches.
Arylett Dawnsborough: I'm going it riiiiight now.
Zora Smith: I imagine it'd look somewhat like... this: http://antipathiczora.deviantart.com/art/Yeeeaaaaah-168619778
Arylett Dawnsborough: ;;Clickos;;
Arylett Dawnsborough: Sounds like an epic clicking God.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Clickos the God of Clicking Links on the Internet!
Arylett Dawnsborough: One of Georgio's gods.
Zora Smith: Oh yes.
Arylett Dawnsborough: I'm raping it right now.
Zora Smith: raping it?
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...What?
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...breeding*
Zora Smith: ...............................
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh no.
Zora Smith: You're raping it.
Arylett Dawnsborough: I'm... raping a Roselia?
Zora Smith: Apparently!
Arylett Dawnsborough: Roserape.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Not Roserade, ahahaa.
Zora Smith: New alternate evolution? 8{0
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...YES.
Arylett Dawnsborough: It feels you up with flowers.
Zora Smith: That's its ability.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Flower Grope?
Zora Smith: Indeed.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Manrose would evolve into one.
Arylett Dawnsborough: In order to evolve one, you need the PISSROSE item.
Arylett Dawnsborough: It needs to hold one and be at max sexiness.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Not happiness.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Sexiness.
Arylett Dawnsborough: You have to like, feed it Arousal Weeds.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And Roofies.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And like, have sex with it.
Zora Smith: And you need to have Mansex the Mewtwo in your party.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh yes. You have to put the two of them in the Daycare.
Zora Smith: Where they will buttfuck.
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...
Arylett Dawnsborough: .....
Arylett Dawnsborough: ;;Giggle;;
Zora Smith: What is wrong with us xDDD
Arylett Dawnsborough: So many things.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Tommorow, I will need to trade this demonic Manrose to my HG. So you must help me in Buttrapery.
Zora Smith: Oh yes.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh and also, Manrose the Roserape has a different ability than usual.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Male Pregnancy.
Arylett Dawnsborough: It can be male and produce an egg with another male.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Or female.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Doesn't matter.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Or even with a genderless.
Zora Smith: :0
Arylett Dawnsborough: It's amazing.
Zora Smith: All whilst there is epic background music.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh yes.
Zora Smith: 'Cause that's how we roll.
Arylett Dawnsborough: There's a special theme tune that plays whenever Manrose is used in a battle.
Arylett Dawnsborough: It's Georgio singing loudly and screechily.
Zora Smith: xDDDDDDDDD
Arylett Dawnsborough: BIG BELLY ROSSSSE~
Arylett Dawnsborough: SO LARGE, SING GEORGIO!
Arylett Dawnsborough: SO ROSEY, SING GEORGIO!
Zora Smith: Oh my.
Arylett Dawnsborough: That plays whenever you battle with Manrose.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Every single time.
Zora Smith: To opera instrumentals.
Arylett Dawnsborough: John Williams.
Zora Smith: Yes.
Arylett Dawnsborough: It's tear inducing, Georgio's song.
Arylett Dawnsborough: It's called Great Rose Bellies (Sing Georgio)
Zora Smith: I see.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And that is cherrygrapes.
Arylett Dawnsborough: ;;Bows;;
Zora Smith: ...Can I put the rest of this in the IM thread?
Arylett Dawnsborough: Go ahead, although I imagine people would've had enough of us. Ahaha.
Zora Smith: Blasphemy xD
Zora Smith: It's just so epic they needed to see it in three parts.
Arylett Dawnsborough: It's impissibly epic.
Zora Smith: That it is.
Arylett Dawnsborough: People will explode.
Zora Smith: onoz!
Arylett Dawnsborough: Georgio will cry.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And Epic Rainbow Emo Vomit will occur.
Arylett Dawnsborough: In the form of Edward.
Zora Smith: And then Emoboy will... write poems about it.
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...Flareth must write more poems about this.
Zora Smith: Ask her.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh, I will. After she sees our pissasticness.
Zora Smith: She'll come asking me, I'm sure xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: I wonder what she'll say about our epic battle.
Zora Smith: She'll love us forever.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Mansex the Epic Mewtwo.
Zora Smith: Versus Georgio.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Infernape with a mustache and accent.
Zora Smith: Yes.
Arylett Dawnsborough: PUNCHES*
Arylett Dawnsborough: .................
Arylett Dawnsborough: Zora wins.
Zora Smith: 8{D
Arylett Dawnsborough: I think you'd just win the whole battle.
Zora Smith: 'Cause that's how I roll.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Mustaches > Everything.
Zora Smith: After I pull shit like this, of course: http://antipathiczora.deviantart.com/art/YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-again-168911832
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh, of course.
Arylett Dawnsborough: You should just scream that out.
Zora Smith: The sad part is, I said the pun out loud to myself when that happened with the radio on behind me
