Departure Song
$ $ hey hey
Just got to Hearthome; haven't entered the gym yet but I've explored the city itself quite a bit.
Current team:
Anchorage (Prinplup, 27)
Aerora (Staravia, 27)
Zauber (Togepi, 1)
Orchid (Eevee, 20)
My planned team is Empoleon, Staraptor, Togekiss, Leafeon, Raichu, and Houndoom, although that is obviously subject to change. :P
Current team:
Anchorage (Prinplup, 27)
Aerora (Staravia, 27)
Zauber (Togepi, 1)
Orchid (Eevee, 20)
My planned team is Empoleon, Staraptor, Togekiss, Leafeon, Raichu, and Houndoom, although that is obviously subject to change. :P