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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

In the lobby, Meta Knight could faintly smell brewing coffee, but oddly enough, it wasn't coming from the cafe. Is that... I've got to find out where that's coming from! he thought as he rushed up the stairs and into the door labeled Room 1-1. As he entered the room, the aroma of coffee swept over him. He saw the coffee brewing on the counter. Success! Victory is my destiny! I suppose a sip wouldn't hurt...

That was... fast... that's the fastest I've seen that little guy run! Kitsune thought as she emerged from the passage leading up to the hallway. Out from the purse she had brought with her came the cloned Meta Knight from the other night. It obediently slipped through the door that was open a crack as Kitsune closed the door behind it.

"Where do you think you're going, slick?" ((No, seriously, he did not just say "slick".))
Meta Knight spun around just in time to see... well... himself! He blinked. Once. Twice. Was the smell of coffee making him hallucinate? Probably.
Wait. No.
That thing really was standing right there!
Meta Knight stared blankly at it. He was starting to get the impression that someone had just set a trap for him.
"Well? Don't just stand there looking speechless!" it mocked. "If somebody jumped you looking to steal your body in order to fool everyone, you wouldn't just stand there looking gob-smacked!"
He shot it a 'You belong in the funny farm.' look.
"Don't believe me, eh?! Well, you'll find out soon enough!" it said as it charged at him. Meta Knight blocked his face with his sword as the two connected with a sharp CLANG!. The clone stepped back and tried again. This time Meta Knight was able to dodge away. It quickly scrambled to its feet and tried again.
And again.
And again.
Meta Knight was beginning to think that doppelganger was a little dense. He's dealt with far superior evil clones of himself, anyways. When it charged again, Meta Knight, who was getting fed up with this clone, threw his sword hard at it. Galaxia hit the clone's mask (and hard skull) with an even sharper CLANG! than before as it fainted, dramactic and anime-style, and hit the carpeted floor with a soft thud. Its eyes went out like a light as it dispersed into dozens of Shadow Bugs which melted into the ground beneath.

That clone said something about "stealing my body"... I wonder what it meant by that? Remembering what he had come here to do in the first place, he sat down and prepared himself a cup.

((There are like, three references in this one post. Think you can find 'em all?
Also, yeah, he still has a coffee addiction. Whatever.))
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Bowser was flung away. He tucked into his shell and rocketed for a midair jump, pulling out and grabbing onto the edge of the stage with both claws. He had barely pulled himself up when an Egg Roll hit him in the hand, but it wasn't too much. He started lumbering around Yoshi with the hope of hitting him with a Bowser Bomb.
((I'm back, everyone!))

Dormant State Ending in 3... 2... 1-

The red eye flared to life once more, even as a voice filled Mecha's audio processors: Congratulations, your team has won. You will now have to face off against your own teammate. Good Luck!

"So now I fight that biological with a sword. I never had a chance to see his fighting style during our battle. This..." He clenched his metal hand into a fist, "Should be interesting."
((Just posting to let everyone know that if this battle isn't finished by March 10, the winning team will be determined by either the flip of a coin or by whichever teams seems to have done better. This is ridiculous. However, if any of you decide to wait it out, that's fine with me because all of your characters will reach the one-week time limit before too long anyways.))
Pit looked over at Bowser, to see if there was anything he could do to help his teammate.. Ah, he could just go for Luigi. Pit twirled his swords in one hand, and shot three arrows at Luigi before running towards him and slashing.
((All right.))

Skylar suddenly felt that something was above him. The room had just gone dark. When he looked up, he realized Bowser was falling on him. But there was no time to get away. He was merely shot quickly out of sight, before he hardly knew what was going on.
((So.... he's off the screen now, so it's two on one...))
Yes! Bowser had landed on Skylar. He wasn't feeling too competitive, so he was going to be sure to say "good game" to the Yoshi afterwards. Now it was him and Pit against Luigi. Was it easy enough? He waited for the green man to attack him, claws ready to slash.
Luigi ducked under two of the arrows but was hit by the third. Flying back a little, Luigi was surprised when he was hit by one of Pit's swords. Flying off of the edge, Luigi fired a Green Missile two allow him to reach the edge. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a Smash Ball.

((There, that should help))
((The new rule #12 is important pertaining to items, so please read! As for the battle in progress, just count 5 posts ahead from your latest post before this one. Erm, you're gonna have to read the rule to get the significance of that.))
Bowser looked up at the Smash Ball, and then at Luigi. He lunged forwards at Luigi and attempted to whack him of the edge with his claws. If this didn't work, he'd wait until the Smash Ball needed one more hit to get it.
Luigi flipped off of the edge, but flipped over onto one of the lower platforms. He then fired off two fireballs at Bowser. Jumping again, Luigi flipped, kicking out his legs at the Smash Ball.
Bowser barely managed to dodge the fireballs, but one burned the back of his hand. He countered while looking up at Luigi and breathing fire while jumping slightly. He was a bit far, so he tried to go higher.
((Warning for Dragon. You have two days to post attacks.
If I had just put "DQ" before "Warning" then I would've been copying what the ASB refs say word for word. DX))
((! Oops >_<))
Pit faced Luigi and the Smash Ball, before spinning his swords upward to get both Luigi and the Smash Ball. Which didn't break. Pit landed steadily on both feet and fired a few arrows upward.
Luigi landed ungracefully on the highest platform, mostly because of the flames singing him and swords nearly impaling him. Nevertheless, Luigi stood up and jumped at the smash ball, spinning quickly like a toy helicopter's blades. His hands repeatedly hit the smash ball, and it burst open. Glowing with a multitude of colors, Luigi quickly landed on the ground near Bowser and summoned to power.

Dancing like a manic ballerina, Luigi watched as an orb of light appeared around him, quickly expanding towards his opponents.

((I love Luigi's final smash. One C-stick attack sends almost anyone affected flying.))
Bowser couldn't think of a word to express his frustration. Why hadn't he performed Flying Smash on Luigi when he had the chance? Well, too late now. He stayed near the middle of the stage, and when he was hit by the ball he was sent backward and up. This was all part of the plan... due to his weight he was flying slow enough for it to work. he tucked into his shell and did a midair jump, letting himself sink a little. The platform was just a bit farther...

With a Whirling Fortress to support himself, he scrabbled for a grip on the edge. "Hey, Pit. If you help me I'll help you. Hurry or I'll fall."
Pit flew up just as Luigi used his Smash, and felt himself.. moving more slowly than usual. Great. So he probably wouldn't be able to get to Bowser in time.. But he had to try. With a little drop, Pit.. moved into the green aura around Luigi.
"Crap." He tried to fly out, moving even more slowly.
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((You guys do realize that Luigi's Smash has an effect, right?

Luigi's Final Smash. As exotic music plays, he performs a dance befitting a sorcerous incantation. A barrier envelops him, negatively impacting all in his area. Random effects include getting launched, sleeping, moving in slow motion, tripping, fainting, and losing attack power. This technique is a reflection of the dark side he embraced in his brother's shadow.
((Also, on a stage like Battlefield, it should cover the entire stage, also picking you off from the air if you move in range.))
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