Zora Smith: All of a sudden
Arylett Dawnsborough: ...
Arylett Dawnsborough: Just wow at everything today.
Zora Smith: do i win
Arylett Dawnsborough: Everything, the world, Mansex, Georgio.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Everything that lives.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And dies too.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And vampires.
Zora Smith: 8D
Arylett Dawnsborough: And Edward just for the hell of it.
Zora Smith: Indeed.
Arylett Dawnsborough: You win his sparkly tits.
Zora Smith: Oh my. *puts them on*
Arylett Dawnsborough: They go well with your Wor Hip.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Dangit, a female hatched out of the first egg.
Arylett Dawnsborough: ;;Keeps walking;;
Zora Smith: Sparkly.
Arylett Dawnsborough: Sparkly Wor.
Arylett Dawnsborough: That's what'll happen with this combination.
Arylett Dawnsborough: All war will be between people with sparkly tits.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And trying to suck blood off of each other.
Zora Smith: Onoz
Arylett Dawnsborough: It'll traumatize children.
Zora Smith: D: *takes them off*
Arylett Dawnsborough: In a good way!
Arylett Dawnsborough: Oh and a friend and I have an injoke related to a typo about you being an Ex-Pedo.
Arylett Dawnsborough: They originally meant to type in DORA.
Arylett Dawnsborough: But. Yeah.
Zora Smith: I remember that. xD
Arylett Dawnsborough: And you have like, a Ted Toolkit full of perverted tools.
Zora Smith: Boobs the Monkey too?
Arylett Dawnsborough: That too, but that one was forgotten.
Zora Smith: I see.
Arylett Dawnsborough: In an RP, Zora the Ex-Pedo showed up.
Arylett Dawnsborough: And was all.
Arylett Dawnsborough: HEE
Zora Smith: ...
Zora Smith: ......
Zora Smith: dot
Zora Smith: dot
Zora Smith: fucking
Zora Smith: dot
Zora Smith: Amazing
Mike says:
My uncle thought I was a vegetarian until today.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Mike says:
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Mike was deceived.
Mike says:
No, his uncle was.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Oh, my Lett eyes were deceived then by misreadery.
Mike says:
Silly Letteyes.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
They must wear glasses upon them.
That is why they are silly.
Mike says:
Are you saying Mikeyes are silly? D:
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Yes they are.
Because they need places of plastic in front of them to be able to see properly.
Mike says:
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
;;Eats your tears;;
Mike says:
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
My hunger is insatiable, Mark, darling!
Mike says:
That it is, Lert.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
I don't like that name for me.
Mike says:
Too bad.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
It sounds retarded.
It was a TYPO! I won't call you Mike again.
What the hell is with my fingers?
Mike says:
They're possessed, dear Lert.
I know it sounds impissible, but.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
...You're not Zora.
Mike says:
I am now.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Nah, she's away blowing shit up.
Mike says:
She's temporarily Mike.
A traumatic experience for her, but she'll get over it.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
That's just crazy.
Mike says:
Why can't I be Zora.
I want to get drunk and have Pokemon battles.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Because you are Mike.
Mike says:
And not be called Mark.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
I should hop over back to ASB just so I can have a drunk battle with her.
That's just your typoed nickname!
Mike says:
My typoed nickname is Saivy Hnkions.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Mike says:
And don't forget to do more reffing. ASB needs more rainbow marshmallow clouds.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
That sounds weird, like some other language.
Nah, I'm too lazy. Too much numbers and calculatin's.
Mike says:
I want to invent a language which has no adjectives.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
That is a crime against nature.
Mike says:
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Adjectives are pretty!
Wtht thm vrthng wld b gl
Mike says:
...my dear Lett, you are thinking of vowels.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
Oh yes!
I'm dumb.
Still, without adjectives, that sentence would be just adjectives are.
Mike says:
It's okay, I was just about to say "what about 'sucking' and 'gesticulated'?.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
...Those two words in a sentence is just so wrong.
Mike says:
One should never simultaneously suck and esticulate.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
I misread that as eculate.
Mike says:
They shouldn't do those either.
Eating lollipops in a lift?
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
...Oh yes.
Mike says:
As is soothin a banged thumb on a ladder.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
This is totally random and unrelated to anything.
It's just awesome.
Mike says:
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
She traded me a Mewtwo named that.
And in HeartGold, it chases me about.
And says things like Mansex wants to play with Arylett!
Mike says:
Oh dear.
At least you don't have a Jynx called Ruhypnol.
Arylett Dawnsborough says:
My expression in that picture quite sums it up.
Mike says:
"You decided to take Ruhypnol with you!"
I was bored. Maybe I'm just tired and delusional, but it was funny to me. <3
....AIM copy/pastes are messy wtf. Sorry. I'm DD.

