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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP


Random effects include getting launched, moving in slow motion

Both of which affected Bowser. For now he'll have to struggle on the edge.))

Bowser found a grip on the Battlefield, but the aura was swiftly coming at him.

Great black ice, why couldn't I just have gotten the Smash Ball when I had the chance? Idiot...


Grinning wildly, Luigi shot fireballs rapidly into the air, a maelstrom of fireballs raining around him.
"YIPEEE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he shouted dementedly, now jumping in the air towards Pit. Luigi flipped, and, stil grinning, brought his legs down towards Pit's head.
((Forgot about this. I've been busy playing Smash, and BEATING BOSS BATTLES ON INTENSE LAST WEEK!! OH GLORIOUS DAY!!!!

*ahem* moving on...))

Mecha Sonic jetted down to the lobby.

Ike was his name, wasn't it? I need to find him, and prepare for my battle with him. That will be something worth looking forward to...
Pit looked up and rolled away in slow-time, and Luigi's legs came down on his back. Ouch. Fireballs from Luigi started to fall around him, one just barely scorching his leg. Pit kneeled down, still in slow-time, and reached a hand to Bowser.
"Come on, I'll try to pull you up," he said, his voice not affected by Luigi's Smash. Well, that was good, at least. Useless, but.
Luigi landed on the ground and dashed towards Bowser as the Smash move's effect area started to compress. Jumping, Luigi ((attempted to)) grab onto Bowser's legs and climb up his shell. As he ((possibly)) reached the top, Luigi attempted to fire a fireball into Bowser's hair.

((That is hair, right?))
((As far as I know.))

Bowser put his own effort into climbing up and reached for Pit's hand, but there was a weight on his leg. Hurriedly he scrambled onto the the stage. As Luigi moved to his shell, his head was burned a bit but he tried to get him off with a bit of a spin. He was sent off balance and to the edge of the stage again.

How many times do I have to be on the brink of falling? He slapped himself on the head, causing a teensy bit of damage but otherwise knocking sense into himself. The tortoise stomped on the ground.
Luigi was lightly tossed off of Bowser's back, but landed relatively unharmed several feet away. Looking around, Luigi noticed his Smash Attack ending, compreesing back up to a point and disapearing.

"Wella, then." he muttered flaring up a fireball in his hand. "Bye-bye, Bowser!"

Luigi flung the fireball high into the air, then dashed over to Bowser. ((attempt))Grabbing the gargantuan tortoise by the hands and lifting him up slightly, Luigi spun around in a circle, building centripetal force quickly and letting go.
((I need to make your attack actually work, so.))

"Whee!" Bowser couldn't help but shout as he was flung. "Sorry!" He yelled, and began to fall.
Ike walked over to the café. "Uh, one milkshake, please. Chocolate."
"Certainly, sir."
The cashier said something to a chef and he grabbed a glass. Ike walked to the other end of the counter as the chef held out his milkshake. Ike grabbed it and walked to a table. Hmm... I have a few coins.
Ike left his milkshake at his table in favor of playing a little Coin Launcher.
((Tiiiime's up! It's March 10, battle's over! The winner is Bowser and Pit, since Luigi was the only one surviving from the other team. Just act as if the battle had been completed by normal means (In other words, some time into it Luigi was knocked out).))

BLEEEEEEP! BLEEEEEEP! BLEEE... The sound of the timer beeping had been drowned out by Kitsune swearing loudly in her head. Ugh! I can hear him drinking coffee in there! Or at least, I could before that obnoxious beeping started! She then began to ponder which noise sounded more obnoxious. Nevermind, I'll just sneak back to the lobby and pretend nothing happened.

At the holo-board, Kitsune grabbed what seemed to be a megaphone hanging on the side of the machine. Speaking into it, her voice echoed off all the walls and could be heard all throughout the building.


With the press of a few buttons, the holo-board began to display a new screen ((Albeit, less shoddy looking)):



((I don't care if you are a fox, if you can hear someone drinking coffee through a door then they've got problems. I mean, what was he doing with that coffee?! Gurgling it? Spitting it in the air? The world may never know.
And he sure is taking a long time. Well, maybe he decided to have the entire pot.))
Yay! Bowser and Pit had won! He wanted to say "nice job," but he didn't feel like it, so he reported to the lobby.
Pit spun his swords in triumph, and pressed 2 to exit to the main menu and grinned. Well, he should go check out the lobby... and saw the holo-board. He'd be facing Bowser, then.. Pit looked around for his new opponent.
Mecha Sonic had just entered the lobby when he heard the announcement.

"So, the second round has begun."

He looked over at Ike. "Now, you and I must battle one another."
((@Dragon: 2?! You mean people still use the WiiRemote by itself? D:
Anyways, just posting because I forgot to mention in the other post that the upcoming battles (Both the upcoming Semifinal and the Final Round) will have strict time limits. As soon as the battle starts (In other words, when the countdown sounds), if it isn't finished in 4 weeks, the winner will be declared in the same fashion as Bowser&PitVSLuigi&Skylar.))

Mecha Sonic turned to him and mentioned that they'd be fighting. "Yeah, I guess so."
I wonder how I'll stack up in a fight against that thing...
((*facepalm* Then again, though, if everyone's gonna do like last time, I suppose time limits won't help anything.))
((A lot of people seemed to have forgotten about this. I'm ashamed to say I'm one of them.))

"Well, then, we had better go to Battlefield," Mecha said, "After all, I've been looking forward to this fight, and wouldn't wan to miss it."
Skylar found himself outside the arena. Luigi had to be somewhere nearby. But he could see Bowser. He nodded, hoping the giant turtle would see him, and then headed off to his room. He probably needed a little rest.
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