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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

((I already did. But to keep this post from being spam, I'll do a bit.))

Bowser looked around. Had he already forgotten what this place looked like? He decided to idle a bit for his next match so that he would have as much energy as possible.
((o rly? I missed the post again, then. STOP DOING THAT ARRRGHH))

Pit scanned the room again, and spotted Bowser.
"Hey Bowser, that was a good game," he said. "And I guess it's our turn to battle. So, we have to get a training room?"

((zomg that was like, the first time Pit talked in a while :o If he's OOC, I don't know what he's like, so there. >:3))
Bowser turned and glanced at his former ally.

"I agree. Remember that although you are smaller, that does not necessarily mean you can't win. Although I don't know what I mean by that."
((Hey, uh, guys? I'm really not sure what happened to Lucas755, but the tourney can't go on without him. I really wish I noticed his un-posting-ness, like, before we had to endure 8 days of pre-battle madness and getting Meta Knight drunk on coffee in order to save the plot. I will give him another day, but after that, the tourney gets it.
...And I'm just itching to euthanize this tourney...))
((Erm, I forgot about this yesterday, but I remembered this time! This tourney, however abruptly, has ended. Characters should act as if the tourney went from beginning to end and some time has passed (and no mentioning who supposedly won m'kay?). Aaaand, everyone should be in the lobby, cafe, or their room. 2 weeks after today, the 2-week ban rule will be back in effect (yes, I know, I never told anyone but I secretly suspended it), only slightly modified so that the 2-week ban will be exactly that: a ban, rather than that ugly red font.))

Can't... feel... kidneys... Meta Knight mentally choked out as he staggered out of Room 1-1. The shelves in that room, which had previously been stacked with coffee (Could that have been his room from the year before?), were completely bare. He must have had at least 3 whole pots of coffee. Of course, towards the end he kept forgetting to add water and instead had ground coffee beans in milk, which were, to his surprise, a bit bland. In all the excitement, he had completely forgotten about the clone until now.

"What do I do now?" Kitsune spoke fretfully into a small device she was holding outside the Dojo. "Something must have happened to the Shadow Bug clone! He's been in that room for far too long!" On the screen, a strange, vaguely humanoid figure came into focus. It had a white and purple tinted body with a somewhat feline look to it.
"What about the Aggron clone?"
"I-I'm afraid that Aggron left some time ago. The clone is useless now. I had to revert it to Shadow Bugs."
"What?! How could you let him leave!?" Kitsune held the radio communication away from her ear as he spoke. "This can be punished! We don't want to toy around with them, we want to pick them off! If you don't start accomplishing anything, we may have to destroy the Dojo anyway!"
"B-but... please... can't we do anything that won't damage the Dojo? Like that simulation of Meta Ridley?"
"I already told you, no! We already tried simulated trophies! We already tried Shadow Bug clones! We have no choice but to either drive them out, or launch a full on attack! End communication!" The radio communication clicked off.

Drive them out... Kitsune thought as she held the device in her, well, paw. Perhaps I could do something similar tonight... She looked up at the sky. It was already beginning to get dark. When Meta Knight blabs to everyone about the incident, they could attempt an escape. Well, I'll let them! I'll keep all the doors and windows unlocked! I could risk a break-in, but it's worth a try.
((Hey Shinyvee(I can call you that, right?) I've not posted in quite a while, which is particularly due not having anything to do due that tournament. So I have question: Can you just remove Lucas and Pearl, and let me sign up as Lucario instead? I've lost interest in roleplaying as both of them, and it lets me have some more customizable options, since the Lucario in Brawl is as personalityless as I find it possible))
((Hey Shinyvee(I can call you that, right?) I've not posted in quite a while, which is particularly due not having anything to do due that tournament. So I have question: Can you just remove Lucas and Pearl, and let me sign up as Lucario instead? I've lost interest in roleplaying as both of them, and it lets me have some more customizable options, since the Lucario in Brawl is as personalityless as I find it possible))
((Sure, alright. I'll get rid of your two characters. Once you post the form I'll add Lucario.

(Oh, and yes, as I said before, you can call me anything as long as I know who you're talking to)))
((Cool, shame I can't think of much to write right now, I'll edit this post later. My space button is a total bitch, I have to hit as hard as if I was trying to hammer a wooden stake through a thick plate of metal))

Bowser was tired. Slowly he lifted his heavy feet from the bed and onto the ground. Somehow, he was already on the ground. Oh, well. He started down to the cafe for a hot chocolate.
Luigi rolled off of his bed, still asleep, and abruptly hit his nose on the floor. Immediatley in pain, Luigi jumped up and hopped from one foot to the other.

Several minutes later, Luigi was heading down the stairs, wincing as he touched his swollen nose.

As he reached the bottom, he sat down at the café and ordered a banana and some juice from the Kirlia waitress.
Powering up.

Mecha Sonic's eye glowed anew.

"I needed that recharge," he said, "Now then, I should logically practice for the next battle."

And with that, he jetted our of his room and down the stairs to the lobby.
Luciano looked at the map he had, and realized he couldn't read it, so he threw it away and hoped he went the right way. He eventually "found" a building, which he assumed was the Smash Dojo. He went inside, hoping he found the right place, which it turned out he did. Luciano also realized he hasn't eaten anything, so he went up the stairs and hoped he could find somewhere to eat, which he did, a Café with Kirlia waitresses. "Great! That simplifies things"
He took a seat, waiting for one of them to run up to him, which one eventually did.
"Can I take your order sir?" it said in a charming manner, to which Luciano responded:
"Firstly, we're not in the same egg group, so stop flirting with me. Secondly, Yes, you can take my order, I'd like a sandwich with cheese, and some chocolate milk with it. If you find that strange I could say I grew up eating stuff like that"

The waitress was a bit stunned by his behaviour, but eventually ran away and prepared his order.
((Hey hey woah what? I've been stalking this thread, I was just away for the past couple of days. But... the tourney hasn't even started. I've been waiting for there to be some kind of announcement for it. So far we've been only matched up... right?

By the way, hover over my name on the "users who have viewed this thread," and you'll see the last time I've viewed this thread. It's kinda hard to seem alive when nothing's going on.))
((Umm, the tournament started (Luigi & Skylar vs. Bowser and Pit and Meta Knight & Tails vs. Mecha Sonic & Someotherperson) already, but it took too long and now we're pretending that it's over. You can probably just do a rolloutofbedandgodownstairs post now.))
((So we just skipped the second round?))

Ike rolled out of bed. "Whaa... what happened last night?"
Ike tried to think back, yet couldn't remember the previous night's events. "Whatever. I'll just lie here on the floor until I'm needed."
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