Rin 11:42 pm
(11:42:43 PM): brb
DarkDragon5798 11:43 pm
(11:43:00 PM): Oki
Rin 12:15 am
(12:15:28 AM): I HATH RETURNED! <#
(12:15:29 AM): *<3
DarkDragon5798 12:15 am
(12:15:40 AM): Oh good. I thought you'd died. D:
Rin 12:15 am
(12:15:54 AM): I do that sometimes. XD
(12:15:57 AM): I always come back though.
DarkDragon5798 12:16 am
(12:16:06 AM): Force of habit.
Rin 12:16 am
(12:16:13 AM): Living? XD
(12:16:14 AM): Indeed.
DarkDragon5798 12:16 am
(12:16:23 AM): And dying. But yes.
Rin 12:16 am
(12:16:40 AM): Yeah, well... XD They are one piece of a whole...
DarkDragon5798 12:16 am
(12:16:49 AM): LIES
Rin 12:19 am
(12:19:51 AM): FIBS
DarkDragon5798 12:20 am
(12:20:01 AM): FAIRYTALES
Rin 12:20 am
(12:20:15 AM): FABLES
DarkDragon5798 12:20 am
Rin 12:22 am
(12:22:20 AM): TALL TALES
DarkDragon5798 12:22 am
(12:22:33 AM): ....SHORT TAILS.
Rin 12:22 am
(12:22:42 AM): xDDDDD
(12:22:43 AM): LONG CAT
DarkDragon5798 12:22 am
(12:22:59 AM): SPIKY ZEBRA
Rin 12:23 am
(12:23:43 AM): :'
(12:23:46 AM): *"O
(12:23:48 AM): ml;yh rwe
(12:23:49 AM): TYPOS
DarkDragon5798 12:23 am
(12:23:58 AM): PUDGIE WHALES
Rin 12:24 am
(12:24:06 AM): PUDGY KITTIES! <3
DarkDragon5798 12:24 am
Rin 12:24 am
(12:24:28 AM): SOUNDS GOOD.
DarkDragon5798 12:24 am
(12:24:36 AM): NO IT DOES NOT ;_;
Rin 12:26 am
(12:26:07 AM): YES IT DOES.
DarkDragon5798 12:26 am
(12:26:17 AM): NOT ON SATURN
Rin 12:27 am
(12:27:34 AM): SEGA SATURN?
DarkDragon5798 12:27 am
(12:27:47 AM): NO, SONY SATURN
Rin 12:28 am
(12:28:50 AM): xD
DarkDragon5798 12:29 am
(12:29:31 AM): What is Rin doing and why is Rin awake at such an hour?
Rin 12:34 am
(12:34:16 AM): .....it is embarassing.
DarkDragon5798 12:34 am
(12:34:28 AM): All the more reason to tell me.
(12:34:29 AM): I mean
(12:34:30 AM): why?
(12:34:31 AM): Whut?
Rin 12:34 am
(12:34:34 AM): >//<
DarkDragon5798 12:34 am
(12:34:48 AM): I kid.
Rin 12:34 am
(12:34:51 AM): It's... not something I wish to admit to...
DarkDragon5798 12:35 am
(12:35:09 AM): You like My Little Pony?! Oh wait, I knew that...
Rin 12:38 am
(12:38:26 AM): That isn't embarassing for me, though. xD
(12:38:32 AM): In fact, I am quite proud of that. <3
DarkDragon5798 12:39 am
(12:39:04 AM): I know. Mean, I am, when sleep, I need.
Rin 12:39 am
(12:39:22 AM): xDDDD
Rin 12:40 am
(12:40:26 AM): I just don't get it.
DarkDragon5798 12:40 am
(12:40:38 AM): Get what, you don't?
Rin 12:41 am
(12:41:53 AM): Nah, I just... don't get why people like traveling so much. Dx
(12:41:59 AM): A lot of the people I know, love to travel...
DarkDragon5798 12:42 am
(12:42:09 AM): See, I.
(12:42:18 AM): Okay, that was ridiculous, I'm sorry.
Rin 12:42 am
(12:42:24 AM): xDDD
Rin 12:42 am
(12:42:27 AM): I was about to say...
(12:42:34 AM): Is there a reason we are talking like Master Yoda?
DarkDragon5798 12:42 am
(12:42:37 AM): Anyways, I'm afraid I don't quite get it either.
(12:42:50 AM): Talking like Yoda, you are not. As for me... well, because I can.
Rin 12:43 am
(12:43:26 AM): ......I am not sure why I put "we" instead of "you" there... but so I did...
DarkDragon5798 12:43 am
(12:43:48 AM): Indeed you did. Maybe I am not the only one who is in need of sleep.
Rin 12:45 am
(12:45:24 AM): xD
DarkDragon5798 12:45 am
(12:45:44 AM): I'm in a really giddy mood. That's how you know I need sleep. When else do you see anyone use the word "giddy"?
Rin 12:46 am
(12:46:17 AM): I use it all the time.
DarkDragon5798 12:46 am
(12:46:32 AM): Why must you contradict me?
(12:46:42 AM): I think I spelled that wrong. But anyways.
Rin 12:46 am
(12:46:42 AM): Obviously, because I have nothing better to do. XD
DarkDragon5798 12:47 am
(12:47:10 AM): Oh, no. I do believe you have something much better to do. Why else would you refuse to tell me about it? xD
Rin 12:49 am
(12:49:40 AM): It isn't much better to do... xD;;;
DarkDragon5798 12:50 am
(12:50:11 AM): Indeed, it is worse.
(12:50:18 AM): You're pretty much telling me without telling me.
Rin 12:50 am
