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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

((Ok I have nooo idea what's going on. xD even if I did read all your posts. so here goes.))

"Zeek, can you hear that? Sounds like a fight or something...?" Baby said, balanced just behind the giant Raikou's shoulder blades. She looked around, scanning for the source of the commotion.

"I guess Bella can take care of this." She mumbled, plucking the dented, scratched Great Ball from her belt and releasing the pitch-black bird in a bright flash of red.

Bella spiraled into the air, letting out a loud crowing as she flew, the sound echoing outwards, reverberating eerily. She headed towards the place the noise was coming from, cawing loudly every so often so Baby and Zeek could keep up.

((I assume we're in a wilderness type thing?))
(But we're only on the second page, and most of the first was made up of signups and OOC conversation, and you can already see it.

Most of us are, like, just starting out D:)
A hiccup echoed through the prickly grasses in the field. She thought she was invisible to the small Rattata in front of her, but Taisiya's black hair could be seen through the tan of the nearly dead grasses.

"Iiii'ma gonna get yeeew... Rattatatataaaa..." she slurred as the Rattata began to scurry away. One flash of bright white later, a Lucario appeared in front of it and glanced at her trainer. Drunk again. How many times was it now that that had happened this week?

"Why does she ruin herself with these things...?" Darya asked herself as the Rattata attempted a Super Fang. Darya only had to hit it with a Force Palm before it was knocked out. And just in time, because Taisiya had fallen over into a drunken stupor.

"Why, Taisiya, why...? You'll never catch the volcano Pokemon at this rate..." Darya lifted the intoxicated woman up and brought her over to a nearby tree. Dead of course - Weren't they all with Team Rocket in control? Nevertheless she leaned her up onto the tree trunk.
((Are there going to be obstacles and biomes again this time?))
There are a ton of things in the way for mine,like detours, landslides, and vicous Pokemon, making it take much longer than a direct route, even with obstacles.
(((Gasp... Inhale... Gasp...
Ok... I'm here...)))

Ohayou was in his secret base doing a functionless Caramelldansen montage involving him Caramelldansen-ing in random places around the room while his ultimate cannon appeared to assemble itself, when he recieved Eric's call.

"Spin! Stop the music so I can stop dancing!" He yelled over the music to Spin, who had possesed a mini speaker.
The music died down, and he opened his pokegear.

After barely paying attention to the message, he put Spin inside of a Nav system to create the Ultimate Unholy Annoying-Voiced Bitchy Global Positioning System.

"Ok, Kasumi," He said, releasing the baloon, "We need to travel."

He grabbed the baloon, and jumped out of the treehouse.

"Woo-hoo!!!" He yelled, but after he looked at the nav system, he noticed he was going 0.02 kph.

"Wait!" he yelled, strapping Spin's fan to his back and turning it on.
"Ok, we're good!" the fan propelling them forward.

"Why are you traveling by baloon? You should travel on Cut like you used to! Cut was much faster! You're going too slow! Right turn here! No your other right! *insert more senseless babble here*" the UUA-VBGPS nagged.

"Spin, stop or you're going in with the booze and the cannon!" Ohayou yelled.

-----*Insert incredibly annoying MMORPG traveling music here*-----

Several painful minutes later, Ohayou reached his destination, The Ekans Inn.
He barged in, and yelled, "BANANA!!!" and the entire bar went silent.

After the patrons realized who it was, they returned to their drinks, mumbling about typical Ohayou being cheerful in a dark time like this.

He walked over to Eric, wondering what had happened, but his thoughts wandered to the grease stain on the ceiling over the bar, then the chicken leg under the bar, then the sweaty fat guy at the bar, then the potato in the bartender's pocket, then to potatoes in general, then to farmers, the to overalls, then to pants, then to his pants, then to the color blue, then to the blue-green color of his eyes, then to ham salad, all in the span of the several seconds it took him to walk up behind Eric.

(((Face the power of the epic ADHD sentance!)))

"Hi Eric!" he cried, slapping him in the face with Kasumi's banana, then giving the banana back to Kasumi, who proceeded to slap him with it again.
He sat, and released his pokemon to the table behind them.

They began to play bingo but that's not important now.

(((The post continues!!!)))

"Ok, the supplies are in Frost," he said, an iota less energetic.
"We have bananas, pies, booze, the ultimate cannon, and healing items. Do we need anything else?"

(((Yes but, after that, I need to recharge my randomness with my dreams fit for a madman. Goodnight, and evil demons being battled by my girlfriend while I throw a Pikachu out a window onto the holy hand grenade, here I come!)))
((But I'm only halfway there...))

[You shouldn't even be a quarter of the way there. Heck, nobody even has their SUPPLIES together yet. If you go there now, you would be fried]

Eric grinned. "Good old Ohayou. Anyways, before we continue, I was attacked by a detective... And a Rocket. The Rocket sent out an Entei and Spirit saved me from a Flamethrower attack by protecting... And, you will love this, he then wandered right up to the Entei, and pied it in the face! That gave me the edge needed to shake them off my trail!"

Eric grinned more and leaned back. "Anyways, those items are nice and all, but do you have the Freeze Bombs?" he said quietly as he leaned over. "We need those to freeze the magma and flames that this Pokemon is bound to use. Ribbon could easily handle the heat, but this is a god we are talking about. The flames will probably burn even fire types."

