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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

((Should we PM Blastoise and tell him to post or something? If one's attacking the other and "the other" isn't posting, neither post because the other won't react.))
((You can if you want, but he isn't the reason I'm thinking about calling this thing off. Really, if it weren't for the tourney we'd already be much further into the plot. And "morning exercises" really shouldn't take this long even in terms of in-RP time, which is probably only 20-30 minutes. Also, only the person who is holding it up would be KO'd as they would be the first to reach the one-week timeout.
No, I'm not doing this because I lost what are you smoking D<))
((Just noticed you attacked me before >_>))
Pit dropped down, dodging most of the fireballs, and taking one in the leg.
"Ouch.." He jumped towards the Yoshi, spinning his swords in a quick circle.
((Short short is short.))
(OOOoohh.... I guess I got confused because you attacked Pit))

Bowser whirled around. He didn't have time to decide what to do before Pit was hit by the fire attack. "Fight fire with fire," he said, and whirled around. Again he breathed blazing flames from his mouth at Luigi.
((We don't have any stock, right?))
Pit jumped as Luigi grabbed him and held on. Tight.
"Aah, let go let go let go," he yelled, and flew straight up, kicking at Luigi the entire time.
Ike felt a strong image of a Target Test coming from some kind of divine power. This will be my future if this doessn't end soon! I have to defeat that fox!
His sword connected with Tails, and it sent him flying. Ike leaned forward as it went out of sight.


Ike thrust his sword into the ground and crossed his arms. His cape fluttered in the air. He was suddenly transported back into the Dojo, feeling stronger and healthier. He contemplated buying a soda at the Café, but his first priority was to tell Mecha Sonic that they won. He ran off to find him.

Oh, shut up. Kitsune touched the lit-up panel and the beeping stopped immediately. Finally. One of the battles has finished. she thought as she headed towards the cafe.

"Kirlia? I have a job for you." she called out to one of the Kirlias.
"Yes, ma'am?"
"One of our tourney matches has finished. While two of them have only just returned, Mecha Sonic and Meta Knight are both in their rooms. Get their attention, if you know what I mean."
"M-Mecha Sonic?! But he's... y'know... he's a robot!"
"I'll double your salary for this week..."
"You've got a deal~!" the Kirlia sung happily. She held her noodle-like arms to her head and closed her eyes in mental concentration.

Meta Knight's sleep was abruptly interrupted by a sound similar to a megaphone. It didn't seem to be coming from anywhere in particular; in fact, it seemed to come from everywhere.

Rise and shine, big boy! Your team lost and it's probably your fault! The Kirlia snickered. She didn't actually know if he had lost, but hey, why not be a stinker and tell him anyways?

Meta Knight sat up. I... I don't want to know what that was. He climbed down from the top bunk and headed out into the lobby.

Meanwhile, Kitsune headed for the exit. As she did, she called behind her. "Kirlia, if anyone asks, tell them I've just popped out for a short break and I'll be back as soon as possible."
"Yes, ma'am."

((IkeVSMecha Sonic will start once Exo-Raikou gets back.))
Tails stood up after being teleported back into the main area of the Dojo.

"Man, lost it again. But hey, at least I beat Metal Sonic. I'm sure I'll win a whole match someday. But for now, Dr. Pepper time!"

He ran to the Cafe, feeling pretty good about himself.

((Yeah, threw the match because A) A light character like Tails wouldn't last very long against a heavy, powerful character like Ike at such high damage and B) Because we need to move on. :D))
Skylar glanced at his partner and then faced Aggron. He whirled around and faked the steel thing out by pretending to start an Egg Roll, but then attempted to swallow the Pokemon. The blue Yoshi definitely stood out against his dull-colored opponent.
((@therocketman11: Uh, no, but since there isn't two R.O.B.s, accepted.
@Darksong: Aggron isn't here anymore. Pit is in his place.))
((Since there are slots open for newcomers, i thought I'd take one.))

Character: Sothe/Micaiah (Switchable like Zelda/Shiek)
Series: Fire Emblem
Nickname: None.
Luigi let go of the tunic with one hand, holding on with the other, and flared up a fireball. Jumping up above Pit, Luigi flared up another fireball and, as he fell towards the angelic opponent, spun around.
((Oh, yeah. Redo.))

Skylar glanced at Luigi, making sure he was doing okay, and then rushed towards Bowser, pretending to start an Egg Roll but instead faking Bowser out and attempting to swallow him.
Bowser was about to jump to the side, but it turned out to be a trick. "D--"

He was in Yoshi's mouth. It's cramped in here....
((Leave Pit alone :D:))

Pit ducked away from Luigi's fireball, and let both the attack and attacker fall. She grinned, watching them- WHAM! Pit went flying forwards, almost off the stage as an egg slammed into him. Almost forgot about the Yoshi, Pit thought, and shot two arrows at him. His wings tired, and he came down on the stage again.
Skylar was flung into the air by the first arrow, but managed to avoid the second in that way. He crouched, pausing for a moment, and then jumped to the side, aiming a quick Egg Roll at the comparitively-slow Bowser.
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