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The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

While Kurt > everyone in terms of awesome-powers, I've got to say I'm really, really glad people here don't find him particularly sexy. Certain members of the fandom have uh, given me nightmares, with their... er... well, attention to detail, when it comes to perving out on him, shall we say. :| Seriously Kurt is meant to be like. A puppy. Not a sex object. And Sexy was just evidence of that k.

*stuffs fingers in ears and sings* :[

Anyhow in actual relation to the thread (although Glee is totally on topic rite). So I moved out and my roommate and basically everyone in the place I'm living/working in is a bigot. And. Uhg. My roommate, for example; we were discussing movies (not because I wanted to because I would prefer to be alone but she's like 'come sit let's talk' and I'm like 'uhhhhg...' *sits and listens*) and she asks if I know this movie and I say no I don't like romance and then she's like OH SO I BET YOU LOVE TWILIGHT and I'm like ... no I don't like romance so she asks about another movie and then she explains what it's about because I don't know any of those movies. So she mentions one and I'm like no and she's like 'good don't watch it it has lesbians. EWW.' And I'm... well my expression hasn't changed from :[ the entire time. :[ :[ :[ Ahhhg. And she's racist and sexist and HOW ARE JEWS RACIST DO THEY HAVE A FIVE MINUTE MEMORY? AHHGGG. Let's kill all the arabs because THAT NEVER FAILED BEFORE RIGHT AHAHAHA. *headdesk*

Someone save me. ; ;
Shai, I am very sorry about your roommate ): That's really rubbish - is there a period of time you have to live with her for, or can you move out soon?

I sort of love that fic. If only because it makes some of the stuff I read and think of as creepy and weird seem totally vanilla in comparison.
I sort of love that fic. If only because it makes some of the stuff I read and think of as creepy and weird seem totally vanilla in comparison.

That is what I am here for, pal.

That is my life.
Shai, I am very sorry about your roommate ): That's really rubbish - is there a period of time you have to live with her for, or can you move out soon?

I sort of love that fic. If only because it makes some of the stuff I read and think of as creepy and weird seem totally vanilla in comparison.

I don't knooow if I can move out, that's the problem. Dx I want to move out as soon as possible, but I don't think there are any other rooms available. Gah.
going to a gay rights march on saturday. will be back with photos!
now I will agree with puppies and kittens, but Kurt does absolutely nothing for me. The strongest emotions I feel towards him are usually mild irritation or exasperation when he does something stupid.

Then it's like when you don't get an awesome band. You know it's great. But you don't get it. Kurt is adorable. ... yep.
now I will agree with puppies and kittens, but Kurt does absolutely nothing for me. The strongest emotions I feel towards him are usually mild irritation or exasperation when he does something stupid.


Hmm, I'd put Kurt on the level of puppies and kittens, at least.

Also, PORN IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM because all he can think about is the actors' mothers D:
I always thought that most people didn't like Kurt! But then I read the liveblogs the gleeclub comm on LJ does, and God knows the fandom are the whiniest, hardest-to-please people I have ever met. If Kurt (and Blaine) appear in an episode it was UNNEEDED AND CUT INTO ~SPECIAL [character they like] TIME~

I'm just like. Okay.

Personally I think Kurt is adorable and amusingly flawed, which is nice. He's *not* perfect, but that's what makes him interesting! ... I'm sort of interested to see how him and Blaine will deal with his aversion to sex, though. *strokes beard* Will he stay that way? Probably not, since this is Glee and apparently OCD is cured through dating dentists so christ only knows what's going to happen with asexuality(?), but...
Personally, I love Kurt, but I hate how the writers treat him. I feel like he's being hijacked into their little Mary Sue this season the way Rachel was last season. I'm getting sick of it and I hope somebody else becomes their "favorite" in season three.
omg Sorry for the multiquotes but I honestly have to reply to everything because Kurt. ; ;

He's the single most popular character on the show how could be possibly be underrated

anyway I'll watch glee someday but my impression of kurt is that he's a Fred that people are sexually attracted to (it's sort of confusing)

wat you mean Fred from HP? Um I guess that is possible, although I never got into that fandom and I am not sexually attracted to Kurt (and I believe most people here aren't either?) so wat.