(12:50:18 AM): It is.
(12:50:22 AM): Oho?
DarkDragon5798 12:50 am
(12:50:29 AM): Or maybe my mind is just really out there tonight.
Rin 12:50 am
(12:50:37 AM): Well, one way to find out, eh?
DarkDragon5798 12:50 am
(12:50:52 AM): Do tell.
Rin 12:51 am
(12:51:05 AM): Oh, I was just curious about your theory.
(12:51:16 AM): I'm not telling anyone what I am, or rather was, doing.
DarkDragon5798 12:51 am
(12:51:28 AM): I was afraid of this.
(12:51:29 AM): I mean
(12:51:34 AM): That's fine.
Rin 12:51 am
(12:51:36 AM): xD
DarkDragon5798 12:51 am
(12:51:51 AM): I will get you to spill, one way or another.
Rin 12:51 am
(12:51:57 AM): Pfffttt.
DarkDragon5798 12:52 am
(12:52:08 AM): I'll bribe you with another Demondonkey.
Rin 12:53 am
(12:53:33 AM): Nope.
DarkDragon5798 12:53 am
(12:53:55 AM): Damn.
(12:54:01 AM): Crack, you will.
Rin 12:56 am
(12:56:32 AM): xD
DarkDragon5798 12:56 am
(12:56:33 AM): My brain can not think of further bribes.
Rin 12:56 am
(12:56:40 AM): *Pats* It'll be okay.
DarkDragon5798 12:57 am
(12:57:04 AM): Indeed. Once I reveal your secret.
(12:58:06 AM): Well then, if you are not doing said activity no longer, what is Rin doing?
Rin 12:58 am
(12:58:06 AM): Oho?
DarkDragon5798 12:58 am
(12:58:11 AM): Oho.
Rin 12:58 am
(12:58:13 AM): Designing a character. :3
DarkDragon5798 12:58 am
(12:58:19 AM): I KNEW IT
Rin 12:58 am
(12:58:21 AM): xD
Rin 12:58 am
(12:58:50 AM): You knew what I was doing after I finished up the activity I refuse to disclose...?
DarkDragon5798 12:59 am
(12:59:01 AM): That same activity over again?
Rin 12:59 am
(12:59:05 AM): Nope.
(12:59:09 AM): Different activity entirely.
DarkDragon5798 12:59 am
(12:59:10 AM): Don't lie to me.
(12:59:12 AM): I mean
(12:59:13 AM): Then what?
Rin 12:59 am
(12:59:14 AM): I'm not. O_o
(12:59:30 AM): What I am doing now, or earlier?? Because I just told you what I am doing now. xD;
DarkDragon5798 1:00 am
(1:00:17 AM): You just asked if I knew what you were doing after said activity thant you refused to disclose. And if you mean after that and before designing a character, then no, I have no idea and I demand you fill in this gap in my brain.
Rin 1:01 am
(1:01:00 AM): ......uhm... in that gap, I think I was looking for references for aforementioned character... XD;
DarkDragon5798 1:01 am
(1:01:10 AM): You.... think?
Rin 1:01 am
(1:01:38 AM): Well, I was goofing on FB and devArt, but I cannot remember if that was before or after the undisclosed activity...
DarkDragon5798 1:02 am
(1:02:07 AM): I was not questioning your activities, I was questioning your ability to think. How I envy you...
Rin 1:04 am
(1:04:02 AM): xDDD;; Why do you envy me?
DarkDragon5798 1:04 am
(1:04:25 AM): Is that not obvious? You can think. I wish I had that talent.
(1:04:34 AM): Then again, I wish I could draw too.
(1:04:42 AM): I should steal both talents from you.
Rin 1:04 am
(1:04:44 AM): xDD;;;;
(1:05:03 AM): If I cannot remember when or what I was doing, I think that falls under, "little ability to think."
(1:05:26 AM): As for drawing... I still want more improvement. I have gotten so terribly lazy with bodies... but I think I am getting better with faces. XD;
DarkDragon5798 1:06 am
(1:06:28 AM): You're still better than me... come to think of it, I spelt all day doing pretty much nothing. I need to stop being lazy and practice myself. It's about time all my male characters stopped looking like women.
Rin 1:06 am
(1:06:49 AM): I say that about my male characters all the time. XD;
(1:06:54 AM): And I am not better than you.
(1:07:07 AM): I spend today going to work, and then coming home only to coup myself up in a room to play videogames.
(1:07:10 AM): And now I am here.
(1:07:19 AM): Talking to you, which is always fun and pleasant. <3
DarkDragon5798 1:09 am
(1:09:22 AM): Your males still look male. xD I currently have no skill at showing the difference besides the lack of chests. Oh, and little creativity. I need to work on that too.

