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The silence game

*Gives Scootaloo a bunch of pens in pretty colors because pens in pretty colors are fun to grade with*
*Hugs My Jakey because I love him*
*hugs my Reeni back and tells her that I love her too*
*hopes Reeni forgives me for not replying for like an hour because the forums wouldn't let me!*
*forgives Jakey because the same thing was happening to me*
*mentions that I will always forgive My Jakey, even though you will never do an unforgivable act*
*smiles and thanks Reeni, for just being the best ever*
*yawns because he is quite sleepy*
*slumps onto the ground, apparently unconscious*
*makes sur Jakey is okay and puts a blanket on him*
*and turns on a fan because I know that you like to hear the fan at night*
*snuggles up in the warm blanket and sleeps soundly, thanks to the fan that Hippy placed*
*Is very thankful, even though he is asleep*
*wakes Jakey up and tells him that he should sleep on his bed because if he doesn't his back will hurt*
*sleeps in his bed from now on*
*notes that The Doctor's Wife was an excellent episode, and it's hilarious that the TARDIS thinks that Rory is the pretty one*
*brings a little TV over, turns on Doctor Who, sits down next to Hippy, and pulls a blanket around the both of us*
*makes some popcorn and gives it to Jakey because I don't eat popcorn*
*snuggles with my Jakey as we watch Doctor Who together*
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