I always thought that most people didn't like Kurt! But then I read the liveblogs the gleeclub comm on LJ does, and God knows the fandom are the whiniest, hardest-to-please people I have ever met. If Kurt (and Blaine) appear in an episode it was UNNEEDED AND CUT INTO ~SPECIAL [character they like] TIME~

I'm just like. Okay.

Personally I think Kurt is adorable and amusingly flawed, which is nice. He's *not* perfect, but that's what makes him interesting! ... I'm sort of interested to see how him and Blaine will deal with his aversion to sex, though. *strokes beard* Will he stay that way? Probably not, since this is Glee and apparently OCD is cured through dating dentists so christ only knows what's going to happen with asexuality(?), but...

Yesyesyes. The fandom is impossible. I don't know if it's like this in all fandoms, please tell me it isn't, but oh my god they are impossible. Just love the goddamn characters, or don't, idgaf, but please shut uuup. :[

Uhg but. Also yes. I loooove Kurt's flaws. How can you pretend people don't have flaws?! And those are what make us real! What bugs me most, though, are the people who are all 'KURT IS A GAY CLICHE AND HE IS BAD FOR HOMOSEXUALS >(' oh my god do you not see how homophobic that statement is. Seriously. Sigh. And there are people like that in the fandom itself.

As for asexuality, I'm actually rather worried, considering how they seemed to be dealing with Emma. Why can't she just not want sex. I mean yes, she should realize that, but it isn't helpful when Holly is like 'lol you're just frigid ok'. :[ I don't think Kurt is likely ace, but, he probably is not very sexual. More romantic than sexual, obviously. Which is all sorts of adorable, but yeah. Honestly, I don't think the writers even know about asexuality. (I did sort of grin when Darren tweeted that it's cool to never have sex if you don't want to, either, after Sexy aired.)

Personally, I love Kurt, but I hate how the writers treat him. I feel like he's being hijacked into their little Mary Sue this season the way Rachel was last season. I'm getting sick of it and I hope somebody else becomes their "favorite" in season three.

I'm hoping someone else gets more airtime because other characters need some plots, but I don't really think Kurt has become a mary sue... at all. :v I think many, many people would still complain about him being, well, flawed. Which he is. But, I do agree that the writers have their own flaws. Many flaws. *shrugs*
That's because Darren is a total sweetie. <3

And I agree with Shai that Kurt isn't really 'Mary-Sue' esque - yes, he gets a lot of screentime, but like Rachel is season one, he is definitely not perfect. Rachel is stubborn, childish, and self-centred; and Kurt is haughty and equally self-centred. You could even see that in 2x16
when he sings 'Blackbird' - he gives the dude the tape like he has planned this perfectly, and is even dressed all crazy-dapper like! It seemed to be half fashion statement, half grief, imo. :P He *knows* he's amazing, which is certainly not always a good thing.

I agree with the whole Emma thing - I was cringing throughout 'Sexy' because of it (although I did laugh at Holly's 'damn girl, what is up with that?! He's hot!' comment). Seriously, the Celibacy Club? D: WHY IS RACHEL THERE? She gave it a massive smackdown in like, the third episode of season one! Why have they retconned her into a virginal virgin of virginity? e_e It makes no sense.

Kurt is certainly unlikely to *actually* be ace, of course, but I will be kind of sad if he magically loses his current mentality over the course of about three episodes. :( It's sweet! And definitely rebukes the whole 'oh, boys want sex all the time' crap.
Darren is a total cutiepie :D

I definitely got the feeling that Kurt planned the whole thing, in regards to Pavarati, haha. I think that might have been Chris's acting, idk, he likes to put layers into his scenes.

I didn't even think about Rachel being against the celibacy club! Huh. That is weird. ... The writers can be rather ADD sometimes. :[

KURT IS A TOTAL SWEETIE oh god. Can only hope Blaine will be cool and the writers will be cool. Sometimes they are, and sometimes less so. :\
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