At least you work. T_T I played videogames too (what a surprise!). And... well, now I am here. xD But I do that every day.

Why thank you. At least I know I'm not just annoying. \o/
Rin 1:10 am
(1:10:54 AM): http://eien-no-yumex.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2shumc That looks like a male?! D'aww, you have creativity. :'O

Have to. Someone needs to pay the phonebill. XD;;; Oh! What games? :3

Pfftt, you never annoy me. :3
DarkDragon5798 1:13 am
(1:13:44 AM): ....bad example? xD Nah. That one picture I've uploaded? Totally uncreative. T_T

Yeah... not looking forward to that. Working, I mean. Ughhh but I need the money.

Well, I'm totally jealous that I have no Wii so I've hooked up my Gamecube and was messing around with Smash Bros. Melee. xD Oh and I went back to Pokemon Diamond cuz I haven't used that version in a while.
Rin 1:15 am
(1:15:25 AM): I think it is a great example! I love it when my men look like women. XD;;;; Pffftt on you.

I knooooow. Dx Work has been eating so much of my time lately... I want more, but at the same time I needs the moneys...

Hahah... XD I have no Wii either, so you are not alone in that. Oohh, Melee! xDDD;; I would be concerned if Jiru-kun was not playing any Pokemanz.
Rin 1:15 am
(1:15:50 AM): Anywho, I need to go to bed. I almost fell asleep a second ago... which would have hurt, because considering how much I roll around at night I would have fallen out of this chair. XD;
DarkDragon5798 1:17 am
(1:17:25 AM): I'd prefer my men to look like men. Unless I'm -trying- to make him look girly. But I've yet to create a male character like that, yet.

I told you you'd crack first. Good thing you didn't tall out of that chair. You might want to find a bed.

Anyways, goodnight then.
Rin 1:18 am
(1:18:48 AM): Well, I would understand why you wouldn't want your men looking girly. Might cause conflicting feelings. XD;; *Shot* I'm kidding!!!

I can never stay up too late... xD;;;; Well. Except during that time when I was pretty much always closing. Then I could stay up all kinds of weird hours. You were never around when that happened, though. >__>;;;
(1:19:09 AM): You sleep well, have sweet dreams, and be safe yo. :3 Take care, Jiru-kun and I hope to talk to you soon!! <3 <3
DarkDragon5798 1:19 am
(1:19:43 AM): I do love Shadow. .......Wait.

Never around as in... I didn't get on AIM?

Whut no I'm not trying to atsll you at all
(1:20:09 AM): stall*
Rin 1:20 am
(1:20:11 AM): xDDDD <3 <3 <3
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