He then took out a satellite map - Team Rocket really has trouble realizing when they were hacked - and pointed to a spot on it. It was red hot with flames and magma. "Here. This is where the Volcano is. Judging from the terrain around it, we will likely have to go through this..." He produced a list and read it off

"Forest - One of the few forests not yet killed by Team Rocket. Probably protected by the powerful Pokemon in the area. Threats here include Beedrill, Butterfree, Celebi, Sceptile, Venusaur, Meganium, Torterra, Dragonite, Latias, Latios, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Gengar, Drifblim, Spiritomb, Sableye, and Mew.

Mountains - Threats in this area, which has been made unstable lately from recent earthquakes include, well, earthquakes, rockslides, and unpredictable weather. Pokemon here include Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Steelix, Heatran, Golem, Dragonite, Mew, Jirachi, and a Deoxys or two.

Glaciers - This cold area has random hotsprings that will BURN YOU ALIVE! They are said to be hotter than magma, and that the water is so pure that it won't even boil. Also, freezing is a threat, as are blizzards. Frosslass, Mew, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Weavile, Abomasnow, Glaceon, Jirachi, and Mamoswine are all VERY real threats here.

Volcano - The creme of the crop. This place is boiling hot. Also, do not touch the magma. It may LOOK like cherry pie filling, but trust me, it isn't. Pokemon here include Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Jirachi, Heatran, Garchomp, and a Regigigas. Yes, there is a Regigigas there. See this small dot?" Eric pointed to a pale dot that looked like it had shrubs growing on it, "that would be the Regigigas. Since it is fully awake, it won't be suffering from Slow Start. Also, there is the greatest threat... The god itself"

Eric then pointed to the center of the volcano, where there was a spot of light so bright that it looked black on the map, with everything around it an intense white. "That would be the god. It is fully awake, so we can't sneak up on it..." Eric then laughed. "Like that worked with Lakinay!" he added sarcastically
Dodrio sped through the forest.

"I'm tired," he joked.

"You can run for awhile, can't you?" said Casbah.

"Yeah," agreed Dodrio. He thought he saw a Meganium in the distance, and veered to take a different path.
Some more Meganium appeared around Casbah, but disappeared quickly

Soon, there was a Meganium half-way through a tree, betraying the Mismagius there. They revealed themselves to Casbah... All 20 of them

(Night. Try not to get through the forest, as the rp has barely even started)
((When will you give us the sneak peek of the Pokemon?))
"Well, you seem to know Patrick too," said Jason to Skye. "I'm Jason, Patrick's friend. Trying to get revenge on that bit** too. Anyways, wanna work together to catch this damn Pokemon? Heard you got Lakinay. She might come in handy. Water beats Fire and all." Jason recalled Patrick, and let out Flop. Flip and Flop jumped on Jason's shoulders. "If you want, I can give you a mode of transportation. Glyde here won't mind if you get on her." He then proceeded to pet the Entei, who subsequently bit his hand softly. "SHI*!" he yelled, screaming in pain. "Well, wanna tag along?" he asked.
(Okay. ;D )

There were lots of Meganium in front of Casbah. "Stop," he said sternly, but his three-headed bird was already at a halt. He stepped off.

"Agility, and then Drill Peck."

Dodrio did as he was told, resting his body and suddenly lunging toward one of the Meganium. He pecked the Pokemon in a circular motion, and then did so with another one.

"Tired of it? Pursuit."

Dodrio screeched and ran, bumping into two of the Meganium.
Darya sighed as she pressed a button on the now-unconscious Taisiya's belt, and a large creature resembling a saber-tooth tiger emerged from the Poke Ball.

"Dmitri, you know what to do."

The Raikou nodded, sending a weakened jolt of electricity straight to the girl. She jumped, looking around frantically with her hair standing on end from the charge.

"Vhat-?!" she cried.

"Really. You should know what by now." the Lucario groaned as Taisiya's rare sobriety returned to her from the jolt. "If you keep up this drinking habit, you'll never find the Pokemon of legend. That volcano Pokemon."

"You'd drink too if you'd vhatched your family die..."

Honestly, Taisiya, I doubt I would after seeing what a mess you are."

"Vhatever... Vhere are we...?"

Darya looked at her trainer sadly. This wasn't the little foreign girl all the kids at the Trainer's School made fun of for her accent yet were always beaten by her in battling. Eleven years of trauma and the Rocket Takeover had changed her into a messed up alcoholic. A messed up alcoholic who looked bewildered and confused.

"I'm not entirely sure." Darya admitted, looking around. She saw more trees. Live ones. "I think we may be near that lone living forest."
((Hey! Don't take advantage of my sleeping habits!))

Mysti was running with Purification for a long time. To be excact, two years straight. They eventually saw the forest and ran to it. "We should watch out." said the Suicune. "I sense not only powerful Pokemon, but the burning Trainer." "But, at the lake..." Mysti trailed off before seing Meganiums. "Sorry, Pury, but this is a job for Steel Wing!" she said, returning the Suicune and calling out Charizard, who made flames spin around him like a contest. "Steel Wing, use Famethrower!" she commanded, oblivious she was yelling loud enough so the Burning Trainer could hear.
Jason heard some call out, "Steel Wing! Use Flamethrower!" Where have I heard that? he wondered. Then he remembered: Giovanni's daughter had a Charizard named Steel Wing. He went off towards the sound on Glyde and said to Skye, "Another Rocket's here! Come on! I think it's Gio's daughter!"
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