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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Then, Aria sent out Mace and Moonshadow also. "Moonshadow, use Faint Attack, and Sandra, use Hidden Power at the same time. Also, Hokaze, use Extrasensory on Earacor."

After her Pokémon attacked, Aria threw her Ultra Ball.
(((Now that I think of it... an all Ghost team sucks in this RP :D)))

"Spin, I think your Hidden Power is Dragon type... use it," Ohayou commanded.

Edit (ooops!): Ohayou silently fed a revive to Kasumi.

(((Does ANYbody (but me) get what Ica is saying...?)))
[Try getting the damned Garchomp pissed at you and launch a Draco Meteor at the stupid lizard... >.< How hard is it... Never mind v.v Hidden Power also works ^^]

The Hidden Powers hit Earacor... And he screamed in pain. The bizarre power of Hidden Power was able to hit through all types at once. The god crumbled, weakened, ready to be captured...
Then, Aria sent out Mace and Moonshadow also. "Moonshadow, use Faint Attack, and Sandra, use Hidden Power at the same time. Also, Hokaze, use Extrasensory on Earacor."

After her Pokémon attacked, Aria threw her Ultra Ball.

((That, since all Pokémon attacked at once.))
((And please please PLEASE after Icalasari's post, could you all kind of post just a little bit?

I need to go to bed and then I have to go to school and I need to actually be able to participate in the catching part, dammit D:<))
(((vOv I'm going to sleep once Earacor is caught.)))

EDIT: 666th post! >:D
Taisiya roared as she woke. Had she blacked out? She didn't know. All she remembered was getting hit on the head with an Ultra Ball and everything going blank. All she knew knew was that she was about to lose Earacor.

"No... not zis time..." she growled, launching herself in front of the Ultra Balls so they would not hit Earacor, then throwing her own desperately. She didn't even notice the Mismagius breathing weakly where she had been laying.

"I am... so sorry I could not help... Master..."

The Ghost Pokemon didn't seem to mind that she was dying, as she had helped save a god. The last thing Kseniya could do, was to avert the Poke Balls headed at Earacor for her master. And she launched one last Shadow Ball at the Ultra Balls, before her vision started to blur...
Mysti's Suicune began to glow and she somehow managed to avert the ball over the Shadow Ball and on to Earacor.
Aria hardly had time to blink before she knew what had just happened. She was speechless at what this person had done.

Are you mad? she thought, but didn't say it aloud. She glanced at Earacor, then at everyone else, including Mysti and Tsukimaru.
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