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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"True, but you're running out of tricks as well, and-"

Mecha Sonic stopped as the Knight flew at his teammate.

He's Distracted. Now's my chance to end this.

His arms flipped over to reveal the missiles again.

I can probably get one more shot off before it starts to completely drain my power core. Got to make this one count

Aiming at the Knight, he fired.
((New rule in place~
I shall sum it up for you without having to write the entire thing again!
Basically, if you don't post in a battle for one week when someone is waiting on you, you get disqualified! Fun. Aaand, while Battle #1 (Ike&Mecha Sonic-VS-Tails&Meta Knight) is running quite smoothly with all typists posting (Unfortunately; I just want to win finish already! Geez, I don't give Meta any credit, do I?), Battle #2 (Aggron&Bowser-VS-Luigi&Skylar) hasn't been posted in for 6 days! If this goes on to tommorrow, Team Yellow (Aggron&Bowser) will be disqualified. To be fair, I'll PM them immediately just to say, 'Hurry your Arceus up, already! D<'.))

((On an unrelated note, just so Exo-Raikou knows why I'm not posting (In the battle, anyways), it's because I'm waiting for Lucas755 (Ike) to post determining what happened with Meta Knight's attack, and then after he does that I will act accordingly to Mecha's attack (though to be realistic it's probably a hit no matter what). This could also be the reason why Skymin (Tails) isn't posting, as how Meta Knight's attack goes over also determines how she will post.
Yeah, this kind of got away from me. XD))
((Nothing like a chain reaction attack to brighten our day.
Oh, and if that's the case, i suggest we wrap this up before next Friday, because I'm going to be gone for about a week starting then))
((Nothing like a chain reaction attack to brighten our day.
Oh, and if that's the case, i suggest we wrap this up before next Friday, because I'm going to be gone for about a week starting then))
((Alright. If it isn't wrapped up by then (it should be, though), we'll just let the battle go on hiatus until you're back~
And I'll make sure it doesn't count towards your two-week ban count. You don't really need it, though, because even then you have another week to post. But, you can never be too careful with Newcomers, since their spots can get snatched up in a flash.))
Bowser sidestepped a bit. He didn't want to be hit by any attack that someone launched on Aggron, but he didn't want to look like he was abandoning his partner. A lightbulb practically went on over his head, and he ducked down near Aggron, leaving only his shell unguarded--he was constantly swiping forwards and slightly upwards with his claws.
Tails saw Meta Knight charge for Ike. This gave him enough time to get airborne again. He noticed Mecha standing unattended, so, hoping he would still go for Meta Knight, he rolled into a ball and spun rapidly at the robot, unfurling at the last minute in attempt to give him a boot to the head.
((Yeah, I was waiting for Skymin because I figured my attack would go through fist, seeing as I'm landing right next to Tails.))
As soon as the fox was in front of his eyes again, it was gone. "What? Where'd he go?"
Instead of hitting the fox, Ike found himself flying across the stage. As he stopped at the edge, he turned around and saw Meta Knight heading for him, maybe 12 yards away. He waited for the right time, and swung his sword around his body, slamming it to the ground. Hopefully my timing was right...
Aggron has dropped out (Yes, that means there's a newcomer slot open), but that's not it. You see, Team Yellow needs a substitute for Aggron since he was in the tourney, and I have asked Male Gardevoir to get one of his characters to fill in for him. Sorry to anyone else who had wanted to enter, but he happened to be online just when I needed him, so.))

What is he doi-- Before Meta Knight could finish his thought, lava and volcanic rock spurted from the ground beneath him and sent him flying. He rolled and tumbled a ways towards where Tails and Mecha Sonic were fighting. I can't take much more of this... he thought as he stayed towards Tails. If Ike made a sudden charge at him, he could leap out of the way and, hopefully, pull Tails with him, causing him to attack Mecha Sonic instead. He had to be very opportunistic with his attacks, as he was close to fainting and had to keep his strength up. Therefore, he couldn't just go charging around the field chasing people. He continued to watch Ike.

EDIT: ((Except for the fact that he just went offline. Meh. I'm sure he'll be back, just have a little patience.))
((What happened to the Missiles?))


Mecha Sonic was briefly stunned by Tails' kick.

That cursed fox! I've dealt with him for far too long!

His arms lashed out to grab the fox.
Olimar was ready for the Brawl and went to join Smithy, he was thinking of the battle stratagies and walked to his room.

(sorry for short post, i'm trying to get a battle started.)
((Erm... I'm not sure. Skymin and Lucas755 seemed to had gotten the idea Meta Knight was flying at Ike the second after the attack, so I just kind of went along with that. The missiles... kind of got lost in the mix. :S What can I say? I don't even know how these missiles work, anyways. Do they fly in a line or are they heat-seeking?))

Meta Knight spun around. One of Tails' tails were in Mecha Sonic's grip. As he opened up his wings and tried to shoot off the ground, he stumbled and tripped. He was probably too dizzy to fly. Fortunately, however, he was still nearby and was able to dash over. He hopped a few inches off the ground and prepared to deal one harsh strike to the "tin can's" head.
((Dragon and Pit will be filling in instead, as Male Gardevoir has chosen to ignore my PM even though he's been online.))

Kitsune glanced over at the holo-board as she passed. Oh? Entrant number 5 has left... She read the name again. Aggron. She remembered the events of last night. Wonderful. Now I have to alert the other generals... The clone's are useless without their target - the real thing! Turning around, she spoke to no one in particular: "Excuse me, but one of our entrants appear to have dropped out. Would anyone like to sign up?" She stepped aside from the lit-up panel.

((This is Dragon's cue to post~))
Pit looked up. An extra spot..?
"I'll join," he spoke up. What else is there to do, Pit thought. "So, I take his spot..?" He walked up to the holo-board.
"Yes," Kitsune gestured towards the holo-board. "You just touch this button here," she pointed to the button labeled "ENTRY". "Then you go to that training room and enter the simulation." She walked away to the cafe, to what appeared to be an open laptop sitting on the counter in front of one of those seats you typically saw near counters at bars.
((They fly in whatever direction that he points them in. A video that I used as the basis for several of Mecha Sonic's attacks can be found Here ))

Mecha Sonic was about to throw Tails when he saw the Knight jump at him.

Time for a little fun.

"Go down!" he yelled, throwing Tails at the Knight
Pit nodded, and touched the entry button.
"So, the training room..." He glided to the room and opened the door.
"Hello? Uh.. I'm taking Aggron's spot," he yelled.
((Can someone start a fight with me + Smithy?))

Olimar saw his friend down the hall and grabbed his arm and started running towards the training room.
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